Gates of the Arctic
Gaunt Beauty ... Tenuous Life
Historic Resource Study for Gates of the Arctic National Park & Preserve
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Note on Bibliography

The bibliographical listing is alphabetical throughout, without reference to standard categories (standard published sources, government documents, etc.). The listing is comprised almost wholly of sources used directly in the preparation of the narrative, i.e., sources cited in narrative and endnotes. A later edition of the bibliography will cite contributing works and will be presented in the standard categories.


Ahgook, Jacob, Acting President, Nunamiut Corporation, correspondence with Boyd Evison, Regional Director, NPS. Ltr from Ahgook of 11/7/85; ltr from Evison of 12/6/85.

Alaska Road Commission Annual Reports, 1922-33.

Alaska Geographic, The Kotzebue Basin, 8(3), 1981. Alaska Weekly.

Alaska's Fisheries Atlas, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 1978, I, Map 126-1).

Alaska-Yukon Magazine.

Allen, Lt. Henry T., field notebook, August 4, 1885.

Allen, Lt. Henry T., U.S. Army, Cmdg Alaska Expedition, field notebook, Henry Allen Papers, Library of Congress.

Allen, Lt. Henry T., Report of An Expedition to the Copper, Tanana and Koyukuk Rivers, in the Territory of Alaska in the Year 1885 (Washington, 1887).

Allin, Roger W., "Alaska, A Plan for Action," typescript report, National Park Service, Washington, 1966.

Anchorage Daily News, 3/5/69.

Anderson, Douglas D., "Ancient Peoples of the Kotzebue Basin," Alaska Geographic, 8(3), 1981.

Anon., "The Wilderness Society," a 1935 prospectus defining reasons for and objectives of such a society, in Marshall Collection.

Anon., "Petroleum Development in Alaska," Alaska Review of Business and Economic Conditions, University of Alaska, Institute of Social and Economic Research, 14(1), Mar. 1977.

Anon., "Promising Mining Camp, Rich Strike Made in Old Placer Diggings on the Koyukuk," Alaska-Yukon Magazine, 5(2), April 1908.

Anon., "Kobuk District May Prove a Real Bonanza," Alaska-Yukon Magazine, 10(5), November 1910.

Anon., Bettles Log, loaned by Tishu Ulen.

Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, 105 (c) Study, Socioeconomic Profile (Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, Anchorage, 1978).

Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, Anaktuvuk Pass Village Folio, Anchorage, 1978.

Arnold, Robert D., et al., Alaska Native Land Claims (Alaska Native Foundation, Anchorage, 1978 edition).

Bane, Ray, Tasks and Objectives of Subsistence Coordinator in Northwest Alaska, undated (ca. 1980) report, Bane file, GAAR NP&P.

Bane, Ray and Barbara, personal communications with the author, various dates.

Bane, Ray, Winter Field Trip into the Upper Noatak Valley, March 16-26, 1981, typescript report, Bane file, GAAR NP&P.

Bearss, Edwin C., Proposed Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park Historic Resource Study (National Park Service, Washington, 1970).

Berger, Thomas R., Village Journey, The Report of the Alaska Native Review Commission (Hill and Wang, New York, 1985).

Berry, Mary Clay, The Alaska Pipeline: The Politics of Oil and Native Land Claims, University of Indiana Press, Bloomington, 1975).

Berton, Pierre, The Klondike Fever (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1974).

Bettles, Gordon C., "First Surgery on the Koyukuk," Alaska Life, July 1941.

Bettles. Gordon C., "Some Early Yukon River History," Sourdough Sagas, Herbert L. Heller, ed., World Publishing Co., Cleveland, 1967.

Binford, L.R., "Forty-seven Trips," in Edwin S. Hall, Jr., ed., Contributions to Anthropology: The Interior Peoples of Northern Alaska (National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, 1976).

Bloom, Robert and Jessie, Robert and Jessie Bloom Papers, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Archives, Box 5, File 41.

