Managing the Sacred and the Secular
An Administrative History of Pipestone National Monument
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Executive Summary

Chapter I: The Coteau Setting

Chapter II: Clearing Federal Title 1858-1928

Chapter III: Founding Pipestone National Monument

Chapter IV: "This National Park Service Outpost" 1938-1956

Chapter V: MISSION 66 and the Modern Era

Chapter VI: "An Indian-Oriented Park:" Native Americans and the Monument

Chapter VII: Cultural and Natural Resources Management

Chapter VIII: The Park and Its Neighbors: The Hiawatha Club

Chapter IX: Threats to the Park


Bibliographic Essay

Appendix A: Important Events in the History of Pipestone National Monument

Appendix B: Custodians and Superintendents and Their Tenure

Appendix C: Visitation (1948-1991)

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Last Updated: 21-Aug-2004