Volume XXXII-XXXIII - 2001/2002
Others Have Passed This Way
By Steve Mark
Annie Creek, which forms a dramatic canyon along much of highway 62
coming to Crater Lake from the South Entrance, is called Tiwi in
the Klamath language. This name arose in past centuries as people walked
from the Wood River country in late summer toward their seasonal
encampments at Huckleberry Mountain. In a time before wagon roads and
highways, many preferred to reach patches located in the high Cascades
south of Crater Lake by staying on the west edge of the canyon as they
slowly climbed toward a small pass found just above Annie Spring. From
there the general line of travel went west along Castle Creek, until
those in search of berries veered south to follow the trail up the

Remnant wagon road of 1865 above Annie Spring.
Army road builders used portions of the Indian trail network in the
Annie and Castle creek corridors to link Fort Klamath with Jacksonville
in 1865. Their commanding officer. F.B. Sprague, subsequently wrote a
series of newspaper articles for the Jacksonville Sentinel. One
of the pieces gave particulars about the new road and included
suggestions for where to camp along it. Knowing where stock could be
watered and fed was crucial to any trek across the mountains. Having
more than one or two options along the road could also reduce friction
between parties who might otherwise need to share relatively limited
resources. Distances traveled by wagons over several days or a week also
necessitated that a number of potential overnight stops be available. As
transportation became more efficient, many of these stopovers showed
signs of decreasing use. Present day visitors are allowed to camp at
only one of those overnight stops associated with the wagon road while
in Crater Lake National Park. This site is along Dutton Creek, not far
from the Pacific Crest Trail.
Other sites along the old wagon road, some situated just yards from
Highway 62, were investigated by a team of archeologists and historians
who conducted a reconnaissance survey on an intermittent basis each
summer from 1998 to 2000. Participants found some 14 miles (of a
possible 22 within park boundaries) of the old wagon road to be intact,
even though highway realignments and widening chopped the road into
segments above Annie Creek Canyon. A number of the old stopping places,
however, become evident to anyone approaching at walking pace. These can
also serve as launching points for hikers who have the time to see a
little more of the park.

Above: Map of Squaw Camp vicinity. Above Left: Cold
Spring in 1937. Below: The Cold Spring area.
Waterfalls attract people for numerous reasons. Annie Creek Falls,
for example, can be seen from a distance at a picnic area located about
midway between the South Entrance and Annie Spring on Highway 62. About
a mile north of the picnic area is a fairly long paved pull out placed
along the eastern margin of the highway. It is rather nondescript, being
surrounded by thick "dog hair" stands of lodgepole pine (Pinus
contorta), although northbound travelers can see Arant Point ahead
for the first time since entering the park. This dull, dry forest
changes abruptly upon making a short descent below the highway toward
Annie Creek. Wet areas fed by seeps and small springs in the canyon
support far greater plant diversity than what motorists see at the pull
out. Those hikers with a keen sense of smell may detect the odor of wild
onion (Allium validum) growing in several places not far from the

Blazed trees, such as the one at right, are evident
along portions of the wagon road. Photo by the author.
A map printed in 1908 enticed the survey team to investigate this
locality since it referenced "Squaw Camp" in the canyon. Sure enough,
what might have represented a respite from hard travel to tribal members
passing through the park a century ago is evident on both sides of the
stream. These secluded terraces make what are perhaps the best campsites
in the entire canyon. Just a short distance upstream is an impressive
waterfall with a shallow pool below it. An even more imposing cataract
can be seen if one follows the east fork of Annie Creek from its
confluence with the main branch. This cascade and the other waterfall
can be seen simultaneously if the viewer finds the right position.
Those visitors wanting a hike with less climbing can drive about a
mile north from the paved pullout to the next picnic area. Park at the
upper end and walk along the eastern side of the highway for a short
distance, going along the small stream drainage. Its source is not
immediately discernible amid another lodgepole thicket, but Cold Spring
quickly becomes evident upon entering the small wetland where common
(yellow) monkeyflowers (Mimulus gattatus) bloom in July and
August. Surrounding the spring are older trees, many of them blazed by
hatchet or axe at a time when horses and wagons were brought here. Those
who wander a short distance may begin to see the outlines of a larger
campground, one built by the National Park Service in 1937 and used into
the 1960s. Sharp-eyed hikers will eventually spot a masonry fireplace,
the last of its kind in the park, left mostly intact by crews who
"restored" the area following closure of Cold Spring Campground about 30
years ago.

