As the attack on the Federal left below the town
foundered, Burnside ordered his right wing to assault the heavily
defended heights behind Fredericksburg. in this sketch by Waud, waves of
infantry push across the broken plain on December 13 in it the face of
fierce Confederate musket and artillery fire. The Marye mansion is at
right. Courtesy, Library of Congress.
Even with most of his army safely across the river,
Burnside still had no definite plan of attack. Not until early the next
morning did he issue his orders, and then they were vague and confused,
couched in generalities. Corps and division commanders had no clear
conception of what was expected of them. Franklin with one division was
ordered "to seize, if possible" the heights at Hamilton's Crossing.
Sumner was ordered to push a division through the city "with a view to
seizing the heights in the rear," whatever that was supposed to mean.
Incredible as it seems, with an army of 130,000 men under his command
Burnside's so-called battle orders basically did nothing but commit two
divisions to action, one to "seize if possible," the other "with a view
to seizing."
Reynolds picked Gen. George Meade's division of
Pennsylvanians to make the attack near Hamilton's Crossing, supported by
Gen. John Gibbon's division on his right, with Gen. Abner Doubleday's
division in reserve on the left. Meade formed his men along the Richmond
Stage Road hidden by a heavy fog. Shortly after 9 a.m. the fog lifted.
The Union soldiers marched bravely out across the open plain to attack
Gen. A. P. Hill's division of Jackson's corps, concealed in the woods at
the base of the heights and behind the shelter of the railroad
At Lee's command post, on top of a hill that has
borne his name ever since, Confederate officers were treated to an
awe-inspiring spectacle. They had a panoramic view of thousands of
blue-clad soldiers in battle formation, marching with parade-ground
precision out across the open fields to the attack. Bugles blared, and
drums rolled. Horse-drawn artillery wheeled into line in skilled
maneuvers. Steel bayonets flashed in the pale winter sun. The rich
colors of the regimental flags unfurled in the breeze. Officers, on
horseback shouting orders, charged up and down the line. It was a
breathtaking sighta picture-book study of war that prompted Lee to
remark: "It is well that war is so terrible we should grow too
fond of it."
Then the Confederate artillery opened, ripping holes
in the blue lines. The charging Federals were obscured in smoke as
regiment after regiment behind the railroad embankment erupted into
action. Still they came on, up to the embankment, over it, clubbing and
stabbing with musket and bayonet.
Without knowing it, Meade had hit a weak spot between
Archer's and Lane's brigades of Hill's division and pierced the
Confederate line. But in the process he lost contact with Gibbon on his
right and, unsupported on his left, was forced to retreat when Jackson
quickly threw in his reserves. The gallant charge was wasted, since the
Federals were driven back to the vicinity of the Richmond Stage