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Five Views: An Ethnic Historic Site Survey for California



current topic Introduction
World War II Incarceration

Historic Sites
Selected References


A History of Japanese Americans in California:

The history of ethnic minorities in California is characterized by adversity, hard work, community initiative, heartache, triumphs, indomitable spirits, and hope for the future. People of color in the United States have often been depicted as helpless victims of discriminatory practices and legislation, with little appreciation of their strengths, how they struggled with adversity, and how they established and defined themselves in all aspects of their lives. What has been of value to their communities has frequently gone undocumented; neither their spirit nor their energy has been fully depicted. This is as true for Japanese Americans in California as for other minorities.

Concern for these matters influenced the selection of places associated with the history of Japanese Americans in California. That is, the places selected for inclusion in this report not only relate to the Japanese experience in California, they also reflect the attempts of Japanese Americans to establish themselves in all aspects of life — economically, educationally, socially, religiously, politically, and artistically. The selected properties reflect both events and actions directed against Japanese Americans, as well as the efforts they made to determine the nature and direction of their own lives.

Terminal Island
Terminal Island, Los Angeles County [circa 1919]

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Last Modified: Wed, Nov 17 2004 10:00:00 pm PDT