Volume XXIV - 1993

Falco peregrinus
Peregrine Falcons Soar Over Crater Lake
By Scott Stonum
Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus) are crow-sized falcons
that are distributed throughout the world. Their diet consists of other
birds. Chemicals such as Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane (DDT) tend to
accumulate in their system because the peregrine is at the top of the
food chain. DDT, which was banned in the United States in 1972, has
caused thinning of egg shells and dehydration. The chemical continues to
be a problem because the pesticide is still being used in Mexico and
South America, where many peregrines or their food sources migrate.
The only known active peregrine eyrie in Oregon in recent years was
at Crater Lake National Park. It was discovered in 1979, and remained
active until 1983, when both adult birds disappeared. Although the birds
in the eyrie successfully fledged young in 1979, they were unsuccessful
in 1980. Each of the three eggs laid the second year showed high levels
of a derivative of DDT. As a result, young peregrines were fostered into
the nest in 1981 and 1982.
When both adult peregrines disappeared in 1983, a method of
releasing birds into the wild known as hacking was initiated. Twelve
young were hacked over the next four years. Roaming peregrines were seen
at the hack site in all four years, and non-breeding peregrines were
seen in other areas around Crater Lake. An active pair was present at
the historic eyrie in 1986, but successful breeding did not take
Nesting again took place at Crater Lake in 1987. The nest was
manipulated to ensure that the pair would successfully fledge young.
Four eggs were removed from the nest, three of which hatched and were
fledged in California. Two captive-bred young were fostered into the
Crater Lake eyrie. Unfortunately, one of the young was killed by a great
horned owl (Bubo virginianus Gmelin). The other bird successfully
The peregrines again used the historic eyrie in 1988. They laid four
eggs, of which three hatched. Approximately twelve days later all of the
young and the adult female were killed by a great horned owl. In order
to ensure fledging of peregrines in the Crater Lake area it was decided
to cross-foster young peregrines into a nearby prairie falcon nest. This
effort was successful in fledging two peregrines that year.
It is believed that the male returned with an immature female in
1989 and 1990, but monitoring during those years was limited. In 1991
the historic eyrie was again active. An adult peregrine pair was
successful in fledging three young without any manipulation. Of interest
was the male of the pair being identified as a released bird due to the
band on its leg. The spring and summer of 1992 was also a successful
breeding season for the falcons. Two eggs were produced in the eyrie
with both young subsequently being fledged.
The successful fledging of young peregrines during the past two
years is very promising and is the result of much effort and patience.
The site will again be monitored during 1993. Should the falcons
continue to nest at the same eyrie, steps may need to be taken to
monitor great horned owls in the area and to evaluate the effects of
predation on the peregrines. Although the hatching success in recent
years has been good, analysis of the eggs shows significant thinning and
that the female was subjected to pesticide contamination.
Air Quality at Crater Lake
By Heidi Lyn Ross and David Lee Fuller
Most people visiting Crater Lake find themselves in awe of the
beautiful blue water. When they gasp at the beauty, they should also
realize that they are breathing some of the cleanest air in the
The air is so pure at Crater Lake that on the clearest day you can
see at least 190 miles, and occasionally to the 240 mile limit. Actual
day to day visibility at Crater Lake averages about 105 miles.
There are some threats, however, to Crater Lake's air quality.
Klamath Falls and Medford, each about 55 air miles from Crater Lake, are
non-attainment areas in the state; this means that these cities do not
comply with Oregon's goals for air quality in populated areas.
Nevertheless, the small amount of pollution we do have is not directly
associated with an urban or industrial corridor. Weather patterns in
those areas usually trap the pollutants to the ground. At Crater Lake,
air movement is generally characterized by westerly winds associated
with the presence of weather systems formed over the Pacific Ocean. Air
pollution over the park is usually particulate from slash burning,
wildfires, and agricultural burning.
One big reason efforts are being made to protect our air is that
preserving scenic vistas is a boon to tourism. Although fire danger is a
compelling reason to prohibit slash burning during the summer months,
land managers want to keep visibility at its best during the tourist
season. Oregon hosts 11.8 million visitors every year who spend over
$1.4 billion in the state. Roughly $17.4 million of that total is spent
to visit the state's wilderness areas, including Crater Lake National
The National Park Service and the Oregon Department of Environmental
Quality monitor the air at Crater Lake in four different ways:
Standard Visual Range (SVR) data is collected by a 35mm
camera which photographs a vista of known distance three times a day.
Calculations are made of how far past, or in front of a known target the
horizon can be seen in the photograph. Estimates of how many particles
are in the air are made by calculating how well the target contrasts
with the area in front of it and behind it. There are three SVR cameras
in the park. One is located on Dutton Cliff and another is on Watchman;
both are aimed at Yamsay Mountain to the east of the park. A third
camera is at Rim Village, where it can view Mount Theilson to the north
of Crater Lake.
The Transmissometer has a transmitting station at Rim Village
that sends a light beam across the lake to a receiving station at
Wineglass on the northeast side of the lake. By calculating how much
light is sent and how much is received, the amount lost traveling from
one site to another can be determined. The light is scattered by
particles in the air, so the more light received, the cleaner the
The Nephelometer is an instrument that takes air into a
vacuum tube and sends light through the sample. It then measures the
intensity of light that is scattered by particles contained within the
instrument's optical path. The less the light is scattered the cleaner
the air. The park's Nephelometer is located at Rim Village.
Finally, the Improve pulls air through many different
filters. Each filter is a different degree or size, meaning each filter
will catch a different sized particle. To see what particles are in the
air, each filter is chemically analyzed. This device is located at Park
Through use of this technology and other indicators, we know that
the air quality over Crater Lake has been impacted by human activities.
Presently, naked eye visibility at Crater Lake National Park is
substantially impaired for 4.6 percent of all daylight hours.
Nevertheless, this figure is impressive when compared with stations
further north in Oregon. Crater Lake is, in fact, often the standard
used when judging air quality in other areas. By contrast, Mount Hood's
visibility is impaired 21 percent of the time, while Mount Washington's
figure is 42 percent and Portland's is 85 percent.
Although a 4.6 percent impairment index may seem satisfactory when
compared to other areas, this may rise to five, ten, or even 20 percent
without the cooperation of people. We all have a responsibility to
ensure clean air--our next breath depends on it.