Appendix C: COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding is between the National Park Service represented by the Regional Director and hereinafter referred to as the Service and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department represented by the Director and hereinafter referred to as the Department. WHEREAS, the Department has the responsibility under the laws and constitution of the State of Texas for the management, propagation, and protection of resident species of fish and wildlife found within the borders of the State, and is responsible for the benefit of the people of the State of Texas, and WHEREAS, the Service is responsible under various acts, laws and treaties of the United States to administer and manage the lands, waters, natural and historic resources contained within the boundaries of National Park Service administered areas within the State of Texas, and WHEREAS, the Department and the Service recognize the necessity for ecologically sound regional planning to perpetuate, and restore where opportunity presents, the diversity and abundance of fish and wildlife resources within the State of Texas, and desire to conduct joint and cooperative endeavors which will focus the skills and abilities of the Department and Service toward resolving mutual fish and wildlife problems, achieving maximum public benefits from the fish and wildlife resources, and ensuring that the respective objectives and responsibilities of the Department and Service are fulfilled. NOW THEREFORE:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Memorandum of Understanding as of the date last signed below.
TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Carlsbad Caverns Natural History ASSOCIATION* This Memorandum of Agreement is between the National Park Service (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"), an agency of the United States Department of the Interior, acting in this behalf through the Director, National Park Service, or his designee, and the Carlsbad Caverns Natural History Association (hereinafter referred to as "Association"), acting through the Chairman of its Board of Directors or the Board's designee. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, it is the purpose of the Service to preserve, interpret, and manage the National Park System for the benefit, education, and enjoyment of the people of the United States, as provided for in the Act of August 25, 1916 (16 U.S.C. Sec. 1, et seq.); and WHEREAS, the Service desires to provide facilities and cooperating services for the sale of materials of interpretive and educational value and for the presentation of specified programs relating to the interpretive themes of areas of the National Park System; and WHEREAS, the Association has the education, historical, scientific, and nonprofit purposes of assisting historical, scientific, educational, and interpertive activities of the Service; NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to authority contained in the Acts of August 25, 1916 (16 U.S.C. Sec. 1-3), August 7, 1946 (16 U.S.C. Sec. 17j-2), August 21, 1935 (16 U.S.C. Sec. 461-468e), June 5, 1920 (16 U.S.C. Sec. 6), August 8, 1953 (16 U.S.C. Sec. 1b5), August 18, 1970 (16 U.S.C. Sec. 1a-2(g)), and other laws supplemental thereto and amendatory thereof, and in consideration of the mutual benefits which will accrue to the Service and the Association, the parties agree as follows: 1. AUTHORIZATION The Service authorizes the Association to provide, and the Association agrees to provide, the hereinafter described interpretive and educational services to the visiting public for a period of five years conmencing on the day following the ratification of this Agreement by the Service. This Agreement will automatically renew for another five year period on October 1 of the last year, unless reasonable notice of cancellation is given by either party before the date of renewal. While the Service reserves the right to terminate the Agreement, or any part thereof, at any time upon reasonable notice without the necessity of any legal process, the Service will hold a meeting with the Association prior to the termination setting forth the reasons for termination. 2. ASSOCIATION RESPONSIBILITIES The Association may use facilities within the Park for the sale of educational and interpretive items for the benefit of the visiting public. A. Sales Items
B. Facilities
C. Records and Accounting
D. Personnel
E. Approvals
F. Interpretive Activities
3. SERVICE RESPONSIBILITIES The Service agrees to allow the Association to use those facilities within the Park which are designated in Exhibit B for the sale of educational and interpretive items for the benefit of the visiting public. A. Sales Items
B. Facilities
4. SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENTS The Service and the Association further agree that, by supplemental agreement, the Association may offer additional educational and interpretive services which support the mission of the Park. This includes assisting, planning, and conducting the presentation of interpretive and educational programs, involving as needed, but not limited to, employment of interpreters, purchasing of supplies, and sale of program products. 5. INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE A. The Association shall indemnify, save and hold harmless and defend the United States against all fines, claims, damages, losses, judgments, and expenses arising Out of or from any omission or activity of the Association in connection with activities under this Agreement. ***B. The Association shall procure public and employee liability insurance with a minimum limitation of $100,000 for any number of claims from any one incident, with respect to the activities of the Association and its employees. The United States of America shall be named as an additional insured on all such policies. All such policies shall specify that the insurer shall have no right of subrogation against the United States for payment of any premiums or deductibles thereunder, and such insurance policies shall be assumed by, credited to the account of, and undertaken at the Association's sole risk. 6. ASSOCIATION ORGANIZATION A. The Association's Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws shall comply with requirements of the State in which the Association is in corporated. Non-profit status must be maintained in accordance with Federal and State laws and the Association will make available for inspection at the request of the Service documents demonstrating non profit status. This contract will automatically terminate if non-profit status is lost. B. Non-Service representation on the Board of Directors must be a majority. Service employees shall not represent the Association in any matter between the Association and the Service. When acting as an Officer or Association Board Member, a Service employee shall not participate in any Association decision concerning the relationship of the Association to the Service, including, but not limited to, executing or negotiating contracts, signing checks or hiring or firing Association employees. C. The role of the Executive Secretary, or, in the case of an amalgamation, the equivalent position, when a Service employee, is to represent the interests of the National Park Service and to provide cooperative assistance to the Association. His or her scope of Association responsibility shall be limited to providing assistance in over seeing the day-to-day, routine business of the Association, and serving as liaison between the Service and the Association. D. The Association treasurer shall not be a Service employee. 7. ASSIGNMENT No transfer or assignment of this Agreement or of any part thereof or interest therein, directly or indirectly, voluntary or involuntary, shall be made unless such transfer or assignment is first approved by the Director or his authorized representative in writing. 8. APPROPRIATIONS Nothing herein contained shall be construed as binding the Service to expend in any one fiscal year any sum in excess of appropriations made by Congress or administratively allocated for the purposes of this Agreement for the fiscal year, or to involve the Service in any contract or other obligation for the further expenditure of money in excess of such appropriations or allocation. 9. MISCELLANEOUS A. The rights and benefits conferred by this Agreement shall be subject to the laws of the United States governing the National Park Service and to the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, whether now in force or hereafter enacted or provided; and the mention of specific restrictions, conditions, and stipulations heroin shalt not be construed as in any way impairing the general powers of super vision, regulation and control by the Service. B. No member of, or delegate to, Congress, or Resident Commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of this Agreement or to any benefit that may arise therefrom, but this restriction shall not be construed to extend to this Agreement if made with a corporation or company for its general benefit. C. The Association agrees that all its activities shall be conducted in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations, both State and Federal. Specifically, the Association shall comply with the requirements of (a) Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1967, (b) Title 7., Section 503 of the Rehabilization act m. of September 26, 1968 (P.L. 93-112), which requires Government Contractors and Subcontractors to take affirmative action to employ and to advance in employment qualified handicapped individuals, and (c) with regulations heretofore or hereafter promulgated, relating to nondiscrimination in employment and in providing facilities and service to the public, as set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part thereof. D. In all cases where rights or privileges are granted herein in general or indefinite terms, the extent of the use of such rights or privileges by the Association shall be determined by further written agreement.This Agreement is effective between the Association and the Service with regard to the following specified national park sites, which are collectively referred to throughout this Agreement as the "Park," to wit: (1) Carlsbad Caverns National Park IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Association has caused this Agreement to be executed this 30th day of January 1978. Carlsbad Caverns Natural History Association By: Chairman, Board of Directors IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Service has caused this Agreement to be ratified this 3rd day of March, 1978. National Park Service * The following agreement is non-negotiable except where indicated. ** Paragraph (4) has been designated to handle any special or unique problems. This point is negotiable. *** This paragraph is non-negotiable except the "minimum limitation" of insurance. Acceptable coverage is left to the discretion of the Association. A $100,000 minimum is advised even for the smaller Associations.
