The Mountains Are Made
The geological story of Rocky Mountain National Park
is a long one. Most of its details are lost in the passage of hundreds
of millions of years of geologic time. Some of the story has been put
together by scientists from bits of evidence scattered here and there.
Like a detective story, the evidence strongly indicates a certain chain
of events, but, unlike most such stories, no eyewitnesses are available
to confirm the deductions. Few of these events can be proved to
everyone's satisfaction; we can but pass on to you some determinations
which geologists have made.
Most of the rocks which you see in the park are
crystalline and very ancient. The gneiss and schist were, in part, once
sediments formed in seas, perhaps a billion years ago, under conditions
about which there is little knowledge or general agreement. These
sediments were buried beneath thousands of feet of other sediments and
were later squeezed, crushed, and elevated by slow, ceaselessly working
earth forces which produced mountains even in that ancient time. During
this period the sediments were changed to hard rocks, probably due to
deep burial under tremendous pressure and considerable heat. Masses of
molten rock welled up into these earlier deposits and hardened under the
earth's surface. This later (although still very ancient) intrusive
material is now exposed as granite in many parts of Rocky Mountain
National Park.
These ancient mountains were gradually worn away by
wind, rain, and the other agents of erosion which must have attacked the
surface of the earth as vigorously then as now. With the passage of
millions of years, these mountains were reduced to a lowland. Another
sea gradually lapped over the land where mountains had been, and once
again sediments were dropped in its bottom. This new invasion of the
ocean affected the park region during many millions of years in which
the dinosaurs dominated the earth.

In response to little understood rhythms of the
earth's crust, which have lifted mountains ever so slowly at great
intervals all over the world, the seas drained away as the crust rose
again, and the rising land once more became subject to the ceaseless
attack of erosion. This upliftwhich began about 60 million years
agoestablished the present system of mountain ranges and basins
which gives Colorado its spectacular scenery and much of its climate.
This great period of mountain-making is called the Laramide Revolution,
from its early recognition in the Laramie Basin region of Wyoming.
The Front Range, of which this park preserves a
choice sample, was buckled in the fashion of a great long wrinkle in a
carpet. This "roll" of rock was about 200 miles long and some 40 miles
across. In its earlier stages it was covered by the arched-up
sediments, but, as time passed and erosion continued, the inner core of
earlier crystalline rocks was exposed once again. Today, all traces of
the former thick mantle of sedimentary beds are gone from the park. They
are still present beneath the plains to the east and the basins to the
west, and the cutoff ends of some of them now lie exposed in a tilted
position against both east and west flanks of the mountains. The
sandstones of some of the hogback ridges crossed by the approach roads
from Lyons and Loveland are a part of this once continuous
Uplift continued intermittently during many million
years. In the western section of the park volcanic eruptions took place.
Specimen Mountain is the remnant of a volcano, flows from which make up
the cliffs behind Iceberg Lake on Trail Ridge Road. Great sheets of lava
and similar rocks piled up in layers now make up much of the colorful
Never Summer Range. Eventually, these rocks, too, will be stripped away
by the relentless work of erosion; however, this will require millions
of years.
An unusual feature of the landscape here is the flat
summit of many of its mountains. Trail Ridge Road crosses several miles
of plainlike top of the range. These rolling summits appear to be all
that is left of an old land surface which once may have been continuous
far eastward over the area occupied today by the Great Plains. Such
surfaces, of which the mountains in the park show many good samples, are
called peneplains. Their presence atop the mountains is a part of the
evidence suggesting that the range had been worn down by erosion to a
fairly flat upland a few million years ago. Then renewed uplifting
occurred, and streams draining the highland gradually cut canyons two or
three thousand feet into the elevated surface.