Volume XXVII - 1996
Fossil Finds and the Age of Oregon Caves
By John Roth
How old is a hole in the ground? How do you pin a date on what has
dissolved away? Geologists have a hard time figuring out when Oregon
Caves formed. To dissolve marble made of calcite, all you need is a weak
acid, such as carbon dioxide dissolved in water which is the fizz in
soft drinks. Yet understanding how something works does not always help
in knowing how fast it works.
For example, the yearly amount of dissolved calcite exiting by way
of Cave Creek is known. The entire cave could have been dissolved out in
ten thousand years if the same concentration of dissolved calcite left
the cavern every year. That is a very big if! Water exiting the cave
during its birth probably had less calcium in it. The size of stream
gravels and horizontal notches dissolved on cave walls indicate massive
flooding at one time and thus resulted in a much faster enlargement of
Oregon Caves.
Another way to estimate the age of Oregon Caves is to compare it
with similar mountain caves which have been better dated. Most caves on
steep slopes form close to the earth's surface. Since mountains erode
relatively fast, geologically speaking, most such caves do not survive
long before they are breached by erosion and destroyed. These caves
usually are older than ten thousand years but rarely last more than a
hundred thousand. Such comparisons, however, are dangerous. There may
have been geological or hydrological factors affecting Oregon Caves that
differed substantially from those in superficially similar topography
which sped up or slowed down cave formation.
Geologists can fix the minimum age of Oregon Caves because of what
it has preserved. While most surface features are eroding or decomposing
on the surface, things can be deposited in caves. An example is the
jaguar, Panthera onca, found in Oregon Caves during August of
1995. The size of its bones compares with jaguars living in North
America between 15,000 to 40,000 years ago. As the last Ice Age ended
roughly 10,000 years ago, the size of jaguars decreased. This seems to
have happened because being smaller and thinner helped jaguars survive
in an increasingly warmer climate.

Sketch of modern jaguar. The Pleistocene relative
was substantially larger. Drawing #89 from Jim Harter (comp.) 1419
Copyright Free Illustrations, New York, Dover Publications,
The jaguar's bones could have been buried and then later washed into
a much younger Oregon Caves. The fact that this may be the most complete
jaguar fossil ever found, however, is strong evidence against this
possibility. It would thus seem reasonable to assert that the cave must
be at least as old as the jaguar.
Comparing evidence of past life (fossils) and erosion rates with
similar examples usually give scientists only approximate dates. To be
more precise, methods which hinge on changes occurring at a uniform rate
are needed. Uranium atoms are consistently unstable and "overweight,"
but release particles at constant rates. This changes the uranium into
another element called thorium. One of the best materials to use for
this dating method is calcite, such as the crystal layer left by water
on the jaguar skull in Oregon Caves.
Since uranium is soluble in water, whereas thorium is not, the layer
of calcite that formed on the jaguar skull at first contained uranium
but no thorium. As time passed, uranium decayed to thorium. The thorium
to uranium ratio thus increases over time at a constant rate and can be
dated. Unlike most calcite formed on the earth's surface, calcite in
caves tends to be very dense and waterproof. Therefore, compared to
surface calcite, cave calcite is much less likely to have uranium leach
out and thus give a wrong calculation for age of the calcite.
Other ways exist that can independently confirm the accuracy of
dates determined by uranium/thorium ratios. Natural radiation traps free
electrons in defects in calcite crystals. The rate of trapping is
determined by background radiation. The energy of the trapped electrons
can be measured and a date derived from the ratio between this figure
and the trapping rate.

Oregon Caves has been explored for more than a
century. Not until 1995 did cavers uncover fossils in its passages.
U.S. Forest Service photo, 1927.
There is yet another way to get a more precise age for the jaguar.
Carbon 14, like uranium, is also composed of "fat" atoms that release
particles at constant rates. Since carbon 14 only forms in the earth's
atmosphere and becomes part of the protein of live animals, the ratio of
it and more stable carbon starts to change when the animal dies. If the
age of the skull is 45,000 years old or younger, there is likely to be
enough carbon 14 remaining in the skull for a fairly precise age to be
calculated. The uranium-thorium date of the calcite will help determine
whether it is worthwhile to obtain a carbon 14 date on the skull.
Other fossil bones, most likely from a single grizzly bear, Ursus
horribilis, have also been found in Oregon Caves. With only about one
percent of the original protein remaining in the bones, investigators
could determine that no carbon 14 was left. The age of the bones and the
cave, therefore, must be at least 46,400 years old.
Why should we be concerned with how old things are? An important
part of the answer has to do with park managers being able to better
protect, preserve, and restore ecological processes if they know how
fast and how often events occur. We may also find that our understanding
of time is highly relative. A person's emphasis on man-made things might
change when they can perceive time as going beyond human experience and
forming part of a broader history. Since we have been around for a very
short period, relatively speaking, it may be difficult sometimes to
accept that there is far more to the past than one life form's view of
itself as the goal of time. All species are kin if you go back far
enough in time; all rocks come from the same source.
John Roth is the natural resources management specialist at
Oregon Caves National Monument and a geologist by training.

Protection for the Coyotes by Frank Solinsky,
1931 Nature Notes