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT AND THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CONCERNING THE MANAGEMENT AND SUPPRESSION Fire loss in the forests and on the rangelands of the Nation continues to be a matter of great concern to the American public, the State of New Mexico, and to the land management agencies in the Department of the Interior and the Department of Agriculture, Many of the land areas under the jurisdiction of these agencies are so located geographically that fire on lands in one jurisdiction may burn onto the lands of an adjoining jurisdiction. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into in order to provide a framework for cooperation in the management and suppression of wildfires along the common boundaries of the participating agencies. This type of agreement is provided for in the 1986 Joint Powers Agreement between the State of New Mexico and the Federal Agencies of the Departments of Interior and Agriculture. It is also provided for in the Interagency Agreement that exists between the Departments of Interior and Agriculture in the Federal government. The intent of these broad agreements is that local agreements may be entered into which provide for the sharing of resources, the utilization of the closest resource, and the use of suppression tactics which are the most cost effective and which most protect the resources to be managed, regardless of ownership. This Memorandum of Understanding is intended to be that type of local agreement. A general basis for cooperation between the agencies of the Departments of the Interior and Agriculture on all aspects of wildfire management is provided by the 1983 Interagency Agreement between the BLM, BIA, NPS, USF&WS, and the USFS (83SIE001). This MOU is entered into by the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, under the authority of 16 U.S.C. Sec. 1b; the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of the Interior, under the authority of 43 U.S.C. Sec. 1701; and the U.S. Forest Service, under the authority of the Forest Service Cooperative Agreement Act of 1975 (16 U.S.C. 565 a13). These three Federal agencies will hereafter be referred to as the "agencies". While the individual agencies will conduct fire management operations in keeping with their respective policies, they are also aware that there can be considerable benefits in cost effectiveness and safety if natural features are used to assist in the containment and/or control of wildfires. These natural features frequently transcend administrative boundaries dividing the agencies. These agencies also recognize that the existing fire suppression mandates regulating individual agencies provide for management actions which will allow fires to burn or move into areas where safety, logistical, and resource management considerations warrant the fires can be better managed and/or contained. These agencies recognize that the above conditions may require that fires be allowed to burn across administrative boundary lines. Further, it is recognized by all agencies that a better utilization of Federal funds can be accomplished through a cooperative effort of fire management, including prescribed fire. It is therefore considered beneficial for the three agencies to develop a cooperative effort in administering their fire programs. NOW THEREFORE, in view of the above considerations, the three agencies agree as follows:
This MOU will become effective upon approval by all parties and will extend for a period of five years thereafter. The MOU may be amended, revised, or terminated in writing at any time by joint agreement of the supervisors, or their representatives, of the agencies after 30 days written notice. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the agencies hereto have executed this Memorandum of Understanding as of the last date written below: U.S. Department of the Interior Approved by: Superintendent, Carlsbad Caverns National Park Approved by: Superintendent, Guadalupe Mountains National Park Bureau of Land Management Approved by: District Manager, Roswell District U.S. Department of Agriculture Approved by: Forest Supervisor, Lincoln National Forest COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT This Cooperative Agreement is entered into under the authority of the Act of August 25, 1916, as amended, 16 U.S.C. § 1, et. seq., the Act of October 15, 1966, 16 U.S.C. § 283, and the Act of July 15, 1968, 16 U.S.C. § 460L22, by and between the United States, hereinafter referred to as the Service, and the State of Texas, acting through the Department of Highways and Public Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the Highway Department. The purposes and mutual benefits of this agreement are as follows:
This agreement will become effective upon signature by both parties and will continue in effect for as long as the new Highway Department camp facility occupies the new camp location immediately outside the park boundary and there is no other suitable and/or mutually agreeable access route to the new camp site. The agreement will not be terminated by either party without at least 60 days advance notice and without mutual agreement on an alternate access route and/or utility services to the new camp, unless the Highway Department and Service should mutually decide to close or move both its facilities, residential area, or camp to another location in the future, in which case they would be free to do so and the agreement would terminate without obligation. At present, it is agreed that the access route described in the following sections of this document is the only feasible route to the new maintenance camp facility. THEREFORE, in order to accomplish the desired objectives and purposes of this agreement, the parties hereto in consideration of the considerations, benefits, promises, and convenants contained herein mutually agree as follows: THE SERVICE AGREES:
FURTHERMORE, in order to accomplish the purposes and objectives of this agreement, THE SERVICE AND HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT MUTUALLY AGREE TO THE FOLLOWING:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the National Park Service and the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation cause this Cooperative Agreement to be executed as of the date last signed below.
