Portrait of Francis Scott Key by Charles Willson Peale.
Courtesy Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts.
Francis Scott Key
Francis Scott Key was born to a family of substantial
wealth on August 1, 1779, at the family estate, Terra Rubra, in the
Monocacy Valley of western Maryland. At the age of 10, he entered the
grammar school operated by St. John's College, in Annapolis, Md., and at
17 received his degree. Key remained in Annapolis to study law in the
office of his uncle, Philip Barton Key, and to court Miss Mary Tayloe
Lloyd, his future wife. In 1800, Key returned to western Maryland, and
opened a law office in Frederick, not far from his birthplace. Five
years later, at the suggestion of Philip Key, he moved to Georgetown, a
suburb of Washington.
The decision proved to be fortunate. Key soon
developed a lucrative law practice. He frequently appeared before the
Supreme Court of the United States to argue cases significant in
American legal history, and during Andrew Jackson's administration he
was appointed United States district attorney.
Key did not permit his law practice to consume all
his energies, however. He was also an active social worker. He helped
organize the Lancaster Society for the free education of poor children
in Georgetown. He was a charter member of the American Colonization
Society, and he gave liberal financial support to those organizations he
deemed worthy. Friends and strangers found him warm-hearted, generous,
and eager to assist them in any way he could.
Francis Scott Key's benevolent nature was that of a
profoundly religious man. At one time he seriously considered abandoning
law for the ministry. He finally resolved, however, to seek solace for
his conscience as an active member of the Protestant Episcopal Church.
Throughout the span of his life, Key showed extreme tolerance toward
other sects and creeds. His deeply religious outlook is reflected in his
speeches, correspondence, and serious poetry. This deep-rooted piety,
with his intense attachment to his country, conditioned Key's emotional
response to the dramatic moment when he wrote the poem for which he is
known"The Star-Spangled Banner."
Although Key vigorously opposed the War of 1812,
chiefly on religious grounds, he joined the Georgetown Field Artillery
Company in 1813 and performed a tour of duty of 13 days. In 1814, he
served as a volunteer aide to Gen. Walter Smith, who commanded a militia
force during the American military debacle at Bladensburg.
On January 11, 1843, while visiting his married
daughter in Baltimore, Key died of pleurisy. He was buried in Baltimore,
but, in 1866, his body was removed to Mount Olivet Cemetery in
Frederick, Md., thus complying with a wish expressed by him.