INTRODUCTION In 1988, the Division of History, Southwest Regional Office, National Park Service, wrote the task directive for the completion of this Historic Structure Report for the First Fort, Arsenal, and Second Fort. The directive noted that although Fort Union had been part of the National Park System for more than 30 years, the area lacked much of the basic data required for properly managing and interpreting its resources. The lack of architectural and archeological survey work and the lack of a Historic Resource Study severely hampered decisions on appropriate preservation treatments. The project was funded as Package 148. The projects was a multi-year study completed between 1988 and 1991. The project was divided into six components:
These reports, together with Pitcaithley and Greene's Historic Structure Report on Third Fort, make up a comprehensive set of documentation of the history and structures of Fort Union. However, to be complete, the Historical Structure Reports for First, Second, and Third Fort and the Arsenal require the preparation of an Architectural Data section and treatment recommendations for these areas. Funds should be made available for the completion of this section.
foun/hsr/intro.htm Last Updated: 13-Feb-2006 |