Boden, Wayne, BLM Recreation Specialist, memorandum of 10/21/64, "Inventory of the South Slope of the Brooks Range".

Breck, Charlie, Interviews with the author, Wiseman, various dates, 1984-85.

Breedlove, Bailey, letter to Chief, Office of Resource Planning, SSC, 4/8/69.

Brooks, Alfred Hulse, Blazing Alaska's Trails, (Caxton Printers, 1953).

Brooks, Alfred Hulse, Geology and Petroleum Resources of Northern Alaska and Plans for Survey of Naval Petroleum Reserve No.4 (typescript paper, 1923, obtained from Technical Data Library, USGS Menlo Park, CA.).

Brooks, Alfred Hulse, Mineral Resources of Alaska...1911,. USGS Bull. 520 (Washington, GPO, 1911).

Brooks, Alfred Hulse, Mineral Resources of Alaska, Report on Progress of Investigations in 1910, USGS Bulletin 480 (Washington, 1911).

Brosge, W.P., Notes on Wiseman (Menlo Park, 1959).

Bundtzen, Tom, "Drift miners --Alaska's incurable optimists," Alaska Mines & Geology, 33(1), January 1984.

Burch, Ernest S., Jr., "Studies of Native History as a Contribution to Alaska's Future," typescript lecture paper, 32d Alaska Science Conference, Fairbanks, 1981.

Burch, Ernest S., Jr., Eskimo Kinsmen, Changing Family Relationships in Northwest Alaska (West Publishing Co., St. Paul, 1975).

Burch, Ernest S., Jr., "The Caribou/Wild Reindeer as a Human Resource," American Antiquity, 37(3), 1972.

Burch, Ernest S. Jr., "Cultural Revitalization Among the Northwest Alaskan Eskimos" (draft paper presented in a symposium on the culture history of Alaska Natives in Osaka, Japan, August 1978).

Burch, Ernest S. Jr., "The 'Nunamiut' Concept and the Standardization of Error," Contributions to Anthropology: The Interior Peoples of Northern Alaska (National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, 1976).

Burch, Ernest S., Jr., "Indians and Eskimos in North Alaska, 1816-1977: A Study in Changing Ethnic Relations," Arctic Anthropology, 16(2), 1979.

Burch, Ernest S., Jr., "Inter-Regional Transportation in Traditional Northwest Alaska," Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska, 17(2), December 1975.

Burch, Ernest S., Jr., "Overland Travel Routes in Northwest Alaska," Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska, 18(1), December 1976.

Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, The Iditarod Trail and Other Gold Rush Trails (Anchorage, 1977).

Cahn, Robert, The Fight to Save Wild Alaska (National Audubon Society, Washington, 1982).

Calkins, Annie, Puvlatuuq (North Slope Borough School District, Barrow, 1982).

Campbell, Jack, Interviews with the author, Anaktuvuk Pass, July 1985.

Cantwell, Robert, "The Ultimate Confrontation," Sports Illustrated, 3/24/69.

Cantwell, First Lieutenant John C., R.C.S., Report of the Operations of the U.S. Revenue Steamer Nunivak on the Yukon River Station, Alaska, 1899-1901 (Washington, GPO, 1902).

Carlson, Phyllis D., "The Koyukuk," in The Alaskana, 3(1).

Carpenter, Herman, Three Years in Alaska (The Howard Company, Philadelphia, 1901).

Case, Will H., Reminiscences of Captain Billie Moore (Burton Publishing Co., Kansas City, Missouri, 1947).

Caswell, John E., Arctic Frontiers, United States Explorations in the Far North (University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 1956).

Caulfield, Richard A., Subsistence Land Use, Upper Yukon-Porcupine Communities, Alaska (Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Subsistence Division Technical Paper, Number 16, June 19 83).

Clark, Annette McFadyen, Koyukuk River Culture (National Museums of Canada, Ottawa, 1974).

