Volume XXIV - 1993
Native Species Protection and Exotic Species Control:
A Bull Trout Restoration Project in Sun Creek
by Mark Buktenica
Bull trout (Salvinus confluentus), and dolly varden
(Salvelinus malma), were once considered to be the same species.
They are now considered to be distinct species based on genetic,
morphological and behavioral differences. In general, bull trout are an
inland, freshwater form, whereas dolly varden spend much of their adult
life history in the ocean before returning to freshwater to
Although bull trout were once found in most major river systems in
the Pacific Northwest and Canada, their distribution has been
significantly reduced over the past 30 years, and many populations have
become extinct. Habitat degradation and introduction of non-native and
exotic fish species are believed to be the primary causes for the recent
decline. The Klamath River Basin in Oregon is the southern limit of bull
trout populations today. These populations are genetically distinct from
other Pacific Northwest bull trout populations and qualify as a separate
species for consideration under the Endangered Species Act. Bull trout
are currently listed as a category 2 species (candidate species under
the Endangered Species Act) by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The
American Fisheries Society has petitioned the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service to list the Klamath River Basin bull trout as an endangered
A 1947 stream survey in the park's Sun Creek drainage indicated that
bull trout were well distributed in the headwater stream along with
brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) that were stocked into the
stream in the early pert of this century. A survey of the fish
populations and instream habitat in Sun Creek in the summer of 1989
revealed that the bull trout population was reduced to 130 adult fish
and restricted to a 1.9 km (1.2 mi) section of the stream (see map).
Brook trout were distributed throughout the stream. Hybridization and
competition with the introduced brook trout appeared to threaten the
bull trout population with a high risk of extinction.
This alarming information led the park to draft a bull trout
restoration plan in 1990. The objectives of the plan were to restore the
remnant population of bull trout to historic numbers and distribution in
Sun Creek, remove the introduced brook trout, and prevent the
re-invasion of non-native species from waters outside of the park in the
future. The plan called for additional research in 1990 and 1991 to
verify the distribution and abundance of the bull trout, evaluate stream
chemistry, temperature, flow, retention and travel time, and conduct
surveys of amphibians and aquatic insects, with an emphasis on looking
for rare, threatened and endangered taxa. Laboratory tests were
conducted to determine the specific toxicity of the fish toxin Antimycin
on trout in Sun Creek water. Alternative locations for a "back-up"
population of bull trout were evaluated, including hatcheries and
isolated creeks within Crater Lake National Park. Also evaluated were
alternative methods for fish removal.
In October 1991, a peer panel and recovery team was assembled to
evaluate the research to date and the recovery plan, as well as to offer
recommendations on implementation of the plan. The peer panel included
personnel from the National Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, U.S. Forest Service, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife,
Oregon State University, and the Desert Fishes Council. Panel members
had expertise in fish population restoration, fish toxins,
electrofishing, fish barriers, genetics and fish and macroinvertebrate
The long-term goal of the plan was to eradicate brook bout from Sun
Creek within the boundary of Crater Lake National Park. An immediate
objective was to remove as many brook trout as possible from the portion
of Sun Creek within the park. This would allow bull trout to increase in
number and disperse downstream. The loss of any bull trout during the
removal process was not an acceptable risk, as the viability of such a
small population was already in question.
During the summer of 1992, a restoration program was initiated. Two
log and rock fish migration barriers were constructed in Sun Creek near
the park boundary to prevent the re-invasion of non-native fishes. The
structures created an elevated stream channel and an artificial
waterfall in a naturally constricted section of the stream. If the
downstream barrier were to fail, the upstream barrier would prevent
brook trout from immigrating further upstream into the park before the
lower barrier could be repaired.
Brook trout were removed from Sun Creek with non-lethal
electroshockers upstream of the bull trout population. Starting at the
headwaters of Sun Creek, fifty meter sections of stream were blocked off
with nets. Each section was electrofished until no fish were captured
two out of three passes up the stream. This process was repeated two
more times during the summer. Data were collected on fish weight,
length, sex, abundance, biomass, and distribution.
Recent literature suggested that electroshocking may have higher
injury and mortality rates on fish than previously believed. Therefore,
electroshocking for brook trout in the bull trout section of the stream
was tried with caution in 1992 and abandoned when the bull trout showed
signs of stress. Alternative methods for removal of the brook trout in
the bull trout section are now being evaluated. A special study was
conducted in the fall of 1992 to evaluate rates of injury to brook trout
from three different types of electroshockers. The data have not been
evaluated at this time.
Non-lethal samples of fin tissue were removed from brook trout, bull
trout, and brook trout-bull trout hybrids in 1992. These samples will be
used for genetic analyses to evaluate hybridization and to compare the
genetic make-up of Sun Creek bull trout with other populations located
in the Klamath and Columbia basins. Results of the study are not yet
The recovery team agreed that electroshocking techniques would not
be effective in fish removal downstream of the bull trout owing to
increased stream flow and structural complexity of the stream channel.
Therefore, brook trout were removed with Antimycin. This is an
antibiotic that is extremely toxic to fish at dosages as low as 4 parts
per billion. Antimycin is not toxic to mammals and birds, but is toxic
to amphibians and to many species of aquatic insects. The Antimycin was
successfully neutralized below the lower barrier and upstream of the
boundary with potassium permanginate. Brook trout were collected at
block net stations and by "dip-netters" along the stream. No amphibians
were collected and preliminary observations suggested that insect
mortality was low.
A sampling program will be initiated in 1993, supported by funding
made available through the National Park Service. The objectives of the
program are to monitor the recovery of insect and bull trout populations
and to continue the removal of non-native brook trout.

Bull trout distribution in Sun Creek, Crater Lake
National Park, Oregon