TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Structural geology of the eastern core Supplemental information ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE 1. Sketch map showing major geologic terranes of the Olympic Peninsula 2. Geologic map of the eastern core 3. Sketch map showing major folds and faults on the Olympic Peninsula 4-8. Photographs showing: 4. Beds sheared off by cleavage in zone of disruption, Hurricane Ridge fault zone south of Mount Angeles 5. Block of undisrupted thin-bedded sandstone and slate in broken formation, western Olympic lithic assemblage 6. Shear fold in thin-bedded sandstone with slate core, southwest of Mount Olympus 7. Sheared-off sandstone bed in weakly developed slate, south side Mount Appleton 8. Sketches showing beds in sandstone and slate disrupted by cleavage 9-15. Photographs showing: 9. Blocks and lenses of sandstone in contorted slate matrix, southeast of Muncaster Mountain 10. Tectonic lenses of sandstone in phyllite, southwest side Mount Barnes 11. Small blocks of sandstone in slate, east of Mount Christie 12. Disrupted beds and tectonic lenses in slate, west side Mount Olympus 13. Recumbent fold juxtaposed by faulting with inclined fold, northwest of Grand Pass 14. Sharply hinged fold in sandstone with slate interbeds, northeast shoulder McCartney Peak 15. Fold with rounded hinge in sandstone with siltstone laminations, north side Mount Cameron 16. Sketch showing folded isoclinal fold northwest of Mount Olympus 17. Large overturned drag fold on Mount Anderson 18-23. Photographs showing: 18. Folds in cleavage, phyllite, south ridge Mount Norton 19. Pencil structures in limestone northeast of Grand Pass 20. Pencil structures in slate, northwest McCartney Peak 21. Large pencils in slate and siltstone at high angle to bedding and fold axis, north of Mount Cameron 22. Crude pencils parallel to axial plane of fold northeast of Grand Pass 23. Lineated granule conglomerate, east of Ludden Peak 24-32. Sketches showing: 24. Pencil lineations in the eastern core 25. Domains and subdomains eastern core 26. Principal structural elements for each subdomain 27. Development of eastern core by folding, faulting, and shear folding 28. Ninety-five poles to bedding in volcanic rocks in the Crescent Formation 29. Summary diagrams, structural elements in Domain West 30. Summary diagrams, structural elements in Domain East 31. Intersection of principal shear cleavage, late stage deformation with girdle of early fold axes and constructed kinematic axis 32. Generalized section through Olympic Mountains at plate margin 33. Computer form for structural data 34. Computer output for structural program TABLE
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