Gillmore's plan for the bombardment.
Courtesy National Archives.
Eve of Battle
On March 31, when preparations for the bombardment
were almost complete, General Sherman was relieved of his command, and
responsibility for the campaign in the Department of the South was
turned over to Maj. Gen. David Hunter. While this move undoubtedly led
to greater harmony of action between Army and Navy leaders, Sherman
deserves much of the credit for the successful operations against
Pulaski. Neither General Hunter nor Brig. Gen. Henry W. Benham, whom
he had placed in command of the Northern District of the Department,
suggested a single change in the siege works under construction on
Tybee, and Gillmore was retained to conduct the bombardment. On the
afternoon of April 9, everything was in readiness to open fire. General
orders were issued, the Navy alerted, and the battle set for the
following morning.
On Cockspur Island, meanwhile, the Confederates were
engaged in making final arrangements to defend Fort Pulaski. The
garrison had worked long hours, and the men were weary and apprehensive.
In accord with the instructions of General Lee they tore down the
light veranda in front of the officers' quarters and
replaced it with a traverse or covered passage made of timbers and
earth. They piled sandbags between the guns on the ramparts and dug "rat
holes" in the terreplein for the protection of the gunners. To prevent
round shot and shell from rolling, they cut the entire parade ground
into wide traps and trenches.
In Savannah, on the eve of the battle for Pulaski, a
large audience unaware of the impending event, was entertained by Blind
Tom, famous Negro pianist, who played his original composition, "The
Battle of Manassas."

Confederates prepare Fort Pulaski for battle.
Contemporary drawing made after bombardment for Harper's
Pictorial History of the War of 1861.