Nature Notes

Volume XII No. 1 - October, 1946

Recovery Of A Banded Gray Jay
By Dr. D. S. Farner, Ranger-Naturalist

gray jay

On August 6, 1946, in the course of ornithological investigations along the summit of the Cascade Divide between Annie Springs and Union Peak, two gray jays (Perisoreus canadensis griseus Ridgway) were collected from a family group of at least three. The birds were traveling from tree to tree through a rather dense stand of mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana (Bong.) Sargent). The collecting locality was one and one eighth miles southwest of Annie Springs, about 50 yards west of the Union Peak motorway. The altitude of this locality is approximately 6250 feet. One of the collected specimens had on its leg Biological Survey Band No. A283458. Mr. F. C. Lincoln kindly supplied the information that this band had been originally issued to Mr. W. T. Frost, formerly a ranger at Crater Lake. According to the data by Mr. Frost this gray jay was banded as an adult at Annie Springs on December 27, 1937. The bird was retrapped nine times on the day that it was banded, and four times on the following day. Mr. Frost placed and additional band of yellow color on the bird's other leg for purposes of sight identification. This band had been lost by the time of the above described recovery. This recovery is of interest not only because of the age of nearly nine years attained by the bird but also as an indicator of the extremely restricted range of individuals of this species.

Some Miscellaneous Ornithological Notes
By Dr. D. S. Farner, Ranger-Naturalist


These notes have been selected from my field notes for the summers of 1940 and 1946. Only those which made a pertinent or interesting contribution to our knowledge of the birds of Crater Lake National Park have been included.

Erismatura jamaicensis rubida (Wilson) : Ruddy Duck
A pair observed about one half mile from Cloud Cap on the surface of Crater Lake, July 4, 1940. This is apparently a new record for the park.

Accipiter velox velox (Wilson): Sharp-shinned Hawk
Two seen in flight near Red Blanket Creek near the south boundary of Crater Lake National Park, August 28, 1946.

Accipiter cooperi (Bonaparte): Cooper's Hawk
One observed near the upper end of White Horse Creek Canyon, August 9, 1946.

Buteo regalis (Gray): Ferruginous Rough-leg
One seen in flight near Discovery Point, August 2, 1946.

Aquila chrysaetos canadensis (L.): Golden Eagle
Single birds observed between Wizard Island and the south rim on July 29, 1946 and August 3, 1946.

Circus cyaneus hudsonius (L.): Marsh Hawk
One seen in flight along south rim, July 19, 1946. This bird was in brown plumage.

Falco peregrinus anatum (Bonaparte): Duck Hawk
One seen in flight near Red Cone, July 30, 1946. One seen in flight near Discovery Point, August 9, 1946.


Charadrius vociferus vociferus (L.): Killdeer
One observed at the boat landing on the south shore of the lake, July 13, 1940.

Larus californicus Lawrence: California Gull
Seen almost daily in numbers from one to ten on the surface, or flying above the surface of Crater Lake, July 18, 1946 to September 1, 1946.

Phalacrocorax auritus albociliatus Ridgway: Farallon Cormorant
Conspicuous by their complete absence from the Phantom Ship during the 1946 summer.

Megaceryle alcyon caurina (Grinnel): Western Belted Kingfisher
One observed on Wizard Island, August 4, 1940. One observed on the Phantom Ship, August 17, 1940.

Asyndesmus lewis Gray: Lewis's Woodpecker
About three hundred seen between the Watchman and Cleetwood Cove, August 31, 1940. These birds were feeding and not in actual migration. I observed none in 1946.

Dryobates pubescens ssp.: Downy Woodpecker
Two observed near Bear Bluff, August 13, 1946. Not previously recorded from the park. Specimens are needed for further study.

Picoides tridactylus fasciatus Baird: Alaska Three-toed Woodpecker
One observed and collected near Red Cone Spring, August 14, 1946.

Nuttallornis mesoleucus (Lichtenstein): Olive-sided Flycatcher
Common throughout the park during the summer of 1946. A pair feeding at least three young out of the nest observed near Bear Bluff, August 13, 1946.

Tachycineta thalassina lepida Mearns: Violet-green Swallow
About 15 seen in the open area around the headwaters of the east fork of Munson Creek, July 23, 1946.


Parus gambeli abbreviatus (Grinnell): Short-tailed Chickadee
A pair with six young out of the nest seen near Park Headquarters, July 13, 1940.

Sitta carolinensia aculeata Cassin: Slender-billed Nuthatch
Single birds observed along the south rim, August 9, 19, 26, 1946.

Cinclus mexicanus unicolor Bonaparte: Dipper
One observed at base of Chaski Slide, July 11, 1940. One observed near boat landing on south shore of Crater Lake, August 18, 1946. It should be remembered that the littoral fauna of Crater Lake is essentially that of a mountain stream and that it is therefore not surprising to find dippers in this situation.

Salpinctes obsoletus obsoletus (Say): Rock Wren
An adult and three young seen near the boat landing on the south shore of Crater Lake, August 2, 1940.

Sialia mexican occidentalis Townsend: Western Bluebird
Three observed near Red Blanket Spring, August 14, 1946. This new record for the park needs to be confirmed by collected specimens.

Spinus pinus pinus (Wilson): Northern Pine Siskin
A juvenile bird following an adult and seeking food from it seen along south rim, August 26, 1946.

Passerella iliaca ssp.: Fox Sparrow
Three seen on Red Blanket Creek motorway about 2.5 miles from the south boundary. One was carrying food in its bill indicating that it was possibly a breeding bird feeding young. One collected, July 8, 1946.

Melospiza melodia ssp.: Song Sparrow
One seen in Munson Meadows in areas where lincolni was abundant, July 20, 1946. This needs to be verified by collected specimens to establish it as a new park record.

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