Volume XXXII-XXXIII - 2001/2002
'Lost' Lost Creek
By Phil Kelley
Southeast of Crater Lake, not far above the confluence of Wheeler and
Sand Creeks, is a small stream called Lost Creek (see figure 1). Most
park visitors are unaware of its existence. Those who take note of it
typically do so when stopped at the Lost Creek Campground where they
find the small stream flowing quietly through the woods immediately west
of the camp area.

Lost Creek. Photo courtesy the author.
Lost Creek pours full-blown from a spring on the face of a steep
slope about one kilometer northwest of the campground. It flows
unpretentiously through the woods past the campground until the stream
vanishes completely into the porous soils of the area located another
kilometer to the south-southeast of the campground. Over its course Lost
Creek receives no flow from tributary streams, and the fact that it
disappears from view before joining another stream presumably accounts
for the 'Lost' in its name. The spring from which the creek comes serves
as the water source for the Lost Creek campground, and the stream itself
hosts a small population of native bull trout that were introduced in
the late 1990s (visitors should note that fishing in Lost Creek is
prohibited). The banks of the creek, especially in its lower reaches,
display a goodly collection of local wildflowers at appropriate times of
the year.
This stream can also be characterized as 'lost' in ways other than
just its hydrographic character. Lost Creek (or at least some stream, if
not the one we see today) appears on early maps of the area. The second
illustration (figure 2) shows the vicinity highlighted on the first
figure as presented on the United States Geological Survey's map of
1911. This map showed the park at a scale of 1:62500, and was based on
plane table surveys in 1908 and 1909. The creek in question is the
diagonal line passing through the large capital 'R' from mid-section 18
through the upper right corner of section 19 and into section 20 to the
lower right. The intermittent stream that goes from west to east through
the text '18', terminating at its presumed confluence with Sand Creek,
should draw a discerning eye. At this point also notice the short creek
paralleling our assumed Lost Creek, from just above the 'er' at the end
of 'Wheeler' down to an intersection with Wheeler Creek. Which of these
three creeks, if any, is really Lost Creek?

Figure 1. Lost Creek in relation to Crater Lake
National Park.
The next illustration (figure 3) shows the same area as presented on
the USGS 1:62500 sheet Crater Lake National Park and Vicinity,
Oreg., published in 1956 but based on the same survey as was the
1911 map and augmented by work in 1933. Here the map looks sharper, but
upon close inspection one finds that all that has been added is
typography, roads, and a benchmark; the same three streams we saw in the
1911 information are still there, and the contour lines remain
Figure 4 shows the same area compiled from the USGS's Digital Raster
Graphic (DRG) editions of the 1:24000 quadrangle maps Crater Lake
East and Maklaks Crater. These maps were originally published
and distributed on paper, but the paper and digital editions are
essentially identical; the paper editions were published as Provisional
Edition sheets (whence the crude typography and overlaid symbology) in
1985. Both are derived from aerial photography done in 1981 and 1982,
with field checks conducted the latter year. There is but one creek on
these sheets: the two small ones shown in earlier editions of the maps
(the one in the upper part of section 18 running into Sand Creek and the
one in the east-center of section 19 running into Wheeler Creek) are now
gone. The stream named Lost Creek has been repositioned and is shown
running into Wheeler Creek through the tributary canyon previously
occupied by the smaller unnamed creek. Lost Creek is wandering around in
the woods now, obviously lost.
Park staff conducted field survey work in the Lost Creek vicinity
using high-quality differential global positioning systems techniques
early in the summer of 2000. The work was originally initiated to
clarify the actual position of Lost Creek so that a zone could be
defined around it within which the use of fire-retardant chemicals as a
fire-control measure would be prohibited. This measure is aimed at
protecting the bull trout population in Lost Creek in the event of
wildland fire in the area. We found Lost Creek and some other lost
creeks in conducting this survey.
Figure 5 shows stream structures revealed by the survey. For the
first time we can see what is actually the case in that area: there are
three streams after all, and only one of them (the most southerly of the
original three) is more or less correctly placed. It was shown correctly
on the 1911 and 1956 maps, only to be abandoned on the 1985 versions.
This illustration contains road and contour line data derived from USGS
Digital Line Graph (DLG) data sets, and is information based on the same
surveys used for the 1985 1:24000 quadrangle maps noted above. The
streams from the 1985 sources are shown as dashed lines, and the stream
positions from our field work are shown as bold lines. Lost Creek is
named according to official nomenclature, but we have added unofficial
names for the other two flowing streams in the vicinity: "Hopelessly
Lost Creek" and "Mason's Creek." The latter are strictly local names
bestowed by the surveyor, and are not designations approved by the
National Park Service or the U.S. Board on Geographic Names.

Figure 2: Lost Creek vicinity as depicted on the
USGS map of 1911.

Figure 4: Lost Creek vicinity as depicted on the
USGS (Digital Raster Graphics) edition of 1985.

