Volume XXXI - 2000
Other Crater Lakes
By Tom McDonough
The unusual setting of Crater Lake may suggest to observers that
volcanic forces in the Pacific Northwest have created a unique landscape
that is rarely, if at all, duplicated elsewhere. Without regard to the
special beauty attributed to Crater Lake, there are many other examples
of volcanic lakes around the world (some in the Northwest) which, like
Crater Lake, have unusual physical and chemical properties that set them
apart from other bodies of water.
Crater and Caldera Lakes

Drawing by L. Howard Crawford, 1934.
Volcanic lakes are relatively common. About 12 percent of the world's
Holocene-age volcanoes (those active over the past 10,000 years) have
such lakes. Considering that stable volcanic lakes are often found in
either very old or extinct craters (created more than 10,000 years ago),
the total number of these types of lakes around the world must number in
the hundreds. Within the immediate region surrounding Crater Lake, there
are three volcanic lakes: Paulina and East Lake in Newberry Crater
National Monument near La Pine, Oregon, as well as Medicine Lake, due
south of Lava Beds National Monument in northern California. The
distinction between lakes located in calderas as opposed to those found
in true craters relates only to the size and depth of the resulting
lake. Large volume volcanic lakes, with large quantities of water
usually are more stable and survive longer.
Water will gather within a volcanic depression if the walls have
become impermeable. This is often accomplished by the decomposition of
fine volcanic materials (ash) which have been hydrochemically altered
into clay. Fine particles, such as clay, can be effective in sealing the
openings that appear between rocky layers. This process may begin long
before a lake appears and while the parent volcano is still releasing
lava. Once a depression forms, it may fill with water from a variety of
sources. The water usually comes from the atmosphere (precipitation),
but it can also be generated through hydrothermal activity or from
groundwater that draws upon the local water table.

Top of Wizard Island.
Many craters are dry. The depression atop Wizard Island (the Witches
Caldron) is an example. It is filled with snow all winter but the melt
simply drains through the unconsolidated ejecta of this cinder cone.
Other craters, initially filled with water, may lose it in a variety of
ways. Repeated volcanic eruptions might eject the trapped lake water, or
perhaps the water might eventually leak or boil away. Most lakes
considered in this article are located in the wet tropics where
precipitation levels are naturally highso if the lake loses its
water, it will eventually return.
Volcanic lakes vary in diameter (most are circular or elliptical),
depth, temperature, color, chemistry (salinity and pH), and in their
concentration of dissolved gasses (oxygen, carbon dioxide, and sulfur
dioxide). These physical and chemical properties are directly related to
the volcanic input supplied to the lake by fumerolic and hydrothermal
activity. The stability of the lake, through time, is governed by the
volcanic potential posed by the magma chamber, and the volume of water
resting directly above these hot fluids.
Volcanic Lake Dynamics
For a body of water to remain inside the walls of a crater for some
length of time, it must come into equilibrium with the volcanic forces
that produced the depression. Energy is supplied to volcanic lakes by
hydrothermal springs and fumerolic gas vents. The heat energy entering
the lake from below must be effectively radiated away from the water
surface without raising the temperature of the water beyond
approximately 45°C (113°F). Smaller bodies of water having lower
heat capacities are thus more easily boiled away, with time. Larger
volcanic lakes can more easily absorb heat energy delivered from below
and radiate it away over a bigger surface area.
No matter what volume of water accumulates within a crater, no lake
can survive a major volcanic eruption. Vast amounts of water can be
ejected during a volcanic vent. The presence of lake water may
additionally heighten the explosive nature of the eruption. Measured
over thousands of years, the vast majority of crater lakes around the
world display a life-cycle which starts with water accumulation followed
by period of quiet. Eruptive episodes, however, shatter these quiet
times with at least the partial evacuation of water from the crater.
The chemistry of volcanic lakes can vary between pure, oxygen rich
water and water that may be highly saline, acidic or alkaline, and gas
rich. The latter can consist of oxygen and sulfur dioxide, or
conversely, carbon dioxide. Much depends upon the nature of the
hydrothermal springs and fumerolic vents feeding the lake. Recent work
has permitted volcanic lakes to be classified into several distinctive
groups that are based upon the degree of activity associated with the
discharges occurring at the lake bottom.