Map of the Thousand Springs vicinity.
Two short treks are possible from the Cold Spring locality. An old
service road leaves the campground heading east, then south, but remains
high above the canyon. The other option requires crossing Highway 62 in
order to follow the course of Polebridge Creek upstream. A hundred yards
or so from the highway are bridge remnants where wagons once crossed.
Follow the path out of the drainage, one that takes you south and west
along a bench allowing for fine views of the creek and wetland. A couple
of blazed trees indicate camp spots of long ago, just shy of the power
line access road. There is a small huckleberry patch in the vicinity
that may provide another reason to linger.
A half day adventure is possible for those who are inclined to
explore the Thousand Springs vicinity. To reach it from the wagon road,
start at the old West Entrancethis is located about one mile east
of the present park boundary on Highway 62, or roughly seven miles from
Annie Spring. There is a small paved parking area on the south side of
the highway, near where the sign is suspended on a metal pole that
dictates a 45 miles per hour speed limit. At the time of writing a .75
mile hike is necessary to reach the wagon road, so use a compass to
avoid wandering too far off line.
The wagon road route will be obvious and permits comparatively easy
walking in a westerly direction, to the place where a placard with an
arrow is nailed to a tree containing a blazed arrow. These arrows
indicate where a Nordic ski loop diverges from the wagon road, one that
follows an older route leading to water. A meadow containing a number of
blazed trees will be reached after walking about .5 mile on the spur
trail. Close inspection reveals an elk wallow near some camas
(Camassia Leichtlinii), a lily with an edible bulb, prized by
Indians who once gathered the bulbs in large quantities. Continue west
through a dark forest growing on a wide terrace above the main tributary
of Union Creek. Keen eyes are necessary to locate what is perhaps the
largest tree in Crater Lake National Park, a Douglas fir (Psuedotsuga
menziesii) measuring 25 feet in circumference.

Big Huckleberry (Vaccinium membranaceum).
The ski trail eventually leads to a path heading down slope to the
tributary created by Thousand Springs. After a short meander in the
wetland you may decide to retrace your steps by using the ski trail, or
continue toward the present park boundary. If opting for the latter
course, you can loop back to the wagon road by taking a compass bearing
set to north. Once on the wagon road, follow it to make a gentle climb
going east for about a mile to the old park entrance marked by a
concrete monument. The walk back to where you parked on Highway 62 is
easier if a small swath cut along the old boundary is followed going
Once back at the car, consider going west on the highway several
miles to Thousand Springs Sno-Park at milepost 62. From there follow
signs on the graveled Forest Highway 60 toward Huckleberry Mountain. A
rather dispersed U.S. Forest Service campground is situated near the
top, where an abundant supply of huckleberries is usually available at
harvest time. You may even encounter tribal members who continue to use
this place for berry picking and family gatherings. Please respect their
privacy, since these reunions (which can last an afternoon or several
days) are vitally important to the people concerned. Not only does the
berry harvest serve as a means to gather food, but it also provides an
opportunity to tell stories which pass knowledge from one generation to
the next. This activity is especially important to the persistence of
Klamath tribal identity because the stories are a living link with those
who previously passed this way.
The writer gratefully acknowledges Doug Deur and
Kelly Kritzer for their review and suggestions.
1See "On an Old Road to Crater Lake," in Nature Notes
from Crater Lake 28 (1997) for more detail.
2Two of these sites were described in previous articles by
the writer in Nature Notes; these are "A Pause in the Panhandle,"
(1996), p. 27, and "The Portals on Whitehorse Creek," (1999), pp.
3One can view this raging cascade up close by descending
through the trees. Do not, under any circumstances,
attempt to traverse the bare slopes (composed of loosely consolidated
pumice and ash) that form the canyon.
4John W. Lund, More Southern Oregon Cross Country Ski
Trails (Klamath Falls: the author, 1990), pp. 13-133 has more route
Steve Mark is a National Park Service historian who serves Crater
Lake National Park and Oregon Caves National Monument.