On May 3, 1863, while attempting to
smash through Lee's rear and unite with Hooker's main force at
Chancellorsville, Sedgwick stormed the Confederate position on Marye's
Heights. This time Union infantry carried the stone wall and swept to
the top of the hill over the bodies of defenders such as these.
Sedgwick's action gained him little. The next day, still separated from
the main army, he had to beat off Confederate attacks from three sides
at Salem Church. Courtesy of National Archives.
While Richmond rejoiced at the brilliant victory, the
deep despair in Washington was summed up by Lincoln's anguished
statement: "My God! What will the country say?"
The situation for the North was not as bad as it
first seemed. In a sense, the Army of the Potomac had not been defeated,
only its general. At no time during the battle had it been committed to
action as an army. Over 40,000 troops had seen no action at all, despite
Lincoln's admonition to Hooker to use all his men. The losses suffered
in the campaign were soon made good by new recruits, and when Lincoln
appointed George Meade to succeed Hooker, the Army of the Potomac was
stronger than ever. Although few people realized it, while the North was
losing battles it was at the same time inexorably winning the war by
consistently whittling away at Southern resources.
And while Richmond celebrated, the truth was that the
South had gained little if anything from the victory. To be sure,
another "On-to-Richmond" drive had been stopped, but that was the extent
of it. The loss of "Stonewall" Jackson was a serious blow to the
Confederacy. Without him, the Army of Northern Virginia never again
executed the bold and vigorous strategy that had characterized it. "I
have lost my right arm," Lee declared sadly.
Nevertheless, the decision was made to attempt a
second invasion of the North. The Confederate government believed that
the victory at Chancellorsville had seriously affected Northern morale
and hoped that an invasion now would put so much pressure on Lincoln
that he would be forced to call a halt to the war. So Lee moved into
Pennsylvania, only to be defeated by Meade at Gettysburg in July 1863.
He then retreated back into Virginia and prepared to spend the winter in
the Mine Run area behind the Rapidan.