EXHIBIT "A" page 1 "JOINT USE" All that certain twenty two (22) foot strip of land, being a portion of a National Park Service (NPS) Entrance Road, and a National Park Service (NPS) Access Road to a Maintenance Camp, lying in Sections 44 and 45, Block 64, Township 1, Texas and Pacific Railway Co. Survey, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Culberson County, Texas, said strip of land being eleven (11) feet on either side of the following described centerline:
EXHIBIT "A" page 2 "EXCLUSIVE USE BY THE STATE OF TEXAS" All that certain fifty (50) foot strip of land, being a continuation from the terminus of a National Park Service Maintenance Road to the South Boundary of Guadalupe Mountains National Park, lying and being in Sections 44 and 45, Block 64, Township 1, Texas and Pacific Railway Co. Survey, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Culberson County, Texas, said strip of land being twenty five (25) feet on either side of the following described centerline:
INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT between the GUADALUPE MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK and the LINCOLN NATIONAL FOREST The purpose of this interagency agreement is to provide joint cooperation in the management of North McKittrick Canyon.This agreement in no way waives existing laws, regulations, or policies, nor does it obligate money. This interagency agreement is entered into by the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, hereafter referred to as the Park Service, under the authority of 16 U.S.C. 1 (1976) and by the U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, hereinafter referred to as the Forest Service, under the authority of the Organic Act of June 4, 1897 (7 U.S.C. 2201). The area referred to in this document is defined as that portion of North McKittrick Canyon within the boundaries of the Guadalupe Mountains National Park as shown on USGS topographic map titled "Guadalupe Peak Quadrangle". and that portion of North McKittrick on USGS topographic map titled "El Paso Gap Quadrangle". It includes the main canyon and its tributaries from the canyon bottom to the hydrographic divide. The Park Service has jurisdiction over the lover portion of the North McKittrick Canyon drainage in the Guadalupe Mountains National Park. The Forest Service has jurisdiction over the upper reaches of the canyon. including approximately one-half mile of exceptionally attractive perennial water near the Forest boundary on the Guadalupe District of the Lincoln National Forest. The canyon contains geographically unique floral and faunal species as well as significant archeological sites which may be irreparablely damaged by inappropriate use. NOW THEREFORE, in view of the above conditions, the agencies hereto agree as follows: A. It is mutually agreed between the two agencies that:
B. The Park Service will establish the following management direction over the National Park portion of North McKittrick Canyon:
C. The Forest Service will establish the following management direction on the National Forest portion of North McKittrick Canyon:
This interagency agreement will become effective upon approval by both agencies. The agreement may be amended in writing at any time by joint agreement of the Superintendent of the Guadalupe Mountains National Park and the Supervisor of the Lincoln National Forest. This agreement may be terminated by the Superintendent of Guadalupe Mountains National Park or by the Forest Supervisor of Lincoln National Forest, or their designated representative, after sixty (60) days written notice. In Witness Thereof, the agencies hereto have executed this agreement as of the last date written below:
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum made and executed this 1st day of January, 1987, by and between the Culberson County Hospital District, (hereinafter referred to as Hospital) and the Guadalupe Mountains National Park (hereinafter referred to as Park). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, Hospital possesses an ambulance made available to it under a grant by the State of Texas for emergency medical services; and WHEREAS, Hospital desires to make the aforesaid ambulance available for service to residents of, and visitors to, the remote and isolated sections of northern Culberson County; and WHEREAS, Park has the trained personnel to operate the aforesaid ambulance and the facilities to properly service the aforesaid ambulance; and WHEREAS, under the Act of August 8, 1953 (67 Stat. 495) the National Park Service is authorized to provide emergency rescue, firefighting and other cooperative assistance to nearby law enforcement and fire prevention agencies; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants, terms and conditions herein contained, it is hereby agreed by and between parties hereto as follows: 1. Hospital shall provide to Park an ambulance which meets the standards of 25 TAC 157.61 157.73. 