Clark, Annette McFadyen, "Koyukon" Handbook of American Indians, Vol. 6, Subarctic, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, 1981).

Clum, John P., "Nellie Cashman," Arizona Historical Review, v. 3, Jan. 1931.

Cobb, Edward H., Placer Deposits of Alaska, USGS Bulletin 1374 (Washington, 1973).

Coffey, Raymond R., "Oil Boom Cuts Deep Scars Into Alaskan Wilds," San Francisco Sunday Examiner & Chronicle, 9/14/69, A26.

Cole, Terrence, "Early Explorers and Prospectors on the Koyukuk," Alaska Geographic, 10(4), 1983.

Crevelli, John P., "The Final Act of the Greatest Conservation President," Prologue: The Journal of the National Archives, 12(4), Winter 1980.

Cruikshank, Julie, "Legend and Landscape: Convergence of Oral and Scientific Traditions in the Yukon Territory," Arctic Anthropology, 18(2), 1981.

Daily Alaskan (Skagway).

Dall, William H., Alaska and Its Resources (Lee and Shepard, Boston, 1870).

De Armond, Bob, comp., "This Month in Northland History," Alaska Sportsman, Sept. 1969.

Editors, Alaska Magazine,"Pioneering Days of Northern Alaska," Alaska Magazine, 1(2), May 1905, 234-236.

Editors, Wilderness Report, "We Ask Injunction Against Alaska Pipeline,"April 1970, 7(1).

Editors, U.S. News & World Report "Alaska Strikes It Rich,", 12/9/68.

Fairbanks Weekly News.

Fairbanks Daily Times.

Faulk, Odie B., Tombstone, Myth and Reality (Oxford University Press, New York, 1972).

Fickus, Bill, Interviews with the author, various dates, 1984-86.

FitzGerald, Gerald, Surveying and Mapping in Alaska, USGS Circular 101 (Washington, 1951).

Foote, Don Charles, "Human Geographical Studies in Northwestern Arctic Alaska, The Upper Kobuk River Project, 1965," (typescript report, Montreal, Canada, June 1966).

Foran, W.T., Naval Petroleum Reserve No.4, Field Notebook (USGS File No. 484).

Frederick, Robert A. ed., Frontier Alaska: A Study in Historical Interpretation and Opportunity (Alaska Methodist University Press, Anchorage, 1968).

Gal, Robert and Edwin S. Hall, Jr., "Provisional Culture History (National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska)," Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska, 20(1-2), September 1982.

Giddings, J.L., Ancient Men of the Arctic (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1973).

Goddard, Elizabeth Hays, Diary of Koyukuk River Journey Aboard the Episcopal Mission Boat Pelican (typescript, 1934), University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Archives, Elizabeth Hays Goddard Collection, Box 1, 101-02.

Giddings, J.L., Kobuk River People (University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 1961).

Giddings, J.L., Ancient Men of the Arctic (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1967).

Giddings, J.L. The Arctic Woodland Culture of the Kobuk River (The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1952)

Gordon, Wally, Interview with the author, Bettles, July 1985.

Gordon, Richard J., papers, history collection, Gates of the Arctic NP&P.

Greeley, Maj. Gen. A.W., Handbook of Alaska, Its Resources, Products, and Attractions in 1924 (originally published in 1925 and reissued by Kennikat Press, Port Washington, N.Y., 1970).

Grinnell, Joseph, Gold Hunting in Alaska (David C. Cook Pub. Co., Elgin, Ill., 1901, Facsimile Reproduction, 1964).

Gruening, Ernest, The State of Alaska (Random House, New York, 1954).

Gruening, Ernest, ed., An Alaskan Reader, 1867-1967 (Meredith Press, New York, 1966).

Gruening, Ernest, letter to Secretary of the Interior, 2/19/64.

Gryc, George, et al., Geology of the Chandler River Region, Alaska, USGS Prof. Paper 303-E (GPO, Washington, 1963).

Gubser, Nicholas J., The Nunamiut Eskimos, Hunters of Caribou (W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 1954).