Figure 3: Lost Creek vicinity as depicted on the
USGS map of 1956.

Figure 5: Shows stream structures revealed by park
staff survey work.
It seems that the stream we have called Hopelessly Lost Creek is the
same as the one shown in that location on the 1911 and 1956
publications. Mason's Creek has not previously appeared as an
identifiable stream on any USGS map. Lost Creek is there, all right, but
its upper and lower extremities differ markedly from the information
shown on published maps. The northerly unnamed stream shown first in
1911 is not a part of the complex of creeks in the Lost Creek area. Its
source, as shown in 1911, is actually the source for Lost Creek.1
Results from this latest survey illustrate some of the problems
associated with the making of accurate maps. The surveys of the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in the American west were
conducted by real people. They took with them significant quantities of
moderately heavy equipment, and surveying with a plane table and rod
took a lot of time to cover significant areas. Not all areas got
surveyed with equal attention to detail. In this case it seems
reasonable to believe that the survey crew perhaps passed up the north
side of the Wheeler Creek gully, and in so doing, mapped the southerly
small creek with some care. They then went on without looking carefully
for other details. This or another crew might have also passed up the
west side of Sand Creek, and subsequently inferred the details of the
supposed drainage into that gully. None of them explored with care the
interfluve between Wheeler and Sand Creeks, but someone must have passed
through the area and noted the presence of what subsequently came to be
named Lost Creek.
Oddly enough, the ability of surveyors to see small things on the
land diminished considerably as technology evolved. Instead of actually
sending people with mules out to look at the ground, aircraft were used
to photograph the ground from above. To a large degree, the things that
cannot be seen on such photographs are not featured on the resulting
maps. As a case in point, we have three small streams that are not wide
enough to be seen as an open stream on such photographs as were used for
the 1985 maps. These streams are sufficiently narrow that they do not
even create a consistent opening in the vegetative canopy overhead.
Lost Creek is by far the largest (in terms of flow volume) of the
three streams, at least along its upper end. Nevertheless, it has no
significant drainage channel cut down into the landscape downstream of
the uppermost few hundred meters of its course. As a result, there is no
incised channel associated with it (either at actual ground level or
reflected at the top of the vegetative canopy) that might be detected by
the photogrammetric means used to create contour lines from aerial
photography. The vegetative cover associated with the stream banks is
the same as that found away from the streams, and thus there is no
consistent tone or color distinction to be made between the near-stream
vegetation and the surrounding vegetation that might hint at the
presence of a stream. Unlike Lost Creek, however, both Mason's Creek and
Hopelessly Lost Creek do have significantly incised drainage channels
from their heads down to their combined confluence with Wheeler
By studying the 1911 map (Figure 2) we see that the channel for
Hopelessly Lost Creek is reflected in the shapes of the contour lines
across which its course passes. The topographic expression of that
channel is much subdued in the 1985 mapping, but it is still there
albeit with no stream. The Mason's Creek channel is not discernable as a
topographic feature on any of the maps.
Prior to our survey, local wisdom in the park seemed to suggest that
Lost Creek was, in fact, connected to Wheeler Creek, and that at times
of high water, it might actually have flowed freely to Wheeler Creek.
There is no evidence on the ground that Lost Creek has had a direct
connection to Mason's Creek, and thus to Wheeler Creek, in historic
time. A superficial Lost Creek channel can be traced for several hundred
meters below the present termination of typical springtime high surface
flow, but this channel wanders down the high ground above Wheeler Creek
by staying essentially parallel to the Wheeler Creek channel axis. The
lack of a previous connection between Lost and Mason's creeks seems
surprising, given that the two come within approximately 50 meters of
one another at their point of closest approach. There is, however,
simply no hint of any cross-connection ever having been present in this
vicinity. Lost Creek appears to have always been perched above Wheeler
Creek, situated there all by itselfand indeed lost.

The dry stream bed of Mason's Creek. Photo courtesy
the author.
What you often see on maps is not necessarily what you will find if
you go there. There are very good reasons why this can be true. The Lost
Creek vicinity at Crater Lake National Park provides a tidy case study
of how and why the differences can occur. There are also other questions
that could be studied here, for those so inclined. One should be why, if
Lost Creek is the largest of the three creeks, is its drainage channel
not incised into the land to any degree? Another relates to why, if
Mason's Creek and Hopelessly Lost Creek have significantly developed
incised channels, do they each have minimal flowto the point of
being dry over most of their lengths during much of the year? It is also
worth asking why, with its source springs and seeps right next to the
Greyback Road where the old trail to Mason's camp sets off, did Mason's
Creek never appear on published maps?
1Our survey did not go north of the Lost Creek springs.
There may well be something draining from further north into Sand Creek
at the confluence location shown.
Phil Kelley formerly taught geography at Mankato State
University, Minnesota, but is currently the Geographic Information
Systems Specialist at Crater Lake National Park.