Volume XVII - 1951

The "Lost" Pond (Crater Lake National Park)
By Lawrence Bisbee, Fred Larmie, Roy Strand and James Kezer
One of the few permanent ponds in Crater Lake National Park is
located along the south entrance road a short distance north of the Cold
Spring Campground. To reach this interesting body of water, it is
necessary to drive into an old stone quarry on the west side of the
south entrance road about one-half mile north of Cold Spring. The pond
can then be found by climbing around the south end of the quarry and
walking about 200 yards to the west. It is located at 6250 feet
altitude, is about 300 feet long and 100 feet wide and has a maximum
depth of approximately four feet.
Curiously, this pond has in the past periodically become "lost." It
is not shown on the topographic map, consequently, when those who know
its location leave the service of the park, there is no way for
newcomers to find it. During the early part of the 1951 season, Dr.
Donald S. Farner told us that he had seen this little body of water
during his first season in the park but had not found it since that
time. He suggested that we locate it because, being permanent, it had
the possibility of containing animals and plants that would not be found
in the temporary ponds which exist in other parts of the park.
Our inquiries among the members of the park personnel revealed that
the pond was not quite as lost as we had originally thought. Ranger Paul
Turner had seen it in 1938, electrician James Kilburn had visited it as
recently as 1950 and Charles True, for many years a worker at Crater
Lake, had climbed around the quarry to this body of water about 18 years
ago. However, the fact remained that it had been seen only infrequently
and, as far as we could learn, had never been explored for plants and
On the evening of September 5,1951, we made the climb around the
quarry and found this elusive pond. The accompanying photograph shows
how it appeared to us at that time. We were delighted to discover that
the bottom of the pond was covered with a plant that had not previously
been recorded from the park. This curious species is a quillwort,
Isoetes braunii Durieu, a non-flowering vascular plant in which
the spores are borne in sporangia that are imbedded in the basal
portions of the quill-like leaves. Dr. Charles F. Yocom has prepared a
drawing of this quillwort which shows clearly both its general
structures and the detailed appearance of its megaspore as seen under
magnification. The quillworts were growing so abundantly over the bottom
of the pond that, as one waded through the water, he left a trail of
uprooted quillwort behind him.
We have recorded the position of this pond on the large map that is
kept in the Ranger's office. Perhaps that record and this Nature
Notes article will enable future park workers and visitors to find
and enjoy this beautiful and interesting aspect of Crater Lake National

Phantom Ship.
Quillwort Pond
By George C. Ruhle, Park Naturalist
As might be expected from his articles in this issue, salamanders
are the chief interest in the life of Ranger- Naturalist James Kezer. A
good observer clad in hip-boots, he spent his free time last summer in
the wet, boggy spaces of the park and Oregon Caves National Monument.
The result was the addition of several aquatics to the flora of the
regions. His first find was a quillwort, Isoetes sp., in Lower
Biglow Lake above Oregon Caves. Later he found his "lost" pond near
Arant Point floored with it.
Tho it is not indicated upon park maps, this small pond was not
unnoticed in the past. There is a current story that it was planted with
fingerlings in the early thirties. Their introduction was the signal for
numbers of pelicans to visit the shallow waters until the last fish was
consumed. Former park ranger Jack Frost said that he had heard this
story in 1936. He made two trips to the pond in 1937, never to see
waterfowl of any kind on or near the water.
Permanent ponds inside the park boundaries are rare. Because of its
history, the park concluded that this pond should bear an official name.
For the purpose, I weighed the possibilities of Isoetes, what with its
Greek origin, euphony, and dieresis, but settled instead on simple
"Quillwort Pond" to propose through channels to the Board on Geographic
The plant is of interest. Its nearest relatives are the club mosses
and scouring rushes (equisetums or horsetails). They are aquatic or
marshloving, and have been traced back in geological time to the
Miocene. They are characterized by an extremely short, corm-like stem
from which grow 10 to 100 quill-shaped leaves. The bases of the leaves
are spoon-shaped, in which grow the fruiting bodies or sporangia that
are of two sizes and kinds. Larger spherical macrospores occur in the
outer leaves while numerous, triangular microspores grow in the inner
leaves. Size and sculpturing of the spores form the important
differences between species.
The park specimens were examined by Dr. L. R. Detling of the
University of Oregon who identified them as I. braunii Durieu. He
bases his conclusion on the presence of very long papillae, almost
spines, on the megaspore coat. Dr. LeRoy Abrams of Stanford gives the
range of this species as far northern, coming southward only into
Washington and Idaho. Further investigation will be reported in a future