Managing the Sacred and the Secular
An Administrative History of Pipestone National Monument
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Nicollet inscription
The Nicollet inscription, Pipetone National Monument. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

Winnewissa Falls
Winnewissa Falls in 1879. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

Three Maidens boulder group
The Three Maidens boulder group, looking east. Photograph dated 1939. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

visitor's center
The early visitor's center at Pipestone National Monument. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

visitor's center
The old visitor's center, looking northwest. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

Taylor, Derby, Bryan
Ephraim Taylor, Harvey Derby and George Bryan (?) in the early quarry exhibit. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

George and Clara Bryan
George and Clara Bryan quarrying at Pipestone National Monument. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

Seasonal Ranger Truax
Seasonal Ranger Truax with visitors from the Minnesota Historical Tour at the Nicollet Marker, September 24, 1950. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

dedication ceremony
The dedication ceremony for the new Visitor's Center at Pipestone National Monument in 1958. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Visitor's Center
The ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Visitor's Center. From left, Park Superintendent Paul Webb; Bea Burns, Sen. Edward Thye (R-Minn.); NPS Director Conrad L. Wirth; Minn. Lt. Gov. Karl Rolvaag; U.S. Rep. H. Carl Anderson (R-Minn.); and Dr. Walter G. Benjamin. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

Visitor's Center
The front of the Visitor's Center at Pipestone National Monument. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

dedication ceremony
At the dedication ceremony, from left: former Superintendent Harvey Reynolds; Superintendent Paul Webb; former Superintendent Lyle K. Linch; and NPS Director Conrad Wirth. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

Museum displays
Museum displays along the east wall of the Visitor's Center at Pipestone. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

Museum displays
Museum displays along the west wall. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

Map of Pipestone National Monument (Pre-Mission 66).

Map of Pipestone National Monument (1992).

museum display
One of the museum displays: "The White Man Comes." (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

An Indian powwow held at Pipestone National Monument in 1978. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

Ephraim Taylor
Ephraim Taylor at Pipestone National Monument. (Photo courtsey National Park Service)

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Last Updated: 21-Aug-2004