Volume XII No. 1 - October, 1946
Food Habits Of Crater Lake Salamanders
By Dr. D. S. Farner, Ranger-Naturalist
Two species of salamanders, belonging to the genera Triturus
and Ambystoma respectively, occur under the rocks at the
waterline of Crater Lake. On August 17 and 24, 1946, 56 salamanders
were collected for the purpose of examining their stomach contents.

Of the 27 Ambystoma examined, 19 of the stomachs contained
material. Fourteen (74 percent) of these contained terrestrial
arthropods, or fragments thereof. These were mostly insects such as
ants, wasps, flies, beetles, etc. Usually there were parts of one or
two animals only per stomach. Seven stomachs (37 percent) contained
aquatic insect larvae. Two stomachs contained unidentifiable material
only. One contained only a piece of andesite about one centimeter in
Of the 29 Triturus examined, there were 27 with food items in
their stomachs. Sixteen (56 percent) contained the fresh-water shrimp,
(Hyallela), (one to sixteen per stomach). Nine of these sixteen
had no items other than Hyallela. Eight stomachs (30 percent)
contained snails (one to 15 per stomach). In four of these, snails were
the only item; in the other four, Hyallela was also present. Five
(18 percent) contained aquatic insect larvae (Coleoptera,
Trichoptera, and Diptera), one to three per stomach. Two
contained caddis-fly larvae. In three of the five instances, the
aquatic insect larvae were the only food items. Four (15 percent)
contained terrestrial insects or fragments thereof (never more than one
per stomach). In three of these, the insect, or fragment thereof, was
the sole item; in the fourth, there were also two Hyallela. One
stomach contained unidentifiable material.
The terrestrial arthropods, mostly insects, found in the stomachs of
the salamanders are doubtless individuals which were either dead at the
time of eating or were in a helpless and easily captured living
condition on or in the water. In view of the fact that 74 percent of
the Ambystoma stomachs with food contained such items and only 37
percent contained items would could have been taken alive it
seems safe to conclude that the Ambystoma of Crater Lake is
largely a scavenger taking mostly dead animals. Live food taken is that
which moves slowly. Apparently fresh-water shrimp and snails, both
abundant in its habitat, are not utilized. On the other hand, it
appears that Triturus acts as a scavenger only rarely since only
15 percent of the stomachs contained terrestrial arthropods. Obviously
the principal source of food for Triturus, at least at the time
of year in which this study was conducted, consists of fresh-water
shrimp and snails. Seventy-one percent of the stomachs examined
contained either or both of these items. Aquatic insect larvae
constitute the next most important item.
It is of interest to note that, in the stomachs of either species,
neither aquatic Coleoptera nor Turbellaria were found;
although both are abundant in the habitats of these species.