Guadalupe Mountains
An Administrative History
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Appendix D:

U.S. Department of the Interior header

March 17, 1988

A90 (GUMO)
Resource Management and Visitor Protection - 1
Contact: Resource Management Specialist
Interim (3/88)


Collecting Permit Procedures

Collecting Permit Guidelines and Regulations
Guadalupe Mountains National Park
Life Forms - Rocks - Minerals
Archaeological and Paleontological Remains
Code of Federal Regulations: Title 36, Paragraph 2.5


A. Collecting Permits are issued only to official representatives of:

  1. Reputable scientific or educational institutions
  2. State or Federal agencies

. . . for the purpose of:

  1. research intended for the advancement of scientific knowledge of park resources, features, processes and life forms.
  2. documentation of research or management activities
  3. baseline inventories
  4. monitoring
  5. avoiding unnecessary duplication in future efforts
  6. impact analysis
  7. interpretive and/or resource management programs
  8. museum displays
  9. facilitating acquisition of final reports
  10. group study
  11. providing a vehicle for imposition of other management constraints on the conduct of activities

B. In park areas where enabling legislation does not expressively prohibit the collecting of plants, fish, wildlife, rocks, minerals, and archaeological/paleontological remains, permits may be issued when, at his/her discretion the Superintendent determines:

  1. collections will not result in derogation of values purposes, and resources for which the park was established;

  2. collections have potential for conserving and perpetuating a species and/or those values, purposes and resources;

  3. collection will not result in damage to other natural or cultural resources nor adversely affect environmental or scenic values;

  4. specimens are not available outside of the park area;

  5. all applicable Federal and State permits have been acquired;

  6. collection is necessary to stated scientific or resource management goals of the institution or agency;

  7. intended use of specimens and final disposal is in accordance with applicable law and Federal administrative policies;

  8. the application is accompanied/supported by an acceptable, written proposal, scope of work or other document describing the purpose and extent of anticipated collections;

  9. the application is supported by an approved resource management plan, interpretive plan, General Management Plan, or other written authorization from the superintendent;

  10. permits for collection of specimens for group study or museum display purposes meet a further test of being crucial to the institution's goals.

C. Special Collection Permit Conditions:

  1. Findings/Results - A minimum of two copies of reports or publications resulting from research specimen collection permits shall be filed with the Superintendent within one year of project completion.

  2. Data/Field Notes - Researchers will be required to provide appropriate collection data (including University or Agency accession and catalog numbers) to facilitate the cataloging of specimens (researchers may also be required to complete all or portions of the NPS National Catalog cards). If the researcher is required to complete the National Catalog Cards (with catalog numbers), the cards and appropriate instructions will be provided by the park's curator. Field notes or copies thereof may be required of each researcher. The requirement level (e.g. for all or portions of the field notes) will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

  3. Museum Labels - Specimens placed in displays or collections will bear official National Park Service museum labels bearing a Guadalupe Mountains National Park accession/catalog number (accession/catalog number will be assigned to each collector by the park curator prior to initiation of collecting). If NPS museum labels are not available at the start of the collection period, the NPS will provide labels during the project or require the use of spas other type of labels which must be approved by the curator.

  4. Repositories - The park will generally approve the disposition of specimens to appropriate repositories. All specimens, however, remain the property of the park and will be placed in the repository "on loan" from the park. The park will require, on a case-by-case basis that all, some or none of the specimens be returned to the park.

  5. Curatorial Supplies - Curatorial supplies must be supplied by the researcher. Specimens which are to be returned to the park for inclusion in park collections must be prepared in accordance with NPS standards (e.g. relative to containers and methods of preservation). In some cases, if the preparation of specimens for park collection is significantly different than that used by the researcher, and imposition of park standards would constitute a burden on the researcher, the park may furnish curatorial supplies for the specimens which are to be returned to the park.