Hall, Edwin S., Jr., "William Lauriston Howard and the First Crossing of Interior Northern Alaska" (typescript, Brockport, New York, 1978).

Hall, Edwin S., Jr., "A Clear and Present Danger: The Use of Ethnohistoric Data for Interpreting Mound 44 at the Utqiagvik Site," Arctic Anthropology, 21(1), 1984.

Hall, Edwin S. Jr., et al., In the National Interest: A Geographically Based Study of Anaktuvuk Pass Inupiat Subsistence Through Time (North Slope Borough, Barrow, Alaska, 1985).

Hall, Edwin S. Jr., "The Caribou Hunters of Anaktuvuk Pass," Alaska Magazine, 38(11}, Nov. 1972.

Hall, Edwin S. Jr., "The Waiting," Alaska Sportsman, 32(12}, Dec. 1965.

Hall, Ed, "A Memento of the Northern Alaska Naval Exploring Expedition of 1885-86," Alaska Journal, 7(2}, 1977.

Hall, Edwin S., Jr.,"Noatak Eskimo Tool Bag," Alaska Journal, 6(4}, Autumn 1976,

Hall, Edwin S., Jr., "Known Archeological Resources of the Noatak River Basin, Northern Alaska, as of January 1973" (typescript report for National Park Service).

Hall, Edwin S., Jr., "Kutchin Athapaskan/Nunamiut Eskimo Conflict," The Alaska Journal, 5(4} 1975.

Hartzog, George, letter to Walter Hickel, 12/7/67.

Hattem, Maurice, ed., "The Letters of William K. McKee From Alaska During the Gold Rush of '98," The Branding Iron, Los Angeles Corral of Westerners, No. 142, March 1981.

Healy, Capt. Michael A., Report of the Cruise of the Revenue Marine Steamer Corwin in the Arctic Ocean in the Year 1884 (Treasury Department, Washington, 1889).

Healy, Capt. Michael A., Report of the Cruise of the Revenue Marine Steamer Corwin in the Arctic Ocean in the Year 1885 (Washington, 1887).

Hession, Jack, Alaska representative of the Sierra Club, personal communication with the author, 3/31/86.

Hickock, David M., "Developmental Trends in Arctic Alaska," July 1, 1970, typescript presentation paper available at Arctic Information and Data Center, Anchorage.

Hickock, David M., "Nunamiut Experience and Current Approaches to Subsistence Harvest Problems by the People of Anaktuvuk Pass," Address before the Federal-State Land Use Planning Commission for Alaska, February 5, 1974.

Hill, G.M., "The Koyukuk, One of the Richest Districts in the Far North," Alaska-Yukon Magazine, June 1909, 8(3}.

Hobart, Clarence L., "United States Customs Service in Alaska," Alaska-Yukon Magazine, Mar. 1907, 3(1}.

Hulley, Clarence, Alaska, Past and Present, Binford and Mort, Portland, 1970.

Hunt, William R., North of 530, The Wild Days of the Alaska-Yukon Mining Frontier, 1870-1914 (Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1974).

Hunt, John Clark, "The Adventures of the Iowa Gold Seekers," Alaska Journal, 3(1), 1973.

Hurja, Emil Edward, "Mining in the Far North, The Koyukuk Mining District," Mining and Scientific Press, 109(11), Sept. 2, 1914.

Ingstad, Helge, Nunamiut, Among Alaska's Inland Eskimos (W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 1954).

Jenness, Diamond, Dawn in Arctic Alaska (University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1957).

Johnson, Walter, "Wiseman Then and Now," Alaska Geographic, 10(4), 1983.

Johnson, Walter, Interviews with the author, Wiseman, various dates, 1984-85.

Kakinya, Elijah, Interviews with the author, Anaktuvuk Pass, July 1985.

Kassler, Katrina, Discussion Guide to "The Oral Tradition; A Film Series on Three Alaska Native Elders," Alaska Native Heritage Film Project, University of Alaska Museum, 1984.

