Volume X No. 3 - August, 1937
Mammals On Wizard Island
By R. R. Huestis, Ranger Naturalist

Three of four species of diurnal mammals have been reported as
living on Wizard Island in Crater Lake. The mammals are, the brown
coney, Ochotona princeps brunnescens Howell; the golden-mantled
ground squirrel, Callospermophilus chrysodeirus chrysodeirus
(Merriam); and a chipmunk. The latter might be Allen's Chipmunk,
Eutamias townsendii senex (Allen), or the smaller Eutamias
amoenus amoenus (Allen), the Klamath Chipmunk. Both species of
chipmunks may have been seen.
On July 28, 1937, twenty delusion (live) mouse traps were set along
the trail leading to the top of Wizard Island. The traps were set among
lava rocks and under logs. These traps took two adult female Mazama
red-backed mice, Clethrionomys californicus mazama (Merriam).
These mice are relatively rare specimens in trap-lines and very little
is known about their life history. It is an interesting fact that the
type specimen of this subspecies was taken by C. Hart Merriam and Vernon
Bailey on the south side of Crater Lake, August 15, 1896. The two
trapped specimens closely resemble in color and measurements the
specimens described by Bailey.* The measurements tabulated below are in
Total Length | Tail Vertebrae |
Foot | Ear |
162.8 | 51.5 |
19.0 | 11.2 |
157.2 | 53.7 |
18.4 | 12.0 |
It may be seen from the above that the two specimens of Mazama
red-backed mice have tails about one-half the length of the body and
small ears. They also have small eyes. They are bright reddish brown
along the back with greyer flanks and a pale cream-colored ventral
On August 8 twenty delusion mouse traps and twenty large and small
snap traps were set on the north slope of Wizard Island. The delusion
traps took four deer mice, Peromyscus maniculatus ssp., and the
snap traps took one Peromyscus, some coneys and golden-mantled
ground squirrels. Only one Peromyscus was an adult. It measured
172.3 x 81.8 x 22.3 x 18.4. These measurements are duplicated by
specimens taken along the rim; in color the specimen presented no
obvious differences from the mainland type. No chipmunks were taken at
this time nor in a previous night's trapping, and none have been seen on
the island this year (1937).
The mammalian fauna of Wizard Island is interesting because no one
knows how the animals got there. Coneys are common inside the rim of
Crater Lake but they never venture any distance from the home rock
slide. Swimming Skell Channel, the narrowest arm of water between the
island and the mainland, would be quite out of character for them. It
seems improbable that they would venture out of their winter retreats
and cross the island on ice. Golden-mantled ground squirrels are in
hibernation in the winter. It seems quite improbable that they would
swim across although this method of transportation may be possible.
Peromyscus swim readily. They could easily have been transported
by a boat, a method of travel which would also be open to squirrels and
chipmunks. The habits of red-backed mice are insufficiently know to
venture comment on how they got to Wizard Island.
While visiting the island during the summer months Dr. R. M. Bond
found signs indicating the presence of either a fox or a bobcat. It
seems quite possible that a more extended investigation might show, in
addition to deer mice, Mazama red-backed mice, ground squirrels, and
coneys, the presence of which has already been determined, or past
occupancy, of still other mammals of Wizard Island.
*Bailey, Vernon, The Mammals and Life Zones of Oregon, N.
Amer. Fauna No. 55, U.S.D.A. Bur. of Biol. Sur., June 1936.
