Volume XVII - 1951

A bog in the vicinity of Crater Spring.
Additions To The Flora
By James Kezer, Ranger-Naturalist
One of the exciting experiences of the 1951 season was the discovery
of a large area of sphagnum bogs in the northwestern part of the park It
is not surprising that ten plants previously unknown from the park were
found in this new and distinctive kind of habitat.
On the evening of September 14, Lawrence Bisbee, Fred Larmie and I
explored a remote and seldom visited region of the park south of Crater
Spur Motorway in search of a pond that had been reported in 1937 by Dr.
Applegate. About one-quarter mile south of the motorway spur we entered
an extensive, beautiful, wet montane meadow that was characterized by
boggy areas covered with sphagnum moss. Although exact measurements were
not made, we estimated that the meadow extended over at least ten or
fifteen acres.
To the northeast, it was bounded by a row of alpine firs below which
was a hedge of willows that looked as though it had been planted and
clipped. Growing abundantly in the sphagnum was a carnivorous plant,
mountain bladderwort, Utricularia intermedia Hayne, its yellow
flowers forming patches of color on the surface of the bog. Another
species of bladderwort, U. vulgaris, L., was collected from
several small bog ponds which comprised an interesting aspect of this
boggy meadow. The bladderworts utilize small, intricately constructed
bladder-like traps as an animal-catching mechanism. Growing in the
sphagnum with the mountain bladderwort, their leaves forming patches of
red, were two other species of carnivorous plants, round-leaved sundew,
Drosera rotundifolia L., (previously known in the park only from
Copeland Meadow) and long-leaved sundew, D. longifolia L. The
sundews have glandular hairs on their leaves which provide them with a
flypaper-like secretion in which small animals become entrapped. In the
ponds with the bladderwort was a pondweed, Potamogeton pusillus
L., and in the nearby wet sphagnum were a few plants of the marsh
cinquefoil, Comarum palustre L.
A number of days later, I returned to Crater Spring and hiked along
the northern side of the creek toward the western boundary of the park.
A very short distance from the spring I entered another boggy meadow
that extended at least one-half mile along the creek. In nearly every
respect it was similar to the sphagnum meadow that had been previously
discovered; however, it contained a bog pond that differed considerably
from those present in the meadow south of Crater Spur Motorway. This was
a body of water about 120 feet in diameter, surrounded by a floating mat
of vegetation which extended into the pond as its bottom. The mat of
vegetation was so fragile that it would not support my weight and it
made collecting in the pond extremely difficult. An abundant growth of
sedges and aquatic plants protruded through the water's surface, leaving
only small patches of open water. Buckbean, Menyanthes trifoliata
L., was growing in the sphagnum around the pond with marestail,
Hippuris vulgaris L., and the floating pondweed, Potamogeton
natans L., conspicuous in the water among the sedges. A small
burr-reed Sparganium minimum Fries, was also growing in the pond.
At the edge of the water, in the mud of the floating mat of vegetation,
were a few clumps of stick-tight, Bidens cernua L.
It is highly probable that a more detailed exploration of these two
areas will yield other plants that have not been reported from the
It should be emphasized that the areas in which these new plants
were found represent a totally new habitat for the park. Sphagnum bogs
were previously unreported within the boundaries of the park;
furthermore, the park contains only one permanent pond (discussed
elsewhere in this issue of Nature Notes) other than these Crater Creek
bog ponds. There can be no doubt that these newly discovered bogs and
ponds, with their distinctive plants and animals, add to the biological
significance of this magnificent National Park.
The Rocks Of Crater Lake
By N. H. Davidson, Ranger-Naturalist
In order to understand the character of the rocks of Crater Lake
National Park, it is necessary to have a general understanding of the
major classes of rocks. According to their origin, all rocks can be
placed in one of three groups: sedimentary, igneous, or metamorphic.
Most sedimentary rocks are composed of small particles of other
primary rocks which have been transported and deposited in water. The
common sedimentary rocks of this type are shale, sandstone, and
conglomerate. Sedimentary rocks may also be formed from chemical
precipitates of material that was dissolved in the water. Limestone is
an example of this type of sedimentary rock.
Igneous rocks are formed by the solidification of molten rock,
called magma. This magma originates far below the surface of the earth
where the temperature is high enough to melt the rock.
Metamorphic rocks are formed when an existing rock is changed by
heat, pressure, solutions, or a combination of these forces. For
example, limestone is changed to marble, shale is changed to slate.
Because the rocks in Crater Lake National Park are igneous, a more
detailed description of this type of rock is in order. In considering
igneous rocks, a very important concept must be understood: the
relationship between the rate of cooling of the magma and the resulting
grain size. If the magma is cooled slowly, the constituent minerals have
time to grow to large size; if the magma is cooled rapidly, more crystal
nuclei form spontaneously and none can grow to large size. Extremely
rapid cooling results in a non-crystalline rock, or glass called
obsidian. The mineral crystals of an igneous rock may not be all of the
same size. Because of some variation in the rate of cooling, the rock
may consist of large crystals, called phenocrysts, embedded in a fine
grained or glassy matrix called a groundmass. This rock, containing both
large and small crystals, is called a porphyry.