Kauffmann, John, file, Gates of the Arctic NP&P.

Keim, Charles, comp., Alaska Game Trails with a Master Guide (Alaska Northwest Publishing Co., Anchorage, 1977).

Keim, Charles J., Ahgvook, White Eskimo, Otto Geist and Alaskan Archeology (University of Alaska Press, College, Alaska, 1969).

Kitchener, L.D., Flag Over the North (Superior Publishing Co., Seattle, 1954).

Koyukuk Court Docket (criminal), (AK State Archives, Juneau).

Krumm, Robert, "The Long Road North" (undated, unsourced article written and published in 1969, found in NPS historical clipping file; Krumm was manager of the BLM District Office in Fairbanks).

Krumm, Robert C., BLM Fairbanks District Office Manager, letter to Nancy Hundt, Juneau Group, Alaska Chapter of the Sierra Club, 3/28/69.

Kunz, Michael L., et al., "Cultural Resource Survey & Inventory of the North Fork Koyukuk, Middle Fork Koyukuk, Glacier, and Upper Itkillik River Drainages" (draft National Park Service report, Fairbanks, 1985).

Kunz, Michael, "Athapaskan/Eskimo Interfaces in the Central Brooks Range, Alaska," The Athapaskan Question (The Archeological Association of the University of Calgary, 1977).

Leffingwell, E., The Canning River Region, Northern Alaska, USGS Prof. Paper 109 (Washington, D.C., GPO, 1919).

Leonard, Harry, Interviews with the author, Wiseman, various dates, 1984-85. Letters and Petition for Wiseman Wireless Station, Alaska State Archives, Juneau.

Leonard, Harry, interview conducted 7/16/82 by Walter Johnson of Anchorage, who retains transcript.

Lloyd, Lewis, "Shungnak--On the Arctic Slope," Alaska-Yukon Magazine7(6), March 1909.

Lopez, Barry, "Story at Anaktuvuk Pass," Harper's Magazine, December 1984.

Lozo, Suzy, Interview with the author, Wild Lake, 6/14-18/85.

Maddren, A.G., The Koyukuk-Chandalar Region, Alaska, USGS Bull. 532 (Washington, GPO, 1913).

Maddren, A.G., Koyukuk-Chandalar Region, Notebook IV (file No. 274).

Madison, Curt and Yvonne Yarber, Frank Tobuk, Evansville, A Biography (Hancock House Publishers, Ltd., North Vancouver, B.C., 1980).

Madison, Curt and Yvonne Yarber, Oscar Nictune, Sr., Alatna, a Biography (Hancock House Publishers, Ltd., North Vancouver, B.C., 1980).

Madison, Curt and Yvonne Yarber, Moses Henzie, A Biography, Allakaket (Yukon-Koyukuk School District, 1979).

Main, Jeremy, "The Hot Oil Rush in Arctic Alaska," Fortune, April 1969.

Mangus, Marvin D., "A History of the Exploration and Development of North Slope Oil & Gas Reserves," in Mining in Alaska's Past (Office of History and Archeology, Alaska Division of Parks, Pub. No. 27, 1980).

Marsh, S.J. materials, Eskil Anderson Collection, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Archives.

Marshall, Robert, "The Problem of Wilderness," Scientific Monthly, 30(2), February, 1930.

Marshall, Robert, original 1939 journal and field notebooks, "North Doonerak, Amway and Apoon" (information on sample plots assembled by USGS, Menlo Park).

Marshall, Robert, "Reconnaissance of the Northern Koyukuk Valley," USGS Bull. 844-E (Washington, GPO, 1934), addendum to Philip S. Smith, et al., Mineral Resources of Alaska...1931.

Marshall, Robert, (edited and with introductions by George Marshall), Alaska Wilderness, Exploring the Central_Brooks Range (second edition, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1970).

Marshall, Robert, Arctic Village (The Literary Guild, New York, 1933).

