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The actual date of the founding of the Oregon State Parks System is less than thirty years ago but the fundamental principles are much older, supported by a few of the leading park people of that time. They were an innovation as so little had been done by any state in the Union. The Oregon parks system owes its beginning to the thought of highway beautification advocated by many leaders of the state, including the Governors, the early State Highway Commissioners and Highway Engineers. The records reveal that the engineers of the "twenties" sought out areas, made favorable recommendations for park acquisitions and were generous with their time and ideas. In this I should mention Roy A. Klein, State Highway Engineer from April 1, 1923, to February 29, 1932, as a leader who pointed the way.

The state parks system in Oregon is the result of broadening the thought of highway beautification, coupled with the travel habits of many highway users who had an innermost desire to camp out and users who could not well afford the luxury of hotel accommodations.

In the park story we find a history of the thinking and writings of the many influential people of the state. Therefore, to make the story complete, it is necessary to quote generously from sources illustrating a thought or trend in the ideas relating to parks. It is necessary to include the thought of highway beautification in the early period so the reader may see and follow the transition from service parks or waysides to the present state parks system.

In the preparation of this story thousands of items and records have been examined. It was necessary to omit the detailed information relating to property acquisitions, requirements, exceptions and conditions in deeds and agreements, as these items can easily be found in the files and records of the Parks Division and the Highway Commission.

Excellent information has been given and assistance rendered by the State Parks and Recreation Division, the Road Division, the Highway Public Relations Office, Assistant Engineer, Parks Superintendent and many others.

Chester H. Armstrong


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Last Updated: 06-Aug-2008