Volcanic activity at Crater Lake is so miniscule that
park naturalists have been giving boat tours since 1931. NPS photo by
Jack Boucher, 1960.
Peak-Activity Volcanic Lakes
These lakes cannot reach a level of equilibrium, so they soon
disappear. Peak-activity lakes tend to be small, hot, saline, and form
corrosive pools that continuously steam and boil. Temperatures in these
types of lakes are raised beyond 45°C by the injection of hot
fumerolic gases somewhere at the basin. Their mass is eventually either
ejected or simply just boils away. A good example of a peak activity
lake is Laguna Calientes at Poas Volcano in Costa Rica. Poas has erupted
39 times since 1828 and is in a state of continuous mild activity.
Between 1984 and 1990, this 140 meter lake had a temperature that
fluctuated between 38°C and 96°C (100°F-205°F) Mineral
concentration rose from 6 percent (by volume) to 35 percent and acidity
decreases slightly from 0.26 to -0.87. During eruptions, water from the
lake was ejected 500 meters into the air. In many photographs of Laguna
Calientes, stream can be seen rising from the surface. The lake finally
drained away in 1989 leaving an exposed pool of liquid sulfur, the first
ever observed on earth.
High-Activity Volcanic Lakes

Steel Points, 1907.
These lakes possess relatively high salt and strong acid content.
Unlike peak-activity volcanic lakes, high-activity lakes are stable with
temperature less than 45°C. Those with temperatures greater than
35°C are considered hot acid-brine lakes, while those less than
35°C are labeled as cool acid-brine lakes. Yagama Lake in Japan fits
both categories. Between eruptions it is a cool acid-brine lake but
warms up before and after events. A shallow hot acid-brine lake has
formed inside the new caldera at El Chichon, Mexico, following the 1982
eruption. The lake is blue-green in color, a consequence of its high
salinity and large load of suspended ash.
The Keli Mutu volcanic lake, named "TiN" by western scientists, is an
example of a cool acid-brine lake. It is one of three lakes located atop
a degassing stratovolcano that straddles the equator. Located on the
island of Flores, which is part of the Lesser Sunda chain of Indonesia.
Year-round temperatures average about 27°C (80°F) and annual
rainfall amounts approach three meters. "TiN" has a diameter of 311
meters and a depth of 67 meters. Its temperature varies slightly between
28°C and 33°C (82°F91°F), just below the limiting
value for hot acid-brine lakes. A large plume located in the center of
the lake raises a fresh supply of sulfur to the surface. Input by
fumaroles may inject as much as 85 tons of sulfur dioxide into the lake
every day.
Medium-Activity Volcanic Lakes
With a temperature structure similar to the previous category,
medium-activity lakes are less affected by venting at the bottom.
Fumaroles release into the lake salts and acids, but buoyant plumes are
unable to reach the surface. Total dissolved solids range between 1 and
4 percent and pH values vary between 1 and 3. A good example of a medium
activity lake is one named "TAP" by western scientists. It is another
lake on Keli Mutu, on the island of Flores, This lake's temperature is
20°C (69°F) and it has 1.7 percent total dissolved solids in it.
The water is very acidic with a pH of 1.8. Most of the year the lake has
a dark green color due to the presence of barium, copper, and arsenic
precipitates. When oxygen rich rainwater enters the lake, the lake color
changes to blood red because ferric oxide precipitates are produced.
Low-Activity Volcanic Lakes
These lakes tend to be larger bodies of water with low heat flow into
their basin. Heat may enter a low-activity lake through vents or
sediments. Some warm salty water may circulate up and into the lake's
top layers that are thermally stratified. Low-activity lakes are capable
of accumulating large amounts of carbon dioxide, a substance released
during overturning events. A good example of such lakes is Lake Nyos in
Cameroon, where a large volume of carbon dioxide (~1 km3) was
released in 1986, killing 1700 people living down slope. The source of
the gas was (and still is) hot magma beneath the lake. The gas slowly
accumulated on the lake bottom and was released once the stable layers
of lake water overturned. It is worth asking whether an event like this
could occur at Crater Lake. Carbon dioxide enters the bottom of Crater
Lake, but in the form of carbonic acid (H2CO3).
The acid ionizes once in lake water and remains in an ionic form of
hydrogen (H+) and bicarbonate (HCO3-).
