Appendix A: Background Information on the Establishment and Organization of the CCC Glossary of Terms for ECW (CCC) Organization Chart Director. Duties as defined in the Act of March 31, 1933, and Executive Orders issued thereafter. Advisory council. Representatives from the Department of War, Department of Agriculture, Department of the Interior, and Department of Labor. Fiscal agent. Chief of Finance, Receives, allocates, expends, and accounts for all funds of Emergency Conservation Work under the direction of the Director. Assistant directors (4): Special assistant. Advises the Director on procurement of supplies and equipment needed by all the operating agencies. Executive assistant. Charged with the responsibility of enforcing rules and regulations issued by the Director governing all activities of cooperating agencies. Represents the Director during his absence. Administrative assistant. Charged with the management and control of activities authorized by the Director carried on by all cooperating agencies. Signs, approves, and acts upon matters referred to him. Special counsel. Legal advisor and opinions. Director of publicity. Charged with the responsibility of the collection, preparation, and dissemination of information and statistical data of public interest concerning the enrolled personnel, the work, and other activities of the Civilian Conservation Corps. Chief clerk. Procurement Officer. Custodian of supplies and property; supervision of office organization and personnel, records, reports; obligations and estimates of funds for Director's Office; pay roll; vouchers; transportation requests; routine correspondence; and general supervision of Mail and Files Section. Special assistant. In charge of investigations and reports on operations of rules and regulations relating to CCC camp activities; promotion of safety with respect to lives and health of enrollees; special correspondence. Statistician. Verifies and compiles statistical data submitted by all cooperating agencies engaged on CCC work; edits and has immediate supervision of the Director's reports to the President. Information division. Prepares and distributes information on all CCC activities. Coordinates CCC work in all cooperating agencies. Mail and files. Receives and distributes mail, files correspondence, miscellaneous papers and reports; supervision of messengers. Investigations and correspondence division. Prepares plans for inspection of CCC camps; receives inspector's reports; prepares correspondence thereon; general office correspondence. Safety engineer. Has charge of safety program conducted through committees in CCC camps; sets up rules and regulations for approval by the Director.
Department of War. Acceptance of applicants for enrollment, their enrollment, physical conditioning, and transportation. The construction, command, administration, discipline, supply, sanitation, medical care, hospitalization, education, recreation, and welfare of work camps. Demobilization. Department of Agriculture. Plans and executes work projects on National Forests, including Alaska and Puerto Rico, Oregon and California Wagon Road revested grant lands, wildlife refuges, and other departmental areas; conducts research incident to ECW operations in forestry and control of tree diseases and tree-destroying insects; executes camp projects for Navy on naval reservations and for TVA; supervises planning and execution of forestry and erosion control work projects on state and private lands; and purchases National Forest lands. Department of the Interior. Charged with technical administrative supervision of Emergency Conservation Work on lands under its jurisdiction; also in State, county, and metropolitan parks; and erosion control work on private lands under the Soil Erosion Service. Department of Labor. Selection and certification of all men to be enrolled in the ranks of the Civilian Conservation Corps (not including the Veterans' contingent and the Indians in the camps on Indian reservations). Veterans' Administration. Selection and certification of war veterans for enrollment in the Civilian Conservation Corps camps. First 50 CCC camps in the Eastern National Forest Regions
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