Volume X No. 3 - August, 1937
Llao Rock, A Lava Flow Burying A Glacial Valley
By Wayne E. Kartchner, Ranger Naturalist, 1936-1937

Massive grandeur and sheerness combine to make Llao Rock, on the
northwest side of Crater Lake, one of the outstanding features of the
crater wall. The top of the rock, 8,046 feet above sea level, stands
1,884 feet above the surface of the lake.
In addition to being an impressive scenic features, Llao Rock is of
great significance in the in the interpretation of the events that took
place during the building of Mount Mazama, the name given to the peak,
the destruction of which resulted in the crater in which Crater Lake is
cupped. Llao Rock is a dacite lava flow, one of the most recent flows
on the slopes of Mount Mazama. The evidence indicating whether the flow
issued from the summit crater of the ancient peak or from a secondary
vent on the slope has been destroyed. Regardless of the location of the
vent from which the flow issued, there is distinct evidence that the
dacite lava in moving down the mountain followed the course of a valley
carved by a glacier. A sufficient quantity of lava issued to completely
fill and overflow the glacial valley which has been carved to a depth of
500 to 600 feet, the maximum thickness of the flow being approximately
1,200 feet.
The conclusive evidence that the flow buried a glacial valley is as
follows: (1) The cross-section of the base of the flow is distinctly
U-shaped. Such a cross-section is characteristic of valleys carved by
alpine glaciers. (2) Glacial scratches occur on rock surfaces on which
the flow rests. The existence of glacial striations at points marked A
and B on the sketch of Llao Rock which appears on the following page was
determined by Ranger Naturalist Loren F. Miller. (3) Several feet of
morainal material (glacial till) occurs immediately below the flow at
the point marked B on the sketch.
The question has arisen as to whether the flow occurred while a
glacier occupied the valley. Observations indicate that there was no
glacier in the valley at the time of the flow. There is distinct
evidence that the viscous lava came in contact with the morainal
material, pebbles and small boulders being partially embedded in the
underneath surface of the flow. Had ice existed in the valley at the
time of the flow there would undoubtedly be evidence of caves formed as
the ice melted out beneath the flow. Evidence of such caves is entirely
From the evidence presented it may be concluded that Llao Rock
represents a recent lava flow which filled and buried a glacial valley
carved to a depth of 500 to 600 feet on the northwest slope of Mount
Mazama, and that the flow occurred when the valley was free of ice.