The slow process of turnover at Crater Lake appears rapid enough to
prevent a build up of dissolved carbon dioxide at the bottom.
A new low-activity crater lake can be found at a national park in the
Alaska Peninsula. At the summit of the collapsed Mount Katmai is a lake,
250 meters deep, one whose level is still rising. It is surrounded by a
9 km wide caldera with steep walls which measure 500-1000 meters high.
This stratovolcano collapsed in 1912 when its magma chamber was drained
by the eruption of nearby Novarupta. The lake is a blue-green color, but
yellow-green plumes are still visible in the water.
No-Activity Volcanic Lakes
Many stable volcanic lakes display little or no activity. Crater
Lake, the lakes in Newberry Crater, and Medicine Lake are of this type.
The lake water is relativity pure and the color from a distance is
perfectly blue. The chemical content of Crater Lake is 80 mg/liter or
.008 percent by volume. These figures contrast sharply with all active
systems having chemistry greater than 1 percent by volume. There are
active hydrothermal springs on the bottom of Crater Lake, but the flow
rate is minimal and the released minerals are greatly diluted by more
than four trillion gallons of water. This warm hydrothermal spring water
is, however, an important factor in the slow mixing process occurring
within the lake.
Newberry Crater is located 30 km southeast of Bend, Oregon. This is
one of the largest volcanoes in the Cascades and has been active for
about 500,000 years. At the summit of this shield volcano is a caldera
that measures 3 km by 7 km, and it appears to be the most recent of a
series of overlapping depressions that have formed over time. The last
caldera forming eruption occurred about 200,000 years ago and since then
debris from other eruptions has filled the basin of the caldera. There
may have been only one lake here in the past and its depth may have been
close to the depth of Crater Lake. Two lakes now occupy the caldera
separated by a narrow strip of pyroclastic material (airfall debris),
with Paulina Lake being deeper of the two lakes. It is 76 meters deep
and has a surface area of 1531 acres, about one tenth the size of Crater
Lake. Hot springs and vents feed this lake on its northeast side. East
Lake is roughly two-thirds the size of Paulina Lake. Its surface rests
15 meters higher than Paulina Lake, but its depth is about half. There
are no surface inlets for either lake, but Paulina Creek drains Paulina
Medicine Lake is located atop the largest shield volcano in the
Cascade Range, the Medicine Lake volcano. It is located 50 km northeast
of Mount Shasta and began forming less than a million years ago. Resting
in the summit is a caldera, measuring 7 km by 12 km, which may have
formed when a series of smaller craters circling the summit collapsed.
The lake has a depth of 46 meters and is oblong in shape. Although it is
nowhere near as deep as Crater Lake (at 1882 meters), the surface of
Medicine Lake is higher above sea levelat 2036 meters.
Each of these low-activity lakes is relatively stable since the
potential of a volcanic eruption in the near future is minimal. This
does not mean, however, that any of these volcanic systems are extinct.
They still produce enough heat for some engineers to consider each of
the volcanoes as a potentially safe source of geothermal energy.
A Final Word
Volcanic lakes appear in a variety of forms around the world. Those
located in the Pacific Northwest, specifically Crater Lake, are examples
of inactive systems where the water is clear and blue amid a placid
setting. These lakes are volcanically stable and tend to be older bodies
of water. The more recent volcanic lakes are temporary features since
they sit atop active magma bodies. During eruptive events, their water
content may be ejected or will simply boil away at high temperatures.
Nevertheless, no lake, whether volcanic or not, will last forever.
Seismic activity, volcanic blasts, or the forces of erosion will
eventually alter the appearance of every volcanic lake. Even Crater
Lake, given enough time, will be replaced by other volcanic systems.
C. R. Bacon, et al., Volcanic and Earthquake Hazards in the Crater
Lake Region, Ore., Vancouver, WA: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File
Report, 97-487 (1997).
G. B. Pasternack, Volcanic lake systematics: physical constraints,
Bulletin of Volcanology 58 (1997), pp. 528-538.
G. L. Rowe, et al., Fluid-volcano interaction in an active
stratovolcano. the volcanic lake system of Poas Volcano, Costa Rica,
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Resources 49 (1992), pp.
Tom McDonough teaches at Chemeketa Community College in Salem,
Oregon, while also pursuing his scientific interests each summer at
Crater Lake.