Gates of the Arctic
Gaunt Beauty ... Tenuous Life
Historic Resource Study for Gates of the Arctic National Park & Preserve
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Volume I, Historical Narrative (PDF)



Note on Sources


Chapter 1: Land of Traditional Times

Chapter 2: Early Exploration

Chapter 3: Early Mining and Klondike Overflow

Chapter 4: Far North Camps and Communities, 1900-1930

Chapter 5: The Civilization of the North

Chapter 6: Robert Marshall's Koyukuk

Chapter 7: Still a Homeland

Chapter 8: Creation of a Park


Recommendations for Further Work


Illustrations and Maps:
     Regional map and historical base map in end pocket (PDF)
     Photo essay on the land follows Contents (PDF)
     Chapter 1 illustrations follow page 34 (PDF)
     Chapter 2 illustrations follow page 100 (PDF)
     Chapter 3 illustrations follow page 182 (PDF)
     Chapter 4 illustrations follow page 258 (PDF)
     Chapter 5 illustrations follow page 382 (PDF)
     Chapter 6 illustrations follow page 460 (PDF)
     Chapter 7 illustrations follow page 546 (PDF)
     Chapter 8 illustrations follow page 590 (PDF)

Volume II, Site Desciptions (PDF)

Historic Sites and Structures Introduction

Historic Sites and Structures List

HABS/HAER Project Information

Historic Structures Summary and Site Descriptions by Russell Sackett
     Sites within the park boundary
     Sites beyond the park boundary

Sites and Structures noted during mining surveys

HABS Documentation, Wiseman and Vicinity

Historic Structures Inventory of Wiseman by Susan Will, BLM

Wild Lake, Old Bettles, Chandalar, Anaktuvuk Pass

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Last Updated: 10-Feb-2017