Volume XV No. 1 - September, 1949
The Frozen Lake
By Franklin C. Potter, Ranger-Naturalist
The biggest news of the year from Crater lake is that its surface
froze solid in the winter of 1949. The lake that pamphlets said would
never freeze because it was too deep has frozen; and, moreover, stayed
frozen for almost three months.
An examination of the winter weather reports since 1926 reveals that
the lake had never frozen during that time. However, in The
Providence Manual of Information, compiled by the ranger-naturalist
staff of 1934, H. H. Waesche reported that the lake was frozen over for
two days in 1924. He adds that E. I. Applegate "suspects" that it was
frozen at times during the winter of 1897-98 when the temperature at
Fort Klamath reached -42° F. Although the lake often has skim ice
sometimes over its whole surface, its resistance to freezing is due to
the heat reservoir in the immense volume of water.
During the past winter the mean temperatures were lower than ever
recorded. December had a mean temperature of 19, January 18, and
February 22. The extremes were -9 December, -14 in January, and -8 in
February. Considering that only eight out of 17 past winters had
weather below zero, it was a cold winter on Mount Mazama.
A limnological survey of Crater Lake revealed that temperature
stratification of the lake occurs at about 200 feet. Below that depth
the water remains perpetually at 38 degrees. In the upper 100 feet the
water temperature varies from 32 to 67, depending upon external factors;
the highest temperature is near shallow shores. One reason that the
lake fails to warm under the summer sun is a lack of suspended material
which would absorb heat and warm the surface water. Because water
becomes denser as it cools to 38 in colder weather there is some
turnover in the upper layer, the warmer water rising from below. As the
surface is cooled below 38 it becomes less dense and the water below
imparts heat toward the surface, retarding ice formation. Crater Lake,
with its great depth, stores a large amount of heat, even in water of 38
This past winter a long period of abnormally low temperatures forced
the upper water strata down to 32 degrees and the surface even lower.
Heat absorption from the lake by the air was faster than convection of
heat from the depths. Ice first appeared around the shoreline and
gradually grew towards the center of the lake. After the surface was
solid heavy snowfalls deposited four feet of snow on the two inches to
one foot of ice. Now that it is known that the lake can freeze under
certain conditions, another delicate environmental balance is added to
those which determine the character of the mountain and the lake.
The Little Beggars Are Scarce
By Ralph R. Huestis, Ranger-Naturalist
The golden-mantled ground squirrel, which certainly affords park
guests as great an amount of entertainment and opportunity for behavior
study as any member of our wildlife group, was only moderately common
during the 1949 season. Good indicators of the size of the squirrel
population are the maximum number of squirrels that can be seen at one
time at the head of the Lake Trail and the number of squirrels resident
in the upper part of the Rim Camp area. To see twelve squirrels at a
time at the head of the Lake Trail, and all of them big ones, means a
big park population. Sample observations made during 1949 gave the
writer an eight squirrel maximum and a mode of four. Some of the
squirrels were yearlings and one was even a young of the year. No such
callow operative could have maintained a pitch there during the roaring
30's. He wouldn't have lasted an hour. One squirrel only has been
around the upper Rim Camp area.
Young of the year came out of maternal burrows in the rim area
during the first week of August, 1949, in numbers much under modal, and
gave no support to the theory that a rather sparse population of adults
is necessarily favorable to population replenishment. In 1947 squirrels
were so plentiful on highway 230 that they constituted a driving hazard.
This year the area is so largely deserted that it must be concluded that
squirrel scarcity is a more than local phenomenon. Be that as it may,
the individuals that are with us are acting as though they are convinced
that lean squirrel years need not necessarily produce lean