Marshall, Robert, Various letters, Robert Marshall Collection, Bancroft Library, Univ. of Calif., Berkeley.

Marshall, Robert, Journal, North Fork of the Koyukuk trip, Alaska--July 22-Aug. 16, 1929 (unpaginated), Robert Marshall Collection, Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.

Martin, Calvin, "Subarctic Indians and Wildlife," American Indian Environments (Syracuse University Press, 1980).

Mattes, Merrill et al., "Kobuk-Koyukuk, a Reconnaissance Report" (typescript report, NPS, San Francisco, June 1969).

McElwaine, Eugene, The Truth About Alaska (Published by the Author, 1901).

McKennan, Robert A., The Chandalar Kutchin (Arctic Institute of North America, Montreal, 1965).

McPhee, John, Coming Into the Country (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 1977).

Mekiana, Homer, This is the Story About Anaktuvuk Pass Village, Special Report of the Naval Arctic Research Laboratory (Barrow, Alaska, October 1972).

Melchior, Herbert R., ed., Biological Survey of the Proposed Kobuk Valley National Monument (typescript report for National Park Service, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 1976).

Mendenhall, Walter J.C., Reconnaissance from Fort Hamlin to Kotzebue Sound, Alaska, by way of Dall, Kanuti, Allen [Alatna], and Kowak [Kobuk] Rivers, USGS Prof. Paper No. 10 (Washington, GPO, 1902).

Mendenhall, Walter J.C., Reconnaissance from Fort Hamlin to

Mertie, Evelyn, Thirty Summers and a Winter (University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 1982).

Mertie, J.B., Jr., Naval Petroleum Reserve No.4, Field Notes book II, 1924 (USGS file No. 521).

Metzger, Charles R., The Silent River (Omega Books, Los Angeles, CA, 1983).

Metzger, Charles R., "The Silent River, a pastoral elegy in the form of a recollection of Arctic adventure" (unpublished typescript, n.d., obtained from George Gryc, USGS, Menlo Park).

Moore, Thomas W., undated typescript at British Columbia Provincial Archives, Victoria; furnished to author by Dr. Wendy Arundale, University of Alaska, Fairbanks.

Moore, William Domingo, Application for Allowance to the Board of Trustees of the Alaska Pioneers Home, June 1923, State Archives and Record Service, Juneau.

Morgan, Lael, ed., "Exploration and Development," The Kotzebue Basin, Alaska Geographic, 8(3), 1981.

Morris, Daryl, Interview with the author, Bettles, 6/24/84.

Mull, Gill, and Marvin Mangus, telephone interviews with the author, 12/16/85 and 12/17/85, respectively.

Murie, Margaret E., Two In the Far North, second edition, (Alaska Northwest Publishing Co., Anchorage, 1978).

Murie, Olaus, typescript draft report, in Olaus Murie Collection, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Archives, Box 1, "Physiography."

Murie, Adolph, A Naturalist in Alaska (The Devin-Adair Co., New York, 1961).

Murie, Claus, Field Notebook, 1922-23, Record Unit 7176, Smithsonian Institution Archives, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Field Reports, 1860-1961, Boxes 11 and 12, 508, 510, 520. These notes provided the writer by Holly Rekord.

Murie, Olaus J., "Alaska-Yukon Caribou," North American Fauna, No. 54, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Biological Survey, Washington, D.C., June 1935.

Murie, Olaus J., Journeys to the Far North (The Wilderness Society and American West Publishing Company, Palo Alto, California, 1973).

Murie, Olaus J., "Dr. Murie Reports on Wilderness Study of Impressive Brooks Range," undated, unsourced newsclipping (presumed to be from New York Times, late 1956), in Murie Collection, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Archive.

Murie, Margaret E., Two in the Far North, Alaska Northwest Publishing Co, Anchorage, 1979.

Musser, John and Rhoda, Interview with the author, Bettles, 6/27/85.

