Volume XXXII-XXXIII - 2001/2002
Pumice Desert Revisited
By Elizabeth Mueller Horn
"There's nothing growing there." "It is so barren." These are the
comments usually heard from visitors who travel along the North Entrance
Road of Crater Lake National Park and pass through the Pumice
The Pumice Desert is a flat, open area that conspicuously contrasts
with the surrounding forest of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta). A
wedge-shaped opening about 5-1/2 square miles in size, the Pumice Desert
is covered with material ejected from ancient Mount Mazama. Gaseous
materials filled the valleys and depressions surrounding the flanks of
the mountain. The depths of deposits covering the Pumice Desert may be
some 200 feet thick. Although it appears flat, small washes are
scattered throughout. The two benchmarks probably represent the highest
and lowest elevations: 6010 and 5962 feet, respectively.
Why has it remained virtually treeless? That was the question posed
to me by park staff who suggested that it would be a good project for my
masters' thesis. I therefore initiated an ecological study of the Pumice
Desert's vegetation in 1965. Nine strip plots or transects were marked
for future observation. A larger 100-acre plot for tabulating the number
of lodgepole pine was also established.
Initial perceptions that nothing will grow in the Pumice Desert are
not accurate. It could be said, however, that the vegetation composition
is very simple...and very sparse. Some 600 different plant species occur
within the boundaries of Crater Lake National Park, but I found only 14
of these growing in the sample plots. (A small lupine, Lupinus
lepidus, occurs along the road's edge, but was not found on any of
the research plots).
The plants in the vegetative strip plots were sampled in 1965, 1977,
and 1995. Although the numbers of individual types of species varied
somewhat, the totals did not show a significant trend. The numbers for
most species increased in 1977, yet the totals for 1965 and 1995 were
very similar. The total coverage was nearly the same for each of the
three years: 4.9 to 5 percent of the surface area.

Tree Plot from the east corner (Stake T-4). Upper
photo was taken in 2000, lower taken in 1965. Photos courtesy the
Many factors can influence the establishment of new plants. A few of
them are summarized below:

Plot A-2 from the south end, 1965 (left) and 1995
(above). The tree that is shown was alive in 1977, but had died when the
plot was visited in 1995. Note the increase of trees in the background.
Photos courtesy the author.
Soil. Measurements in 1965 showed hot soil temperatures and
sterile soil. The deep pumice deposits that filled the valley northwest
of Crater Lake make for very poor soil. Compounding this problem is that
fact that soil temperatures can be very severe. Although the
temperatures of air and at the surface were similar on cloudy days, the
soil absorbed a lot of heat on sunny days. During one such day in July,
for example, the air temperature did not exceed 83°Fbut the
soil surface averaged 102°F during a period of six hours. The Pumice
Desert was also found to be nutrient deficient compared to pumice soils
elsewhere in central Oregon, though soil moisture does not appear to be
a controlling factor.
Rodents. An abundance of rodent activity was noted during all
fieldwork. Given that gophers are known to destroy the root system of
young seedlings where trees are placed in plantations, the sparse
vegetation on the Pumice Desert would be an easy food source for the
ubiquitous western pocket gopher (Thomomys mazama).
Elements. The climatic extremes and growing season on the
Pumice Desert is harsh. As noted above, soil temperatures can be severe.
It is reasonable to think that young seeds, whether from lodgepole pine
or herbaceous growth, must be able to sprout and survive on the hot,
infertile soil and then become established during the short growing
Seed source. The majority of new trees observed were
relatively close to the forest margin; fewer trees were found toward the
center of the Pumice Desert. It is therefore logical to assume that
plant succession will proceed most quickly at the edge of the Pumice
Reproduction. During fieldwork conducted during the summer of
2000, only one tree seedling was found in the strip plots. Once
established, the seedling must survive wind, ice, pocket gophers, and
other threats. No seedlings were found in the strip plots during
fieldwork seasons of 1965 and 1977. Succession cannot proceed when
seedlings do not become established.
Species of the Pumice Desert
The line strips surveyed in 1965
revealed only 14 species growing within the Pumice Desert.
Arabis playsperma Rock cress
Arenaria aculeata Pumice sandwort
Aster shastensis Shasta aster
Carex breweri Brewer's sedge
Carex halliana Hall's sedge
Calyptridium umbellata Pussypaws
Elymus elymoides Squirreltail
Eriogonum marlium Mountain buckwheat
Hulsea nana Dwarf hulsea
Lomatium martindelei Lomatium
Pinus contorta Lodgepole pine
Polygonum newberryi Newberry knotweed
Viola venosus Mountain violet
I found only three lodgepole pines in the strip plots during the
initial vegetation survey in 1965. Two of these trees were found in
1977, with a third small tree found in one other plot. An other of the
original 1965 trees was dead in 1995, but the new tree found in 1977
could not be located. By 2000 only one of the trees seen in 1965
All four of the corners on the 100-acre tree plot were marked for
future reference in 1965. The plot contained 27 trees that year, with
the average tree height being 4.6 feet. The tallest was 9.8 feet,
whereas the smallest stood only 8 inches. Many of the trees possessed
multiple trunks with soil mounded at the base. There was also much
evidence of pocket gopher activity.
When I reexamined the 100-acre tree plot with some colleagues in
2000, we found 47 trees. Most of the increase in tree numbers occurred
at the plot's southeastern end in contrast to the central and north
western portions of the plot, where little change was evident. Average
height of the trees in 2000 was 8.9 feet, a substantial increase in size
and indicating good growth over the intervening 35 years. Heights ranged
considerably, with the tallest tree being 49 feet and the smallest less
than an inch. As in 1965, many of the trees had multiple stems. Over
half of the trees showed mounding of some kind. Only one seedling was
found, and it was growing in the drip line of a larger tree.

