TABLE OF CONTENTS Geologic history of Mammoth Hot Springs and surrounding area Origin and chemical composition of Mammoth Hot Spring water and travertine deposits Form and structure of the hot-spring deposits Hot-spring cones Age of the travertine formations and history of thermal activity at Mammoth Hot Springs Terrace Mountain travertine
ILLUSTRATIONS Plate 1. Geologic map of Mammoth Hot Springs area and location of thermal springs active in May 1974 (omitted from the online edition) Figure 1. Photograph showing steplike travertine terraces at Mammoth Hot Springs2. Geologic map of Mammoth Hot Springs and surrounding area 325. Photographs showing: 3. Mount Everts and Main Terrace 4. Steeply dipping fractures at Highland Terrace 5. Porous travertine of drill core 6. Dense vertically banded travertine 7. Dense travertine of drill core 8. Liberty Cap 9. Minerva Spring 10. Cupid Spring 11. Terracettes and overhanging terracette deposits of New Highland Springs 12. Collapse feature in the Highland Terrace area 13. White Elephant Back Terrace and spring MHS30 14. Terminus of fissure ridge north of Devil's Kitchen Springs 15. Fissure ridge along north border of Main Terrace 16. Orange Spring Mound 17. Glen Springs 18. One of the grottos, White ElephantBack Terrace 19. Calcite "ice" 20. Texture produced by fossil microorganisms in travertine 21. Terrace Mountain and chaotic landslide blocks of Silver Gate 22. Glacial boulders on top of Terrace Mountain 23. Hot River 24. Narrow Gauge Terrace 25. Spring MHS24 TABLES Table 1. Geologic time scale2. Average chemical composition of Mammoth Hot Spring water compared with acid chloride water from Norris Geyser Basin and cold spring water from Snow Pass 3. Average chemical composition of gas exsolved from the Mammoth Hot Springs 4. Average chemical composition of travertine from Mammoth Hot Springs 5. Recorded history and temperatures of named thermal springs at Mammoth Hot Springs, 1870-1974 6. Recorded history and temperatures of unnamed thermal springs at Mammoth Hot Springs, 1954-1974 CONVERSION FACTORS
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