USGS Logo Geological Survey Professional Paper 715—B
Combined Ice and Water Balances of Maclure Glacier, California, South Cascade Glacier, Washington, and Wolverine and Gulkana Glaciers, Alaska, 1967 Hydrologic Year





Weather during the 1967 hydrologic year

Measurement system

Maclure Glacier
   Field program
   Glaciologic balances
   Hydrologic balance

South Cascade Glacier
   Field program
   Glaciologic balances
   Hydrologic balance

Wolverine Glacier
   Field program
   Glaciologic balances
   Hydrologic balance

Gulkana Glacier
   Field program
   Glaciologic balances
   Hydrologic balance

Relationships between hydrology of these glaciers

References cited


PLATE (omitted from the online edition)

1. Maps and graphs showing data for 1967 hydrologic year, Maclure Glacier, Sierra Nevada, California.
2. Maps and graphs showing data for 1967 hydrologic year, South Cascade Glacier, North Cascade Range, Washington.
3. Maps and graphs showing data for 1967 hydrologic year, Wolverine Glacier, Kenai Mountains, Alaska.
4. Maps and graphs showing data for 1967 hydrologic year, Gulkana Glacier, Alaska Range, Alaska.


1. Vertical aerial photograph of Maclure Glacier and most of the drainage basin, Sierra Nevada, California
2. The balance of Maclure Glacier, 1967 hydrologic year
3. Oblique aerial photograph of South Cascade Glacier and drainage basin, North Cascade Range, Washington
4. The balance of South Cascade Glacier, 1967 hydrologic year
5. Photograph of precipitation and air temperature gage at Wolverine Glacier, Kenai Mountains, Alaska
6. The balance of Wolverine Glacier, 1967 hydrologic year
7. Vertical aerial photomosaic of Gulkana Glacier, Alaska Range, Alaska
8. The mass balance of Gulkana Glacier, 1967 hydrologic year
9. Annual glacier hydrology as a function of latitude

1. Instrumentation at Maclure Glacier during the 1967 hydrologic year
2. Ice and water balances, Maclure Glacier basin, 1967 hydrologic and balance years
3. Instrumentation at South Cascade Glacier during the 1967 hydrologic year
4. Ice and water balances, South Cascade Glacier basin, 1967 hydrologic and balance years
5. Instrumentation at Wolverine Glacier during the 1967 hydrologic year
6. Ice and water balances, Wolverine Glacier basin, 1967 hydrologic and balance years
7. Instrumentation at Gulkana Glacier during the 1967 hydrologic year
8. Ice and water balances, Gulkana Glacier, 1967 hydrologic and balance years


V. E. McKlevey, Director

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
Main entry under title:
Combined ice and water balances of Maclure Glacier, California, South Cascade Glacier, Washington, and Wolverine and Gulkana Glaciers, Alaska, 1967 hydrologic year.
(Ice and water balances at selected glaciers in the United States) (Geological Survey Professional Paper 715-B)
Bibliography: p.
Supt. of Docs. no.: I 19.15:715-B
1. Glaciers—The West. 2. Glaciers—Alaska. 3. Water Balance—The West. 4. Water Balance—Alaska. I. Tangborn, Wendell V. II. Series III. Series: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 715-B.
GB2519.C65 551.3'12 76-608287

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