Volume XV No. 1 - September, 1949
Ornithological Notes Of Interest
By Ralph R. Huestis & Paul Shepard, Jr., Ranger-Naturalists
Passing observation was made of a number of bird species during the
1949 season. Rosy finches were seen near the top of Garfield Peak Trail
and on Cloudcap on several occasions and during the last week of July a
parent was seen feeding two birds of the year. The hunger cry of these
proved to be quite musical and a pleasant change from the bleats of
young robins and squawks of petitioning nutcrackers so commonly heard in
the Rim Camp.
On August 4th two golden eagles were soaring over Garfield Peak and
the next day an immature bird was seen over the rim drive behind Llao
Rock. Golden eagles were seen over Garfield again on August 13 by the
morning field trip party. When seen in the park, they are more often
observed in the area along the rim between Garfield and Applegate Peaks
than elsewhere. Consequently, this area is called Eagle Crags. Although
both bald and golden eagles have been seen along the rim, recent nesting
records here are of bald eagles which bred seven years ago on Wizard
Island. No bald eagles were reported this year.
On August 5th a flock of about 20 large finches was feeding along
the edge of the crater of Wizard Island. They moved rapidly but
ultimately one bird perched within about forty feet and in full view of
the binoculars. It appeared to be a female pine grosbeak, and the
undulating flight of the flock as it crossed Skell Channel presented
additional evidence in favor of the identification.
Rock wrens, unreported during the 1948 season, were present on the
large talus slope underneath the Garfield Peak trail. Singing birds
were heard there during the second week in July. In past seasons these
handsome little rock dippers have been common inside the rim, their
pleasant song rising to greet the Sinnott Memorial attendant on his
During our stay in the utility area at headquarters we heard more
than the usual number of olive-sided flycatchers. In the same locality
during the first week of July, Audubon Warblers were present in
considerable numbers but no other warbler species were heard or
From the rim viewpoint just west of Hillman Peak, ravens have been
observed a number of times during the summer. Past observations
strengthen an assumption that these large corvids nest within the rim.
During June and July a company of four, probably a family group, have
been seen casually along the rim from the lodge to the Devil's Backbone,
sometimes flying over the Rim Village or wandering down Munson Valley.
The hoarse croak and the long pointed wings distinguish the ravens from
their close relatives, the crows, and the ranges of the two birds seldom
Besides those of golden eagles there have been some other
interesting notes on birds of prey this summer. The red-tailed hawk has
previously been reported nesting in upper Munson Valley, and evidently
did so again this year. At least one immature red-tail wandered about
the valley near park headquarters. It was seen several times during
July and August, giving the hunger cry almost constantly and being
besieged by robins, tanagers, and jays. The falcons reported annually
to nest in Llao Rock are prairie falcons. A family group of two
immature birds and an adult were observed near the base of the Rock on
July 27, the young giving the hunger call. During the afternoon of
Saturday, August 13th, one of the juvenile birds perched on a hemlock by
the Sinnott Memorial for about 15 minutes. A crowd of park visitors
collected on the walk in front of the Information Building, and there
was ample opportunity to identify with field glasses this strikingly
light-colored, dark-eyed falcon, whose plumage contrasts to the dark
color of the duck hawk. Although the latter nests typically near a body
or stream of water, the paucity of waterfowl and shorebirds on the lake
would suggest that these falcons depend largely on small mammals for
food, as would be expected of prairie falcons. One member of this
family group was observed soaring on the outside of the rim on August
During the latter part of August and early September a rather
extensive migration of hawks passed through the park. When northwest
winds prevailed, creating thermals on the west slopes, the fire lookout
on Scott Peak reported scores of hawks of several species passing all
day long. Notable among them were goshawks, marsh hawks, and a number
of eagles.
The handsome state bird of Oregon, the western meadowlark has been
seen again in the meadow east of the lodge, this year on July 8th. Post
nesting dispersal probably accounts for the singular appearance of the
only member of the blackbird family that has been reported from the rim
area during the summer. As winter approaches the meadowlark gathers in
small flocks and move down into sheltered valleys. like the eastern
meadowlark, it's mellow, fluted notes may be heard in fields any month
of the year. It is not to be confused with the true larks, of which the
western representatives are the horned larks. Another family, the
pipits, have a member known commonly as the "American skylark."