  6. Public Information - Specimens and any data derived from consumed specimens, will be made available to the public.

  7. Additional Stipulations - Any additional conditions as stipulated by the Superintendent to ensure protection of other resources and values and to insure proper management of the park. . . .may be attached to or associated with a collecting permit.

SCOPE: The following statements are beneficial to and should be understood by all collecting permit applicants.

Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 2.5, specifies that the enabling legislation for a park or monument determines whether or not scientific collections may be permitted in that area and the conditions under which a permit may be obtained. Since the Presidential Proclamations and Acts of Congress establishing Guadalupe Mountains National Park neither authorize nor prohibit the taking or manipulation of any life forms, rocks, minerals, or archaeological/paleontological remains,... collection for scientific, management and interpretive purposes may be allowed if the Superintendent, in a written, case-by-case determination, finds such collection is consistent with the constraints noted above. All collections and/or manipulations of any life form, rocks, minerals and/or archaeological or paleontological remains must have m collecting permit and will be governed by the provisions of that collecting permit.

****** Violation of the terms and conditions of a park permit issued in accordance with Federal regulations is prohibited and will result in suspension or revocation of a permit.

D. Endangered Species - Any permit to collect an endangered or threatened species:

  1. must be in accordance with the Endangered Species Act and approved Recovery Plan for the species;

  2. cannot be issued when specimens are available outside the park;

  3. must be for the express purpose of and crucial to enhancing protection/management of the species;

  4. must be approved by the Regional Director of the Region in which the park is located.

  5. will be legal only if used in conjunction with an equally valid U.S. Fish and Wildlife permit issued by the Regional U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service office for the particular species involved.

K. Protocol for Issuance of Collecting Permits.: The following protocol will be observed for issuing collecting permits in Guadalupe Mountains National Park:

  1. All applications for collection of life forms, rocks, minerals, and/or archaeological/paleontological remains and the like will first receive an independent review by the Resource Management Specialist.

  2. The Resource Management Specialist will prepare a written evaluation form for the Superintendent, recommending approval or denial of the application.

  3. All Collecting Permits must be signed by the Superintendent or his/her designee for approval.

  4. Copies of all approved Collecting Permits (or applications thereof) will be retained in general files. Copies of Collecting Permits which will result in additions to the park's collections will be provided to the park's curator for inclusion in the accession files.

Karen P. Wade

Appendix A


1. Name(s), address(es), telephone #(s), of investigator(s):

2. Affiliation of investigator(s):



Telephone # (include area code):

3. Title of proposed study, research, or project

4. Source of funding:

5. Starting date:

6. Length of study or research (include period (a) you will be in the park as well as approximate date of study or research conclusion):

7. Explain why it is necessary to conduct your research and/or collecting within the park rather than in an area outside park boundaries:

8. What will your research accomplish for Guadalupe Mountains National Park?

9. Describe or explain in detail your purpose, objectives, and the extent and /or scope of your study or research (as an alternative, attach an ADEQUATE proposal and any other supporting document (a) if available).

10. If you intend to collect any specimens, provide detailed information pertaining to the items below:

a. exact type of specimens:

b. number or amount of specimens:

c. collecting methods/techniques:

d. preparation/preservation methods/techniques:

e. disposition of specimens:

11. An Annual Investigators Report is required and due Dec. 31 of each year of your study/research project. Your signature on this questionnaire signifies that you agree to provide this official report.

12. Are you willing to provide at least two copies of all reports or publications resulting from your research to the Superintendent of Guadalupe Mountains National Park?:

13. Please enclose a professional resume of all investigators involved with research, study or project.

14. Please identify any assistance you will require from park staff.

15. Signature of investigator:


Appendix B


NOTE: Correct answers ace underlined. If, after review and consideration of any application, an answer is opposite of that indicated as correct, permit should be denied or application re evaluated.