Plot D-1 from the north end, 1965 (left), 1977
(center), and 1995 (right). The lodgepole pine in this plot is the only
one remaining of the three originally found in the vegetative strip
plots. Photos courtesy the author.
Many of the trees (29 of 47, as of 2000) in the 100-acre plot showed
soil mounding at the base. Mounding can be caused by several factors
such as wind-blown soil deposition, frost heave, or animal activity.
Most of the Pumice Desert mounds can probably be attributed to
wind-blown pumice since the wind blew small granules of pumice across
the surface almost constantly during fieldwork. Like sand blowing around
plants on a sand dune, fine-grained pumice collects around the base of
the trees. Pocket gopher activity might account for some mounds, since
distinct signs of these rodents were observed within four feet of
roughly half the trees in this plot.
Several trees were cored to determine their age. The four trees
drilled were 60 years, 50 years, 66 years, and 40 years of age. Their
heights were 19 feet, 23 feet, 18 feet, and 14 feet, respectively. The
trees are not easy to age, however, since the tree aged to be 40 years
estimated to be 60 years old if the whorls were counted. Similarly, the
single remaining tree from the 1965 strip plot had 13 whorls in 1965 and
18 whorls in 1977. If each whorl represented a year's growth, the tree
should have had 25 whorls in 1977.

Plot C-1 in 1977 (right) and 1995 (above). Note the
wash area at the edge of the plot. Photo courtesy the author.

Tree plot from the west corner (Stake T-3). Lower
photo was taken in 1965, upper photo taken in 2000. Photo courtesy the
Many of the trees possessed multiple stems or trunks. Within the
100-acre plot, 31 of the 47 trees displayed this trait. There could be
several causes for this characteristic. A rodent could cache seeds that
sprout together, or pocket gopher damage on a young tree might lead to
multiple branching of an injured stem. Wind and ice damage could injure
a young sprout, thereby killing the apical meristem and thus allowing
lateral meristems to grow. One of the small dead trees showed a swollen
base where wind had removed the surrounding soil. The swollen base is
consistent with injury to cambium damaged by wind-driven sand and ice
particles. Examination of the broken, swollen base revealed abundant
pitch, indicative of a plant trying to seal off an injury and protect
the re maining live tissue.
In summary, plant succession on the Pumice Desert is slow but it is
indeed proceeding. The number of trees established on the 100-acre plot,
for example, has increased by nearly 75 per cent in the 35 years I have
been visiting the area. Climate and the elements assure that change will
be slow. As soil is built up and existing plants nurture and protect new
seedlings, however, it is only a matter of time before the Pumice Desert
makes the transition to being forest.
The author would like to acknowledge the assistance of park staff
in 1965 for their help with field work, construction of permanent
markers, and photographs. Without this cooperation, the project could
not have been possible. Special thanks go to Kirk M. Horn, Fred Hall,
and William Hopkins for their help, suggestions, and companionship while
doing follow-up work on the Pumice Desert in 1977, 1995, and
Elmer I. Applegate, "Plants of Crater Lake National Park," The
American Midland Naturalist 22:2 (September 1939), pp. 225-314.
Elizabeth Mueller Horn, "Ecology of the Pumice Desert," Northwest
Science 42:4 (1968), pp. 141-149.
Ruth Monical and Stephen P. Cross, "Mammals of the Pumice Desert,"
Nature Notes from Crater Lake 23 (1992), pp. 17-18.
Elizabeth Mueller Horn recently retired from the U.S. Forest
Service, but began her career with the National Park Service as seasonal
naturalist at Crater Lake. She is the author of Wildflowers I: The
Cascades (Beaverton, Oregon: Touchstone Press, 1972).