Gates of the Arctic
Gaunt Beauty ... Tenuous Life
Historic Resource Study for Gates of the Arctic National Park & Preserve
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Most of the historical quotations and graphics used in this study are derived from public domain sources. Quotations from modern, copyrighted sources have been limited to short passages to stay within accepted scholarly-use criteria. All sources are credited in the notes and captions, whether in the form of direct quotation or copying of graphics, or in the form of paraphrased ideas. Permission will be sought, as appropriate, from publishers and authors not already contacted before formal publication.

To convey Robert Marshall's special insights, I have drawn heavily on his published literature, and from the Robert Marshall Collection—both written and photographic—at the Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley. The guardian of that literary estate, Robert's brother George Marshall, has been approached for permission to use these materials. He is in process at this writing of consulting with the Bancroft Library and the University of California Press on behalf of this study. Until permission is granted from George Marshall and the University of California, this preliminary printing of the study will be considered an in-house National Park Service draft, with distribution limited to concerned Park Service officials and selected scholarly reviewers.

William E. Brown

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Last Updated: 28-Nov-2016