Nageak, Anna, Interviews with the author, Anaktuvuk Pass, July 1985.

Naske, Claus M., "Paving Alaska's Trails: The Work of the Alaska Road Commission" (manuscript in preparation).

National Audubon Society, briefing paper, "Carter Administration, Alaska Lands," undated (ca. Jan. 1979).

Nelson, Richard K., Make Prayers to the Raven, A Koyukon View of the Northern Forest (University of Chicago Press, 1983).

Nelson, Richard K., "Athapaskan Subsistence Adaptations in Alaska," Senri Ethnological Studies 4, 1980.

Nelson, Richard, et al., "Preliminary Report: Subsistence Activities in Proposed Alaskan parklands" (NPS typescript report, Anchorage, 1977).

Nelson, Richard K., Kathleen H. Mautner, G. Ray Bane, Tracks in the Wildland, A Portrayal of Koyukon and Nunamiut Subsistence (Cooperative Park Studies Unit, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 1982).

Nelson, Richard K., "Relationships Between Eskimo and Athapascan Cultures in Alaska: An Ethnographic Perspective," Arctic Anthropology, XI-Suppl., 1974.

Nelson,Richard K. Hunters of the Northern Forest, University of Chicago Press, 1973.

Newman, Turak (with commentary by William Schneider), One Man's Trail: An Old Timer Tells the Story of His Life (Adult Literacy Library, Anchorage Community College, 1978).

Nichols, Jeannette Paddock, Alaska: a history of its administration, exploitation, and industrial development during its first half century under the rule of the United States (Arthur H. Clark Co., Cleveland, 1924; reprinted in 1963 by Russell & Russell, Inc., New York).

Nielson, Jon M., "Conduct Most Becoming: The Revenue Marine Service in Alaska," Alaska Journal, 9(3}, 1979.

Noble, Dennis L., "Fog, Reindeer, and the Bering Sea Patrol, 1867-1964," in The Sea in Alaska's Past (History and Archeology Publications No. 25, Alaska Division of Parks, Anchorage, November 1979).

North Slope Borough Commission on History and Culture in Qiniqtuagaksrat Utuqsanaat Inuuniagninisiqun, The Traditional Land Use Inventory for the Mid-Beaufort Sea, Barrow, Alaska, 1980.

Oil & Gas Journal, "Alyeska Project" edition, 1974.

Orth, Donald J., Dictionary of Alaska Place Names, Geological Survey Professional Paper 567 (U.S.G.P.O. 1967).

Oswalt, Wendell H., Eskimos and Explorers (Chandler & Sharp Publishers, Inc., Novato, California, 1979).

Paneak, Raymond, Interviews with the author, Anaktuvuk Pass, July 1985.

Paneak, Roosevelt, Interviews with the author, Anaktuvuk Pass, July 1985.

Paneak, Simon, "We Hunt to Live," The Alaska Sportsman, 26(3), March 1960.


Peele, Robert, Mining Engineers' Handbook, I, Third Edition (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1941).

Pender, Jane, "Crisis on the North Slope: Last of the Caribou People," Anchorage Daily News, 3/4/69, 4.

Pingel, H., "A Short History of Mining on the Koyukuk," The Pathfinder, 2(5), April 1921.

Price, A. Grenfell, ed., The Explorations of Captain James Cook in_the_pacific as told by Selections of His Own Journals, 1768-1779 (Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1971).

Public Law 96-487, Dec. 2, 1980 (94 Stat. 1378, Sec. 201(4)(a).

Purington, C.W., Gravel and Placer Mining in Alaska, USGS Bull. 263 (Washington, GPO, 1905).

Ray, Dorothy Jean, The Eskimos of Bering Strait, 1650-1898 (University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1975).

Rayburn, George, Interview with the author, 2/1/85, Fairbanks.

Reed, John C., Exploration of Naval Petroleum Reserve No.4 and Adjacent Areas, Northern Alaska, 1944-53, Part I, History of the Exploration, USGS Prof. Paper 301 (Washington, D.C., GPO, 1958).

