Highways in Harmony
Highways in Harmony introduction
Blue Ridge Parkway
Chickamauga and Chattanooga
Colonial Parkway
Generals Highway
George Washington Memorial Parkway
Great Smoky Mountains
Mount Rainier
Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway
Shenandoah's Skyline Drive
Southwest Circle Tour

Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park Tour Roads
Georgia and Tennessee


The park tour roads allow visitors to experience the battlefield through a sequence of stops designed to interpret the events that occurred during the battle. The commemorative landscape is presented through a variety of view types.

Open Views — Present open battlefield vistas diagram of landscape views
Focal Views — Focuses attraction to a point of interest diagram of landscape views
Framed Views — Frame particular sites or monuments diagram of landscape views
Filtered Views — Pierce the forest to reveal markers diagram of landscape views
Closed Views — Are created by dense forest areas diagram of landscape views
(Anna Sniegucka, HAER)

Landscape Elements
The National Military Park is a system of layered features that work together to present the battle and its commemoration. (Drawn by Nancy Hamburger, HAER)

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| Introduction | Acadia | Blue Ridge Parkway | Chickamauga and Chattanooga | Colonial Parkway | Generals Highway | George Washington Memorial Parkway | Great Smoky Mountains | Mount Rainier | Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway | Shenandoah's Skyline Drive | Southwest Circle Tour | Vicksburg | Yellowstone | Yosemite |

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