Volume XXVII - 1996
A Pause in the Panhandle
By Steve Mark and Ron Mastrogiuseppe
When Congress established Crater Lake National Park in 1902, the
enabling legislation called for the reservation to take a rectangular
form which encompassed much, but not all, of the mountain that holds the
nation's deepest and clearest body of water.

Highway 62 through Panhandle.
Congress excluded most of the lower elevation forests of Mount Mazama
which has trees of comparatively greater size than what thrives in the
higher elevations. Rising visitation fueled appropriations for improving
park's roads throughout the 1920s, and this led the National Park
Service to begin negotiating for a small, but impressive, forest
corridor along Annie Creek. This addition to the park eventually took
the form of a Congressionally-approved land transfer from the U.S.
Forest Service in 1932. It effectively extended the park's south
entrance and consisted of 973 acres. Due to its tongue-like
configuration, this area quickly became known as the "panhandle."
Most visitors who journey between Crater Lake and the Klamath Basin
never leave their cars when traveling along the two and a half miles of
road that runs through the panhandle. If they did, many of them would
have a chance to distinguish among three great coniferous tree species
native to several western states: ponderosa pine (Pinus
ponderosa), sugar pine (P. lambertiana), and Douglas-fir
(Pseudotsuga menziesii). The more adventurous might enjoy a walk
along Annie Creek, where the riparian area harbors many of the plant
species found in the panhandle. The panhandle area, in fact, has the
greatest botanical diversity of anywhere in the park. With more than 230
species known in this locality, it is relatively rich when compared to
the total park count of only 700. This is impressive when one considers
the panhandle's size is barely more than half of one percent of Crater
Lake National Park's 183,000 acres.

Cearl evidence of beavers gnawing a cottonwood along
lower Annie Creek, photo by O.L. Wallis, 1947..
For those interested in stretching their legs and seeing the
panhandle on foot, there is a highly recommended place along Highway 62
for motorists to pause and perhaps saunter into the forest. This is a
picnic area located near the south entrance, where the prospective hiker
can find all of those conifer species previously mentioned in close
proximity to the pavement, but even more sylvan variety if they descend
to the stream. Down logs provide an opportunity to cross Annie Creek and
explore the pine-dominated woodland on the other side, or perhaps
discover the work of beavers (Castor canadensis) on deciduous
trees such as aspen (Populus tremuloides) and alder (Alnus
incana ssp. tenuifolia) within the drainage.
The only other place to stop is a small paved pull out located about
two miles further north. It served as the park's south entrance prior to
1932 and still has a boundary marker from early this century. After a
peek into Annie Creek Canyon, carefully cross the highway and go south a
few yards to the small wetland formerly called Wildcat Camp. This area
has standing water in spring through early summer and contains black
cottonwood (Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa) whose broad
leaves contrast markedly with the surrounding coniferous forest. From
here it is only one tenth of a mile before the intrepid cross-country
walker reaches the park boundary by going due west. It is, of course,
clearly signed and also very evident due to extensive clearcutting on
adjacent land.
Human-induced change in the forest profile is, however, not confined
to places outside the park. An astute visitor can see stumps resulting
from attempts to control insects ponderosa pine, as well as numerous
fire scars that bear witness to prescribed burning within the panhandle.
From the 1930s to the 1960s, insect control work in this locality
focused on the western pine beetle (Dendroctonus brevicomis)
which preyed on older or drought-weakened ponderosa pine. The fear that
this insect could spread into apparently healthy stands led to periodic
cutting or removal of trees throughout the forest corridor. Prescribed
burning is a more recent management program in the panhandle, having
begun in 1976. It centered on evidence that regeneration of ponderosa
pine was being stymied in areas where fire had been suppressed
historically. Management-ignited burning in the panhandle consequently
aimed at promoting the pine at the expense of its associate, white fir
(Abies concolor), which tends to shade out the sun-loving

National Park Service employees fall a Ponderosa Pine
as part of beetle control. Photo by Vicki Boucher.
With an elevation range of 4300 to 4800 feet above sea level, this
area is easily accessible from May to November. There are no formal
trails in this part of the park, but remnants of the old Crater Lake
Highway and an earlier wagon road make fine footpaths for visitors who
want to identify plants or have a relaxing jaunt among the trees. A
number of shrubs can be seen in open and dry areas, with snowbrush
(Ceanothus velutinus) and greenleaf manzanita (Arctostaphylos
patula) being very common. More shaded places often feature sticky
currant (Ribes viscosissimum) and two types of huckleberry
(Vaccinium membranaceum and V. scoparium). Wildflowers
generally bloom in June and July, but a bigger splash of color comes in
October when the leaves of deciduous trees turn yellow and orange. There
are few places in the park that rival the panhandle, especially that
portion of Annie Creek which runs through it, for walking on clear and
crisp autumn days. At such a time, only an occasional sound associated
with vehicle traffic on the highway could disturb the sense of solitude
that a visitor gains by pausing to explore this magnificent portal to
the park.
Steve Mark is the park historian at Crater Lake. He has been
the editor of Nature Notes since its revival in 1992.
Ron Mastrogiuseppe is a forest ecologist who has worked as a
seasonal naturalist at Crater Lake.

Drawing by L. Howard Crawford, 1936.