Adventures With Park Amphibians
By John W. Funkhouser, Ranger-Naturalist

The average visitor to Crater Lake National Park is oblivious of the
amphibian population in the vicinity of the lake; and the statement that
frogs are numerous behind park headquarters or that salamanders abound
at the lake edge seldom fails to bring an expression of surprise. "I'd
have thought it was too cold up here for frogs and salamanders." Amazing
as it may seem, Crater Lake has a large representation of these lowly
creatures that seem to thrive in the cold, for several of our species
are found only at high altitudes.
Soon after my arrival in the park I was surprised to hear croakings
coming from the marsh behind park headquarters. The marsh was still
largely covered by snow and it was difficult to believe that frogs were
active so early in the season. I fitted myself with a light and
investigated. Following up the course of one of the streams, I
discovered a female frog squatting in a hole under the opposite bank.
Later I located two males by their croaking. In spite of the cold that
numbed my hands these amphibians were quite agile. I collected them,
and then, to my utmost surprise, I found several egg masses. These
frogs were not only out and active, they were breeding! Identification
showed my specimens to be Cascade frogs, Rana cascadae, an
inhabitant of high altitudes in the Cascades.
I revisited the egg masses the following day. Each egg was about
one-third inch in diameter, with transparent coats and a dark embryo in
the center. A single mass consisted of several hundred eggs, all
encased in jelly. I watched their development during the next few days
as the embryos increased in size and became motile within their coats.
On the 9th day the tadpoles freed themselves of the encumbering egg coat
to take up a free life in the stream.
The same night I found the Cascade frogs, I flashed my light into a
small burrow in the marsh and saw a white throat swelled out to the size
of a marble. I recognized a Pacific tree frog, Hyla regilla. It
was truly a shock to find this pretty little fellow out so early in the
season, for I was accustomed to collect them in the San Francisco region
in temperatures far higher than those associated with freezing nights
and melting snows. This Hyla is a jewel among frogs with his
vivid green back, white throat and belly, and black eye patch. On the
end of each toe is an adhesive disk to serve in climbing, enabling him
to walk up a pane of glass. In spite of his small size, only an inch
from snout to vent, Hyla has a mighty voice. He puffs out his
throat and emits a bleat that may be heard a half mile away. Later I
saw several of these frogs among the boulders in Wizard Island, but they
were so adept at diving into crevices that I was unable to capture a
The common northwestern toad, Bufo boreas boreas, is abundant
in the Rim Area, but this member of the clan is so familiar to most
everyone that it is unnecessary to discuss him here.
The salamanders of Crater lake are probably the most interesting of
the Amphibian inhabitants. Although salamanders show a superficial
resemblance to lizards it has been said that they are no more closely
related to them than we are. The more apparent differences between the
two is that a lizard has scales and lives in dry places, whereas a
salamander dies if subjected to drying. Salamanders are more sluggish
than most lizards and must deposit their eggs in water and pass the
first stage of life as gilled larvae. The anatomical differences
between them are most striking of all, but are principally significant
to specialists.
The two species of salamanders found at Crater Lake are taken under
stones at the water's edge where they live, apparently harmoniously,
together. The more numerous type is the Crater Lake newt, Triturus
granulosus mazamae, which has been taken only at Crater Lake. He is
black, about eight inches long, with granular skin and a brilliant
orange underside. His less-common companion is the long-toed
salamander, Ambystoma macrodactylum, named for his unduly long
digits. He also is black except for a line of yellow down the back; his
skin is smooth and glistening.
In the middle of July an overturned rock revealed these animals in
knots of five or six individuals all clinging together. The ratio was
about ten Triturus to one Ambystoma. Considering the
greater agility of the latter, I had far more Triturus to show
for my efforts than Ambystoma. It is of interest to note that a
search under the rocks on the first of July had failed to reveal any
specimens. Thus, they must have congregated there sometime between the
first and the middle of the month. It is my presumption that they
winter under logs, rocks, and other objects away from the lake shore,
and gather nearer the water for breeding.