Theme of the Park
IN 1859, COLORADO HAD A GOLD RUSH. Although not as
important historically as the California discoveries, it led indirectly
to the settlement of the verdant meadows at the foot of the Front Range
in the vicinity of modern Estes Park, and eventually to a "rush" of
vacationists. As the scenic splendor of this region became better known,
many public-spirited citizens recognized the need for preserving
portions of the area as a national park. In 1915, Rocky Mountain
National Park was dedicated in simple ceremonies at what is now called
Horseshoe Park. Since that time millions of visitors have enjoyed the
natural wonders of the park, including placid mountain lakes, rushing
streams, and verdant high-country meadows. Here are trout to catch,
native animals and birds to be seen and photographed, and trails to
Park rangers are often asked by visitors, "What are
the main attractions of Rocky Mountain National Park?" It is hard to
answer this question, for the appeal of the park, somewhat like that of
a symphony, lies in the varied yet repeated experiences or melodies
which may be found within its framework. The raw beauty of the rugged
mountains contrasts with the calm loveliness of wildflower gardens
growing nearby. Some visitors enjoy the solitude, while others
appreciate the opportunity to meet people with like interests and hike
with organized groups on some of the 200 miles of trails. Many derive
pleasure from quietly studying the fascinating world of Nature preserved
in the park. Some vigorously battle the steep slopes of the mountains;
others relax in camp, satisfied by the sound of the wind in the trees.
All people enjoy the park in their own way. There are regulations, but
no regimentation, no compulsory activities, no "musts." That's one
reason the park was establishedfor all to use, but not to

Rocky Mountain National Park comprises a bit over 400
square miles of the Front Range. The altitude of the park is high, with
cool summers the inevitable result. There are more than 65 named peaks
exceeding 10,000 feet. The Continental Divide, separating slopes
draining to the Pacific Ocean from those draining to the Gulf of Mexico,
runs through the park.
The stories which the park reveals to those who study
it are of intense interest. Its climax scenery is made up of great
gorges, lofty peaks, and remote lakesthe product of once mighty
glaciers. Its forests and wildflowers tell a story of struggle and
adjustment to environments which differ with altitude and exposure. Its
native populationsdeer, elk, bear, beaver, birds and the myriad
lesser creatures of the wildcan be seen in their natural habitats.
Its streams attract the hopeful fisherman; its unmodified natural
compositions enthrall the artist; its cool, green setting appeals to all
summer travelers.

Enos Mills, "father" of Rocky Mountain National Park,
wrote some 40 years ago:
A National Park is a fountain of life. . . . Without
parks and outdoor life all that is best in civilization will be
smothered. To save ourselvesto enable us to live at our best and
happiest, parks are necessary. Within National Parks is
roomglorious roomroom in which to find ourselves, in which
to think and hope, to dream and plan, to rest and resolve.
His words are even more significant to our generation
than they were to his. This handbook is an attempt to provide a concise
summary of some of the park's important natural values and to arouse
your appetite for further pursuit of the enjoyment they offer. The basic
experience in this national park, as in most, is to capture some of the
inspiration and spiritual qualities of the landscape which Enos Mills
felt so keenly.