Reed, Irving Mck., "Report on the Placer Deposits of the Upper Kobuk Goldfields", Territory of Alaska Department of Mines, typescript (Juneau, 1931), in U.S. Bureau of Mines microfilm records (BuMines Library, Juneau, MR37-1).

Reed, Irving McK., "Frank Yasuda, Pioneer in the Chanda1ar," Alaska Sportsman, 29(6), June 1963.

Reed, Irving McK., "Upper Koyukuk Region, Alaska" (Dept. of Mines, Territory of Alaska, typescript report, 1938).

Reiser, H.N., History of Wiseman, as related by Oliver Chappell, in notes recorded by H.N. Reiser, USGS, in 1959 (provided by W.P. Brosge, USGS, Menlo Park).

Rickard, T.A., Through the Yukon and Alaska (Mining and Scientific Press, San Francisco, 1909).

Rickard, T.A. "Mining Methods in the North," Mining and Scientific Press, Jan. 9, 1909.

Ricks, Melvin B., Directory of Alaska Postoffices and Postmasters (Tongass Pub. Co., Ketchikan, AK, 1965).

Roberts, Arthur O., Tomorrow is Growing Old, Stories of the Quakers in Alaska (The Barclay Press, Newberg, Oregon, 1978).

Buskin, Evey, ed., "Letters to Lizzie: A Koyukuk gold seeker writes home," Anchorage Daily News, May 6, 1984, Magazine Section, "We Alaskans."

Schneider, William, "Capt. P.H. Rayon the Alaskan Frontier in the Fall of 1897" (typescript report, Fairbanks, 1984).

Schneider, William, "Beaver, Alaska: The Story of a Multi-Ethnic Community" (doctoral dissertation, Bryn Mawr College, 1976).

Schrader, Frank C., "Preliminary Report on a Reconnaissance along the Chandlar [sic] and Koyukuk Rivers, Alaska, in 1899," from USGS 21st Annual Report, Part II, 1899-1900 (Washington, GPO, 1900).

Schrader, Frank C., Geological Field Notes on the Chanda1ar River and Middle Fork Koyukuk River, June 21 to August 16, 1899 (edited by J.B. Mertie, Jr.), FN 62, entries for July 20, Aug. 6, 12-15.

Schrader, Frank C., A Reconnaissance in Northern Alaska Across the Rocky Mountains, Along Koyukuk, John, Anaktuvuk, and Colville Rivers, and the Arctic Coast to Cape Lisburne, in 1901, USGS Professional Paper No. 20 (Washington, GPO, 1904).

Schrader, Frank C. Diary, USGS Field Notebook #106 (typescript transcription), 22-28, July l7-Aug. 26 entries.

Schrader, Frank C., Note Book I, Arctic Ocean Trip, 1901, as transcribed by J.B. Mertie, Jr.

Seattle Sun-Times, July 11, 1937 (UAF periodicals).

Senungetuk, Joseph E., Give or Take a Century, An Eskimo Chronicle (The Indian Historian Press, San Francisco, 1971).

Seward Weekly Gateway.

Sherwood, Morgan B., Exploration of Alaska, 1865-1900 (Yale University Press, 1965).

Sierra Club, Alaska Chapter-Alaska Conservation Society broadside, Gates of the Arctic NP proposal, printed in Juneau, 1969.

Smith, Philip S., and Henry M. Eakin, "The Shungnak Region, Kobuk Valley," in Alfred H. Brooks, et al., Mineral Resources of Alaska, _Report on Progress of Investigations in 1910, USGS Bull. 480 (Washington, GPO, 1911).

Smith, Philip S., "Memorial of Alfred H. Brooks," published in volume 37 of the Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 1926.

Smith, Philip S., and J.B. Mertie, Jr., Geology and Mineral Resources of Northwestern Alaska, USGS Bulletin 815 (Washington, GPO, 1930).

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