Morning on the 10th of April 1862, broke clear and
cold. A fresh easterly wind whipped the red waters of the Savannah River
into whitecaps, and the brown and purple marshes were showing the green
of early spring. Soon after sunrise, a lieutenant on duty on the
ramparts of Fort Pulaski reported that suspicious changes in the landscape
had been made during the night on Tybee Island near the mouth of
Tybee Creek. Several old chimneys had been torn down; the top of the
ridge had been leveled; brush and trees had been removed; and there were
dark objects visible that looked as though they might be guns.
While Olmstead and his officers discussed these
ominous signs, they saw a small boat put out from the shore of Tybee
under a flag of truce and head up the South Channel. Word spread quickly
through the fort and men swarmed up to the parapet to watch. Soon the
small boat landed at the south wharf. It brought Lt. J. H. Wilson, of
the Topographical Engineers, to Cockspur Island with a formal demand to
Colonel Olmstead retired to his quarters, where,
after a brief time, he composed his reply:
Sir, I have to acknowledge receipt of your
communication of this date, demanding the unconditional surrender of
Fort Pulaski.
In reply I can only say, that I am here to defend the
Fort, not to surrender it.
Now that the time had come to fight, the men
experienced a great sense of relief. They joked and laughed among
themselves as they cleaned up the parade ground, carried ammunition to
the guns, and prepared for action.
At 10 minutes past 8 o'clock a single 13-inch mortar
shell rose from Battery Halleck with a muffled roar. It traveled slowly
in a high arc over the fort and exploded in the air beyond. The second
mortar shell, from Battery Stanton, fell short, exploding in the marsh
east of the fort. And now the line of fire rolled along Tybee Beach,
extending itself to right and left as battery after battery unmasked
mortars, guns, and columbiads.
For some minutes Pulaski was silent; then, four
casemate guns were fired in rapid succession. Almost immediately the
guns on the barbette joined in the action directing their fire toward
the rifle batteries at King's Landing on Tybee Island.
The first shots on both sides went wide of their
marks as the gunners attempted to box their targets. One of the
barbette guns of the fort recoiled completely off its chassis, while
similar accidents on Tybee put four 10-inch columbiads out of the fight.
Despite these early mishaps, the fire from each side was soon rapid and
increasingly accurate.
Early in the day the men in the fort learned that
they had little to fear from the Federal mortars. Most of the 10-inch
and 13-inch mortar shells exploded high in the air or fell outside. The
few that dropped on the parade buried themselves in the ground and, on
exploding, threw up harmless geysers of mud. Whenever a ponderous solid
shot from a columbiad landed squarely on the wall, however, the whole
fort quivered and shook. About 2 hours after the fight began, one of
these solid shots entered an embrasure and dismounted the casemate gun.
Several members of the gun crew were wounded, one so severely that it
was necessary to amputate his arm immediately. At 11 o'clock the
halyards on the flag pole were cut by a fragment of shell and the
flag swooped down within the fort. Lt. Christopher
Hussey of the Montgomery Guards and Pvt. John Latham of the German
Volunteers sprang upon the parapet and carried the flag under fire to
the northeast angle where they raised it again on the ramrod of a
At noon observers on Tybee counted 47 scars on the
south flank, pancoupe, and southeast face of the fort, and it was
already obvious that several of the embrasures were considerably
enlarged. During the afternoon the fire slackened on both sides, and
after sunset not more than 7 or 8 shells an hour were thrown until
daylight the next morning. At the end of the day to observers on Tybee,
the fort, notwithstanding its dents and scars, looked nearly as solid
and capable of resistance as when fire was opened in the morning. There
was a general feeling among the Union soldiers that the day's work had
not greatly hastened the surrender. The mortars had proved a disappointment
and the effect of the breaching fire could not be definitely
determined. Although there had been many narrow escapes, no one had been
hurt in the Federal batteries.
Had Gillmore been able to inspect the fort at the end
of the first day, he would have had reason to rejoice. The place was in
shambles. Nearly all of the barbette guns and mortars bearing upon Tybee
had been dismounted and only two of the five casemate guns were in
order. At the southeast angle, the whole wall from the crest of the
parapet to the moat was flaked away to a depth of from 2 to 4 feet.