LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, SIR: In view of the continued demand for this bulletin, I have the honor to recommend a reprint of 10,000 copies, under the same title, viz, Bulletin No. 24, A Primer of Forestry, Part I. The original edition of September 22, 1899, was 10,000 copies, and a second edition of 35,000 copies was authorized by Congress April 18, 1900, and was published October 24, 1900. The present part ("The Forest") deals with the units which compose the forest, with its character as an organic whole, and with its enemies. It may be said to sketch the foundation of the practice of forestry and of forest policy. Part II will be entitled "Practical Forestry," and will deal with the practice of forestry, with work in the woods, with the relations of the forest to the weather and the streams, and will conclude with a brief description of forestry at home and abroad. For many of the illustrations of Part I, I am indebted to the kindness of several gentlemen not connected with this Bureau. Their names and the plates and figures which I owe to their courtesy are as follows: The Director of the U. S. Geological Survey, figs. 65, 66, and 74; Mr. George W. Vanderbilt, of Biltmore, N.C., figs. 8, 54, 58, the frontispiece, and Pl. XXIII; Forstmeister U. Meister, of Zurich, Switzerland, fig. 41 and P1. XL; the inspector-general of forests to the government of India, Pls. IV and XII; Mr. A. R. Moore, of Millville, Cal., Pls. V, XIII, and XLII; Mr. U. F. Bender, of New York City, fig. 79; Mr. A. P. Low, of the geological survey of Canada; Pl. XI; Mr. A. G. Wallihan, of Lay, Colo., Pl. XIV. Three plates are from sources difficult to trace. The remainder of the plates and figures (except figs. 14 and 59, which are diagrams) are from photographs in my collection, which were taken, in about equal proportions, by Mr. Henry S. Graves, now Director of the Yale Forest School, and myself. Respectfully, GIFFORD PINCHOT, Hon. JAMES WILSON,