There are two general classes of igneous rocks: intrusive or
plutonic, and extrusive or volcanic. The intrusive rocks are those
formed when the magma solidifies far below the surface of the earth.
Because of the insulating properties of the overlying rock, the cooling
is slow and the resulting rock is coarse grained. Granite is a common
example of an intrusive igneous rock. Extrusive rocks are those formed
when the magma, called lava in this case, is extruded to the surface of
the earth. On the relatively cool surface the rock solidifies quite
quickly and the resulting material is fine grained.
The shape of the topographic feature built up around the volcanic
vent depends upon the physical characteristics of the rock that is
extruded. If the extruded material consists of fragments, called
pyroclastics, the resulting feature is called a pyroclastic cone. These
cones are quite steep, but not very high because of the unconsolidated
nature of the rocks. If the extruded material consists of lava flows,
the resulting feature is called a shield volcano. The steepness of the
slope depends upon the viscosity of the lava; the more viscous lavas
pile up around the volcanic vent and produce a steeper slope than is
produced by the more fluid lavas. A volcano composed of both
pyroclastics and lava flows, roughly stratified, is called a
There is a great variety of material ejected from volcanoes. The
lava may flow from the crater in the summit or, more probably, from
fissures in the sides. A volcano may erupt violently, throwing rock
particles high into the air. This material may be fragments of solid
rock torn from the sides of the vent or it may be clots of liquid rock
or both. The size of these particles varies from masses weighing tons to
fine dust. The largest are called blocks and the smaller particles are
called, in order of decreasing size, cinders, ash, and dust. Volcanic
bombs are rounded or twisted pieces of rock, formed from clots of molten
rock hurled, spinning through the air.
Crater Lake exists in the caldera caused by the collapse of the
upper portion of a volcano. The present cliffs above the lake reveal an
excellent cross-section of this volcano which has been named Mt. Mazama.
Alternate layers of various types of rocks indicate that this was a
Most of the rock in the vicinity of Crater Lake is porphyritic
andesite, a volcanic rock intermediate between the acidic rocks
containing much silica and alumina, and the basic rocks containing the
ferro- magnesian minerals. Andesite is typically light gray to dark gray
in color, sometimes almost black. Less abundant than the andesite is a
siliceous rock that occurs in two forms. Dacite is a hard, dense,
glassy, gray rock. Its glassy appearance distinguishes it from andesite
and it frequently has a definite flow structure. This dacite may be
called obsidian, but the presence of phenocrysts renders it a glass
porphyry instead of a true obsidian. The other siliceous rock is pumice,
a light weight, porous rock formed from liquid rock with a great
quantity of finely dispersed gas bubbles. Most of the pumice is so light
that it will float on water. Another rock, basalt, is found only at
lower elevations in the park. Basalt is a dense, hard rock which is dark
colored because of the predominance of ferro-magnesian minerals. Its
source in this area was a system of small volcanoes on the lower slopes
of Mt. Mazama.
In Crater Lake National Park there are many excellent opportunities
to observe the structure of the rocks. In the cliffs above the lake an
excellent cross-section of this volcano is presented. From the lake, the
rough layering in the walls is quite apparent. The strata consist of
dense flows of andesite, layers of pyroclastics, pumice, and glacial
till. There are also a few flows of dacite, prominent among which are
Llao Rock and Redcloud Cliff. Dikes are other features to be observed
from the lake. A dike is created upon the solidification of magma
squeezed into a crack in an older formation. Devil's Backbone is the
best example of a dike in this area.
The characteristics of a cinder cone and a block lava flow are best
studied on Wizard Island. The main portion of the island is a cinder
cone, simply an unconsolidated pile of cinders and ash. The base is a
lava flow that is now almost completely covered by water. The west side
of the island affords an excellent example of a block lava flow, whose
angular fragments represent the solidified crust broken and pushed into
its present form as viscous lava persisted in emerging from fissures in
the sides of this volcano.
At lower elevations of the park, there are many spectacular gorges
of which Llao's Hallway on Whitehorse Creek is particularly fascinating.
It is an extremely narrow, deep gorge with steep walls that are vertical
or undercut in many places. The rock is a very thick deposit of
partially consolidated pumice.
A very common feature of these river gorges is en erosional
structure often called "pinnacles." These structures occur in partially
consolidated rock and are "fossil fumaroles," columns in the rock
hardened by rising gases.
The visitor at Crater Lake is afforded an excellent opportunity to
study the structure of a volcano. From the Garfield Peak trail one can
observe both the interior of Mt. Mazama and the exterior including a
considerable portion of the High Cascades. From the lake trail and from
the motor launch the interior of this volcano may be studied in detail.
On Wizard Island, the volcano that grew in the caldera quite recently,
the visitor can study the well-preserved cinder cone and the block lava
flow. Nature has indeed been generous in providing us with this deep
caldera whose high walls, not obscured by talus or vegetation, reveal
the history of a great fire mountain.
