1761 |
George Washington inherits Mount Vernon |
1790 |
Congress establishes District of Columbia |
1799 |
Washington dies and is buried at Mount Vernon |
1858 |
Mount Vernon Ladies' Association purchases estate. Roads in poor
condition. Most tourists travel by steamboat. |
1888 |
Mount Vernon Avenue Association formed to promote national road to Mount Vernon |
1890 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers conducts survey for national road to Mount Vernon |
1892 |
Electric railway constructed between Alexandria and Mount Vernon; extended to
Washington in 1896 |
1901 |
Senate Park Commission endorses national road to Mount Vernon |
1904 |
First automobile tourists arrive at Mount Vernon. |
1920s |
American automobile ownership rises from 8,000 in 1900 to
8 million in 1920 and 22 million in 1930 |
1928 |
Congress authorizes memorial boulevard between Washington and Mount
Vernon |
1929 |
Mount Vernon Memorial Highway construction begins |
1932 |
Mount Vernon Memorial Highway completed |
1940 |
Parkway relocated for construction of National Airport |
1970s |
Mount Vernon multi-use trail constructed |