TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgments Types of flows at Mount Rainier General statement Methods of study Flow frequency and risk at Mount Rainier Design or planning cases and hazard zonation Definition of cases Probability of precursor volcanic activity Travel times of lahars and potential reservoir effects Travel times of lahars ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE 1. Cross sections of selected flows at Mount Rainier. (omitted from on-line edtion) FIGURES Frontispiece. View of south side of Mount Rainier near the end of the 1987 draought. 1a. 1b. Maps showing location of Mount Rainier, localities of lahar cross sections, and other features of interest in southwestern Washington 2. Graph showing cumulative curves of particle sizes in a typical cohesive lahar (Electron Mudflow) and noncohesive lahar (National Lahar) 3. Graph showing relation of sorting and mean grain size for selected cohesive and noncohesive debris flows 4. Photograph showing northeast side of Mount Rainier and Little Tahoma Peak 5. Graph showing relation of flow volume and clay content in several postglacial mudflows at Mount Rainier 6. Diagrammatic composite sequence of valley-fill deposits in the White River valley 7. Photographs showing mound-studded surface of the Osceola Mudflow 8. Graph showing lahar-bulking factors for four lahars at Mount Rainier, and composition changes in the Osceola Mudflow 9. Composite columnar sections of lahars and associated deposits in the upper Nisqually River drainage 10. Diagrammatic composite sequences of valley-fill deposits in the Puyallup River valley 11. Diagrammatic composite sequences of valley-fill deposits in the Nisqually River valley 12. Photograph showing dish structure in deposits of National Lahar at the type locality 13. Graph showing discharge versus distance for debris flows resulting from glacial outburst or collapse 14. Graph showing seasonal distribution of debris flows, hyperconcentrated flows, and floods in glacier-fed tributaries of the Nisqually River from 1925 to 1990 1517. Photographs showing: 15. Active front of the South Tahoma Glacier 5 days before and 1 day after the clear-weather glacial-outburst flood and debris flow of June 29, 1987 16. Area of stagnant, moraine-covered lower part of South Tahoma Glacier 5 days before and 1 day after the flow of June 29, 1987 17. Ice clast, more than 1 meter in maximum dimension, included with andesite clasts of similar size in lobate boulder front of flow of October 26, 1986 18. Graph showing cumulative curves of particle sizes within successive boulder fronts and hyperconcentrated- flow deposits formed during transformation of the Tahoma Creek debris flow of October 26, 1986 19. Photographs showing debris flow levees and underlying sole layers from flows of 1986 and 1987 along Tahoma Creek 20. Graph showing cumulative curves of particle sizes of debris flows derived by dewatering 21. Photograph showing debris avalanche on the surface of the Tahoma Glacier at the head of the South Puyallup River 22. Photograph showing megaclast at surface of the 1963 debris avalanche below the Emmons Glacier in the main fork of the White River
1. Tephra units and other indications of volcanic activity 2. Mainly cohesive debris flows of sector-collapse or avalanche origin 3. Mainly noncohesive debris flows and their runout phases 4. Radiocarbon dates from hyperconcentrated-flow and normal streamflow deposits 5. Summary of origins and transformations of debris flows 6. Ranking of debris flows described in table 5 by magnitude, frequency, and risk 7. Characteristics of design- or planning-case lahars 8. Celerities and travel times of the maximum lahar, Case I lahar, and Case II lahar from Mount Rainier to the nearest downstream reservoir or the Puget Sound lowland CONVERSION FACTORS
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