Volume XXXI - 2000
Small Shards of Stone
By Steve Mark
Nascent geologists quickly learn that there are three basic rock
types: sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous. Crater Lake National Park
lacks both the sedimentary (rock fragments or natural cements under
conditions found near the earth's surface) and metamorphic (rocks
transformed in appearance or mineral composition through intense heat
and pressure, but without melting), yet is abundantly blessed with
igneous rocks, The latter are those rocks formed from molten rock or
magma, and can be further divided into volcanic or plutonic rocks.
Volcanic igneous rocks form when magma erupts and reaches the
earth's surface, then hardens. Plutonic igneous rocks form when
magma cools slowly underground, as in the case of granite. Plutons can
sometimes be exposed at the surface through the process of erosion,
uplift, or even by catastrophic geological events.

Plutonic rock at Rim Village.
Volcanic rocks are divided into categories ranging from rhyolite to
basalt, depending upon how much silica they contain. In ascending order,
the spectrum at Crater Lake includes basalt, basaltic andesite,
andesite, dacite, rhyodacite, and rhyolite. Lots of other terms refer to
the texture and form these rocks assume after a volcanic eruption.
Although a wide range of volcanic rocks can be found in the park, the
only fairly common plutonic rock found here is granodiorite. It occurs
in all deposits associated with Mount Mazama's climactic eruption, but
is most abundant in late-erupted volcanic material. This material is
very often ignimbrite, a "tuff" of welded crystal and rock fragments
within a matrix of glass shards. These formed as a deposit from a
rapidly moving, turbulent, and ignited cloud of gas flowing from a
violent volcanic eruption. Granodiorite fragments found around the
caldera came from the walls of the magma chamber that produced the
climactic eruption. Being somewhat similar in appearance to granite,
they are easy to distinguish at close range since the generally
grey-black rock contains whitish crystalline specks.

Plutonic rock close up. Speckled appearance indicates
crystalization. Photo by Steve Mark.
A nice example of a granodiorite fragment can be seen at Rim Village.
It is roughly the size of a dishwasher or a little larger, and sits on a
bank near the lodge parking lot not far from the road junction to the
concessioner's dormitory. On one side of this plutonic rock is a carving
that detracts from its appearance, but the fragment still has much to
convey about Mount Mazama's climactic eruption. The granodiorite
crystallized 110,000 years ago in the same location where a large magma
body later accumulated, one that eventually powered a violent series of
climactic eruptions. In all probability the pluton made an impermeable
barrier for the newer magma chamber, one whose rigid container also
facilitated a progressively explosive accumulation of magmatic vapors.
Much like an over primed bottle of beer, where the ever-expanding
pressure of its contents ultimately leads to an explosion, Mount Mazama
gave way some 7,700 years ago.
C.R. Bacon, et al., Late Pleistocene granodiorite beneath Crater
Lake caldera, Oregon, dated by ion microprobe, Geology 28:5 (May
2000), pp. 467-470.
Steve Mark is a National Park Service historian who has served
as editor of Nature Notes since its revival in 1992.

"Feeding Attitudes of Citellus lateralis (Mantled
Ground Squirrel)" by Kenneth Gordon, 1943.