The Regional Review

Volume III - No. 3

September, 1939

The Regional Review

Vol. III September, 1939 Number 3


The Review learns that its previous notices concerning voluntary submission of articles have not been received with 100 per cent conviction. It appears that many capable writers still await a personal invitation before offering materials which well might add to the sum of Service information. As pointed out before, The Review welcomes volunteers. It does not wish to restrict to a list of formal requests the great wealth of subjects about which members of the field staff probably possess unpublished information. It can make specific requests only of those employees whose duties are known to include researches, discoveries and activities of general interest. Yet many other workers --- some often described carelessly as "obscure"--- also enjoy unusual opportunities for assembling worthy observations.

In recognition of these facts, The Review again emphasizes its willingness to examine unsolicited materials. Some already received have been excellent, and it appears that others just as good are illuminating the interior of the bushel of modesty.


"In what language do they telegraph the news?" asks The New York Herald Tribune (August 13) in an editorial which points with gratification to the flourishing wildlife of Bear Mountain Park where "only a generation back the sight of a wild animal would have aroused in most watchers regret that they had no moans of killing it. . .

"How does it get about that suddenly a dangerous wood has become safe for deer, that people of this place like screech owls, that here the fox need fear no hound?. . . Will a day come when great regions of the world will be like this woodland and men will feel the change with no announcement, telling their kind by their own conduct as these animals and birds have done, that in a certain place there is inexplicable but proved tolerance and well-being?. . . Almost it seems credible, when a mixed million of humans a year can pass through a wilderness and harm nothing."


September 11 dawned bright and clear. No cloud by its semidiaphaneity bedimmed the cordial rays of a friendly sun which, with the reseate fingers of morning, plucked gently away the last crepusculous shadows of the sombre mantle that the earth, after refreshing slumber, now prepared to lay gratefully aside. In fact, it was an all-round fine day.

By telephone and back fence, housewives spread the joyous news. The men, scurrying to bustling marts, paused at street corners and voiced their opinions with looks of inward satisfaction. A great mass meeting was called and there were patriotic speeches, pledges of fealty and spontaneous paeans of praise. Congress was memorialized and messages of good will were sent to the democracies. Peace reigned and the lion and the lamb sat down together over a mess of cracked ice. The unfaltering forces of civilization had extirpated the last hideous vestiges of barbarism. The Golden Age of Sleep had dawned.

After its lapse into the unmannerly customs of summer, the Service, ever humane at heart, had resumed its to-work-at-9 o'clock-in-the-morning schedule. --- H. R. A.

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