Rocks Important in Forming Soil
Although zonal plant growth is mainly influenced by
elevation and exposure, the chemical and physical makeup of soils have
an important influence. These properties are derived largely from the
rocks which have decomposed and become converted into soil by forces of
By far the largest part of the monument consists of
very old recrystallized rocks, classified by geologists as gneisses and
schists of Precambrian age. These rocks form the Tanque Verde and Rincon
Mountains which are, geologically, a part of the same ancient uplift as
the nearby Santa Catalina Mountains. Hundreds of millions of years ago,
deep within the earth's crust, these older rocks were invaded by molten
materials which cooled slowly to form granite. Numerous alternating
bands, readily observable today, represent this preexisting host mass,
together with the readily recognizable "injected" material.
Thus the Tanque Verdes and Rincons represent the
"roots" of very old mountains, the overlying parts of which have been
carried away through the ages by erosionthe wearing away process
of water, wind, and weather. Some of these removed materials form deeply
buried layers of outwash sands and gravels covering much of the Cactus
Forest area of the monument at the western base of the Tanque Verdes.
There is an abundance of mica in the granitic rocks of the Rincons,
especially in the vicinity of Mica Mountain, Manhead Lookout, and
Manning Camp. Some of these old rocks contain garnets in profusion, as

Along the flanks of the Tanque Verdes, outcroppings
of ancient quartzite are noticeable in the Cactus Forest area. They are
very tough resistant rocks made by the partial welding together of
quartz sand grains. These quartzite layers belong to the Apache group of
rock beds believed to be of Cambrian agepart of the second
(Paleozoic) of four great chapters of earth history. Cambrian, and,
somewhat later Devonian, limestone deposits made during periods when
this region was beneath the sea are to be found here too. In the Cactus
Forest area, there are also small outcroppings of two kinds of lava
flows, dark basalt and the lighter colored rhyolite, indicating local
volcanic activity during Tertiary timespart of the fourth and
current era of earth history, the Cenozoic.
The Rincon limestone, which although of Cambrian age,
is one of the topmost sedimentary formations of southern Arizona, occurs
only sparingly in the monument. However, a much larger deposit occurs in
the vicinity of Colossal Cave a few miles south of the eastern part of
the monument. This Rincon formation is composed of about 40 feet of
thick-bedded, coarse-grained, pink limestone containing numerous
fragments of ancient crablike trilobites and other fossils. These had
lived here in ancient seas before the advent of today's plants and
air-breathing animals.

Quaking aspen and other vegetation of the Canadian Life Zone at
Spud Rock Ranger Station7,400 feet.
Ancient movements in this part of the earth's crust
are indicated along several faults or cracks within the rocks of the
monument. One of these is brought to your attention by the self-guiding
leaflet available at monument headquarters and also by a small wayside
marker where the faultline is crossed by the roadway of the Cactus
Forest Loop Drive.