Numerous and Varied Animals
Many species of reptiles, birds, and mammals as well
as of plants have become adapted to the soils and the climatic
limitations of the Tanque Verde and Rincon Mountains, and of the
surrounding deserts. These creatures have found the food and shelter
essential to life in the plant communities and habitats within the
monument. Animals are influenced by elevational differences to a lesser
degree than plants but are somewhat restricted to the life zones of
their habitat. However, because of their great mobility, many birds and
some of the larger mammals spend the winter in the desert, moving upward
in the summer to the cooler life zones of the highlands, practicing a
sort of "vertical migration."
When many people use the word "animals" they are
thinking only of mammals; and they are likely to be surprised at the
statement that animals are numerous in the desert. If you travel by
automobile, the desert may appear devoid of animal life, especially in
summer. You may see only an occasional rabbit carcass on the road, or a
raven or vulture circling overhead. Nearly all desert animals have
learned that survival means conservation of moisture. Therefore, during
the heat and low humidity of midday, loss of moisture may be greatly
reduced by remaining quiet in the shade of a creosotebush or mesquite
tree, or resting underground in a burrow. Reptiles are unable to endure
extended exposure to excessive heat or direct sunlight because they have
no internal control over body temperature. In the spring and autumn,
however when the sunshine is not so intensely hot, desert reptiles are
often seen abroad at midday. In cool weather they need the sun's heat to
raise their body temperature to the level of comfort and effective

Even in death the Saguaro is spectacular. After the succulent
tissue dries and falls away, the many-ribbed skeleton bleaches under the
desert sun.
Insects are generally not bothered by excessive heat,
many species carrying on their activity during the hottest hours. This
is especially true when the plant blossoming season is at its height.
Flowers of the mesquite, palo verde, catclaw, saguaro, and other desert
plants are "alive" all through the day with many species of winged
creatures seeking nectar and pollen, or preying on other insects
attracted to the blossoms. The insects, in turn, provide food for
various species of birds, the flycatchers flocking to parts of the
desert where nectar-yielding flowers are numerous. By their abundance
and because of the absence of extreme cold, the desert climate enables
insects to be active throughout much of the year and support a
considerable bird population.
Insects play a far more important part in the plant
and animal life of the desert than is usually realized. Many desert
flowers must be insect pollenized to produce viable seeds. Birds of the
flycatcher groups depend upon insects for food; and even the seed-eating
birds, during the nesting season, rely upon insects to provide the
enormous quantities of food and moisture required by their fast-growing
nestlings. Many other desert creatures, including certain snakes and
lizards and some spiders, depend upon insects for food. The body juices
of the insects provide the all-important moisture which these creatures
can get from no other source. Bats, too, are insect eaters, spending the
hours of darkness in seemingly aimless and erratic flight while foraging
for moths and other night-flying insects which visit the usually white
or light-colored blossoms of night-blooming plants.
Some species of insects may become so numerous that
they threaten to wipe out the plants on which they live. In a national
monument this would endanger scenic values. Insects may also spread
plant diseases. A serious necrosis disease which has reduced stands of
mature saguaros has been traced to bacteria spread by larvae of a desert
moth. Bark beetles annually damage or kill numbers of pinyons and
ponderosa pines in the Rincon Mountains, but have been kept sufficiently
under control by their natural enemies so that their ravages have never
reached epidemic proportions in the monument.

The fierce appearing praying mantid is harmless to humans.
Among the common spectacular insects is the TARANTULA
HAWK (Pepsis formosa), a large blue-black, red-winged wasp that
preys on large spiders. Paralyzing the spider with its sting, the wasp
lays a single egg on its victim thereby assuring an abundance of living
food for its young. The PRAYING MANTID (Stagmomantis californica)
is another large insect, usually green in color making it inconspicuous
among the foliage of desert plants which it frequents in search of small
insects. Ants of many species are active almost everywhere in the desert
harvesting seeds of various plants. Some species construct mazes of
underground nest tunnels depositing the excavated materials on the
surface, forming conical, sometimes craterlike, anthills.
There are a number of other jointed-leg creatures,
including the spiders, which are somewhat similar to insects. Among
these, the North American TARANTULAS (Aphonopelma sp. and
Dugesiella sp.) are famous for their large size and formidable
appearance. This has given them the wholly undeserved reputation of
being dangerous to humans. The really dangerous creatures are the
SCORPIONS of which several species are found in the monument. Only the
small straw-colored scorpion has venom known to have been fatal to
humans in some cases. The other scorpions found in the area are capable
of inflicting painful stings which have only localized and rarely
serious effects.

The brown or black tarantula spiders are timid and retiring. Their
poison is less potent than that of a honey bee.
Except for small lizards, reptiles are not much in
evidence in the monument. Nevertheless they are present and are
important in the various plant-animal communities in which they are
active. Almost all of the lizards are insect eaters, cooperating with
birds in keeping the countless numbers of these crawling and flying
creatures within bounds. A notable exception is the GILA MONSTER
(Heloderma suspectum) largest of the lizards found in the United
States. It is also the only poisonous species of lizard in this country.
The Gila Monster is especially fond of bird eggs, and also eats
nestlings and small rodents, obtaining necessary moisture from their
body juices. These food habits are quite similar to those of the several
species of snakes found in the monument, the majority of which are
perfectly harmless to humans.

The Gila monster.
As the lizards help to hold down the insect
population, so the snakes are important in preventing the buildup of
large numbers of rodents which might result in widespread damage to
vegetation. Visitors to the monument rarely have opportunity to observe
snakes since they are in hibernation during the winter and remain in the
shade or in underground burrows during the hot part of each day during
summer. Perhaps those most frequently seen are the GOPHER SNAKE
(Pituophis sayi affinis) and the RED RACER (Masticophis
flagellum frenatus). Many desert snakes hunt only at night, while
others that are normally active during days of moderate temperature,
become night hunters during hot weather. Although not abundant, there
are several kinds of rattlesnakes in the monument, the commonest species
in the desert being the WESTERN DIAMOND RATTLESNAKE (Crotalus
atrox). Except for the small and very rare SONORA CORAL SNAKE
(Micruroides euryxanthus), rattlesnakes are the only poisonous
snakes in the monument.

Slender and light-bodied, the western red racer or
whipsnake climbs into bushes and low trees in search of bird

Western diamond rattlesnake.
Don't be surprised if, while following a desert
footpath you come upon a plodding tortoise. This is a bona fide desert
dweller, the DESERT TORTOISE (Gopherus gassizi), which is a

The desert tortoise.
As might be expected, amphibians are scarce in the
monument because of lack of permanent water. However, the few springs
and seeps furnish excellent places for several species of amphibians to
breed. Best known among these are the DESERT TOAD (Bufo
punctatus) and the CANYON TREE TOAD (Hyla arenicolor). Most
spectacular of the desert amphibians and largest toad in the United
States is the huge COLORADO RIVER TOAD (Bufo alverius) sometimes
found around residences in the evening when outdoor lights attract
swarms of insects upon which these big amphibians feed.

Colorado river toad.