2. Park, shall, during the duration of this agreement, provide ambulance services for service to any person needing said service and requesting same. In providing said service, Park shall provide said service in a manner consistent with all applicable state laws and regulations. 3. Park agrees to provide qualified drivers and medical attendants trained in emergency medical services and so certified under all applicable laws and standards of the State of Texas. Said medical attendants and drivers shall be provided as necessary or required. 4. Hospital hereby agrees to establish, bill and collect standard ambulance rates for services provided by the aforestated ambulance service, except that Park personnel and their immediate families shall not be billed by Hospital for services rendered to them. 5. Hospital shall retain fifteen percent (15%) of the gross of collections for payment of administrative coats; the remainder of the collections shall be placed in a fund for the replacement and maintenance of the ambulance. 6. Park and Hospital will keep and maintain such records and on such forms as necessary for a period of three (3) years after services are performed. Copies of these records shall be provided to either party upon request. 7. Park shall maintain and keep in good repair the aforesaid ambulance by performing those duties and obligations which by customary usage and language are defined as preventive maintenance. Hospital will be responsible for the cost of any major repair work which may be necessary to keep the aforestated ambulance operational. 8. Park shall initially equip the aforestated ambulance with park-owned ambulance equipment and supplies on hand. Park and Hospital, jointly, shall thereafter share in equipping and stocking said ambulance to meet standards required by law, Park shall be responsible for routinely keeping said ambulance stocked with necessary supplies and first mid equipment required for adequate service and operation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may provide equipment and/or supplies as they are available. 9. This Memorandum of Understanding is to take effect on January 1, 1987, and is to continue in force for the term of three (3) years, subject to the right of either party to terminate this agreement on one hundred twenty (120) days written notice by registered mail, or personal delivery of written notice, to the other party. This Memorandum will be reviewed by both parties prior to expiration and amended as appropriate. 10. It is understood by the parties that this Memorandum of Understanding is conditioned upon the availability of either party of funds appropriated to comply with the terms of said agreement. Should necessary funding become unavailable, each party agrees to notify the other, as appropriate, of such fact by written notice by registered mail, or personal delivery of said written notice. Such notice shall immediately operate to terminate the agreement without the necessity of further notice, or compliance with the terms of paragraph nine (9) of this contract. 11. This instrument contains the entire agreement between the parties, and no statement, promises, or inducements made by either party or agent of either party that is net contained in this written document shall be valid or binding; and this Memorandum may not be enlarged, modified, or altered except in writing signed by the parties and endorsed hereon. 12. Neither members of, nor delegates to, Congress or Resident Commissioners shall be admitted to any share or part of this permit or device, either directly or indirectly, any perculiary benefit to arise therefrom; provided however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to extend to any incorporated company, if the agreement be for the benefit of such corporation. 13. During the performance of this agreement, the participants agree to abide by the terms of Executive Order 11246 on non-discrimination and will not discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The participants will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or origin. Culberson County Hospital District Guadalupe Mountains National Park
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