TABLE OF CONTENTS Age of the McKinney and Wendell Grade Basalts Correlation of lava previously called Bancroft Springs Basalt Equivalence of pillow lava near Bliss to McKinney Basalt Late Pleistocene history of Snake River Paleomagnetism, by Allan Cox ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE 1. Index map of Idaho showing area discussed 2. Chart showing stratigraphy of Snake River Group 3. Geologic map of area between Hagerman and King Hill 4-7. Photographs showing: 4. Pressure ridges of McKinney Basalt 5. Scabland surface of McKinney Basalt 6. Boulder of Melon Gravel on McKinney Basalt 7. Gravel under McKinney Basalt 8. Geologic map of area southeast of King Hill 9. Photograph of canyon-filling McKinney Basalt at Bancroft Springs 10. Geologic sections across former canyon of Snake River 11. Maps of area between Hagerman and King Hill showing late Pleistocene drainage changes 12. Photograph showing canyon fill of Sand Springs Basalt 13. Diagram showing directions of remanent magnetization of selected basalts from the Snake River Group TABLES TABLE 1. Altitudes and gradients of surface of McKinney Basalt southeast of King Hill 2. Selected pebble counts of gravel pertaining to ancestral river history between Hagerman and King Hill 3. Log of water well 65-13E-6dc1 at Bliss 4. Log of water well 65-13E-5dd1, three-quarters of a mile east of Bliss
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