Fort Union
Historic Structure Report
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First, the authors give heartfelt thanks to Nick Bleser, who did most of the research in the 1960s and left very little for the rest of us. We hope we answered some of your leftover questions with this, Nick. If not, you can always come back to Fort Union and try again.

Thanks to Regional Historian Melody Webb, who got the projects started, and Regional Historian Neil Mangum, who saw them through to the end; to Bob Lister for his memories of playing among the ruins; and special thanks to Mike Meier and Stewart Butler at the National Archives and the staff of the Donelly Library at New Mexico Highlands University.

Many thanks to the field crew, who measured things that only Jake Ivey could see, some of the time: Debbie King, Amy Halsband, Kaisa Barthuli, Mary Gervasini, Ted Connolly, Wu Chien Lem, and Rae Taylor; and to Will Ivey, who spent many hours of his weekends helping with crosscheck and correction surveying shots. Thanks to Harry Myers, the superintendent of Fort Union National Monument, who knows all and sees all, and to Leo Oliva, for sharing his research.

Special thanks to Stella Moya of the National Park Service, who got this one together on time like she always manages to do, no matter how much the rest of us mess up.

This work is dedicated to the memory of T. J. Sperry, who always knew where to look, always knew something about what the answer probably was, and didn't get to see it finished. We'll miss you, TJ.

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Last Updated: 13-Feb-2006