FOREWORD Gifford Pinchot once said, "The Forest Service is the best organization in the government because of the people in it." In my opinion, the outdoor-loving persons who choose their life work in the Forest Service and other conservation agencies are among the greatest. Perhaps this is because these devoted people are more interested in helping to wisely use and perpetuate our natural resources rather than to exploit them. These men and women employees of the Forest Service are loyal, dedicated, and hard-working persons. They work many hours of unpaid overtime to get the job done. They are unselfish, giving a great deal of their own time and effort to community activities, such as the Boy Scouts, Camp Fire Girls, 4-H, United Fund, Rotary, Lions, and other service organizations. The wives of these men are exceptional and fine women who do their part in community affairs. They know that housing and living conditions in the Forest Service are sometimes undesirable and in isolated places, but they cheerfully accept them. It has been very pleasant working for and with the great number of persons who have been on this forest. I have appreciated this lengthy opportunity to know and make friends with some very fine people, and thank them for their help and pleasant associations. One reason for this long opportunity was a letter I received from Mr. Shirley Buck of the Regional Office when I started to work in Lakeview. He said, "It is hoped you will stay a considerable length of time." I thought he meant it. I have greatly enjoyed meeting and serving the public. Because many of the files were destroyed, some of the information for this record has come from the memories of employees, former employees, and friends of the Forest Service. Discrepancies or omissions may be due to a lack of facts. Corrections of errors will be appreciated. The author sincerely thanks Fremont National Forest employees, ex-employees, wives of deceased employees, and others who generously contributed information, pictures, and other help for the preparation of this history. Melva M. Bach