1. Permittee is member in good standing of reputable scientific/educational institution. or state/federal agency? (36 CFR 2.5b)YES NO
2. Collecting necessary to stated scientific/resource management goals of requesting institution/agency?YES NO
3. Permit in question is to be issued tor the express purpose of one or more of the following:
     a. research intended for the advancement of scientific knowledge of park resources, features, processes and/or lifeforms;
     b. documentation of research or management activities;YES NO
     c. baseline inventories;YES NO
     d. monitoring;YES NO
     e. impact analysis;YES NO
     f. interpretive and/or resource management programsYES NO
     g. avoiding unnecessary duplication in future efforts;YES NO
     h. museum displays;YES NO
     i. facilitating acquisition of final reports;YES NO
     j. group study;YES NO
     k. providing a vehicle for imposition of other management constraints on the conduct of activities.YES NO
4. Collecting will result in derogation of values, purposes, and resources for which the park was established? (36 CFR 2.5e)YES NO
5. Collecting/manipulation has real potential for conserving and perpetuating a species and/or those values, purposes and resources.YES NO
6. Collecting will result in adverse impacts upon environmental or scenic values of the park?YES NO
7. Collecting will result in damage to other park resources? (36 CFR 2.5b)YES NO
8. collecting will benefit science or improve management and protection of park resources? (36 CFR 2.5d)YES NO
9. Will research needlessly duplicate previous studies? YES NO
10. Application is accompanied and supported by an approved/acceptable, written proposal, scope of work, resource management plan, interpretive plan. General Management Plan, or other document describing the purpose and extent of anticipated collections (or application has been authorized and/or approved in writing by the Superintendent). (36 CFR 2.5e)YES NO
11. Intended use of specimen(s) and final disposition is in accordance with applicable law and policy. Applicant understands that all specimens remain the property of the park and will be placed in an approved repository - "on loan only" - from Guadalupe Mountains National Park.YES NO
12. Is researcher willing to provide copies of collection data, field notes or information pertaining to current progress of research at any time upon official request?YES NO
13. Is researcher willing to complete National Catalog Cards and register catalog numbers in the National Park Service Catalog System? (36 CFR 2.5 (1))YES NO
14. Permit applicant agrees that specimens placed in displays or collections will bear official National Park Service museum labels hearing Guadalupe Mountains National Park accession numbers.YES NO
15. Permit applicant understands that curatorial supplies must be provided by the researcher and that specimens which are to be returned to the park for inclusion in park collections must be prepared in accordance with National Park Service standards (e.g. relative to containers and methods of preservation 'etc.').YES NO
16. A minimum of (2) copies of reports and publications resulting from specimen collection, in whole or part, will be provided to the park within one year of project completion? (36 CFR 2.5g (2. Applicant agrees to provide an Annual Investigator's Report for each year of the proposed study/research project.YES NO
17. Specimens and data derived from consumed specimens will be available to the public.? (36 CFR 2.5 (2)YES NO
18. If the requested specimen is a threatened or endang ered species, the following must be addressed:
a. Is applicant's request approved by the Regional Director of the region in which the park is located?YES NO
b. Have all applicable federal/state permits been acquired? (36 CFR 2.5 b)YES NO
c. Is the express purpose of collecting crucial to and will it enhance protection and management of the species?YES NO
d. Is the proposed collecting or manipulation of the species in accordance with the Endangered Species Act and approved Recovery Plan for the species involved?YES NO
e. Are specimens available outside of Guadalupe Mountains National Park?YES NO
19. Applicant agrees to exercise discretion and collect out of view of general public.YES NO
20. Applicant understands that violation of the terms and conditions of any park permit issued in accordance with Federal regulations is prohibited. will result in suspension or revocation of that permit and rejection of any future applications?YES NO
21. Applicant understands that he/she must consult with the Superintendent, Resource Management Specialist or Chief Ranger before beginning research/collecting in the park.YES NO

Approved _____________ Disapproved Date _______________ Date _____________

By: __________________________
Resource Management Specialist

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Last Updated: 05-May-2001