75,000 or so Years Ago |  |
Mount Rainier reaches maximum height |
1792 |
Captain George Vancouver of the British Royal Navy "discovers"
mountain and names it for friend, Admiral Peter Rainier |
1860s |
Citizens of Pierce County survey road and railway routes over Cowlitz
Pass near park's present southeast corner; never built |
1870 |  |
Hazard Stevens and P.B. Van Trump make first documented ascent of Mount
Rainier |
1890 |
Longmire family and Native American helpers construct first road into
area |
1899 |  |
Mount Rainier National Park established by act of Congress |
1903 |  |
First funds appropriated for park road; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
placed in charge |
1903-04 |
Eugene Ricksecker directs road survey from Nisqually Entrance to
Paradise Valley; construction begins |
1904 |
Tacoma Eastern Railway reaches Ashford near west boundary; visitation up
significantly; stages begin daily service to Longmire in 1906 |
1911 |  |
President Taft's car, one of first to reach Paradise Valley; partly
pulled by mules |
1914 |
Women allowed to drive on park roads |
1915 |  |
"Road to Paradise" completed; first road in America to reach a glacier |
1916 |  |
National Park Service established |
1921 |  |
Carbon River Road constructed |
1925 |
National Park Service and Bureau of Public Roads sign agreement; BPR
assumes construction of all national park roads. Three-year park road
program begins with reconstruction of Nisqually Road; surveys for West
Side, East Side and White River roads |
1931 |  |
White River Road completed; opening of Sunrise development in Yakima Park |
1932 |
Mather Memorial Parkway; first access to park from eastern Washington |
1933 |  |
Mowich Lake Road built, but does not open until 1955 |
1933-42 |
Civilian Conservation Corps, Emergency Conservation Works programs
improve park infrastructure |
1934 |
West Side Road completed as far as North Puyallup River; never
extended |
1940 |  |
East Side Highway completed |
1957 |  |
Stevens Canyon Highway links east and west sides of park; last major
road development |
1992 |
Mount Rainier roads and bridges documented by NPS Historic American
Engineering Record |
1999 |
Mount Rainier National Park Centennial |