FIRST OFFENSIVE: The Marine Campaign for Guadalcanal
by Henry I. Shaw, Jr.
The basic source work for this booklet is the first
volume in the series History of U.S. Marine Corps Operations in World
War II, Pearl Harbor to Guadalcanal, written by LtCol Frank O.
Hough, Maj Verle E. Ludwig, and Henry I. Shaw, Jr. (Washington:
Historical Branch, G-3 Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, 1958).
Other books used in writing this narrative were: BGen Samuel B. Griffith
II, The Battle for Guadalcanal (Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott,
1963); Gen Alexander A. Vandegrift as told to Robert B. Asprey, Once
a Marine: The Memoirs of General A. A. Vandegrift, USMC (New York:
W.W. Norton, 1964); Col Mitchell Paige, A Marine Named Mitch (New
York: Vantage Press, 1975); Burke Davis, Marine: The Life of Chesty
Puller (Boston: Little, Brown, 1962); George McMillan, The Old
Breed: A History of the 1st Marine Division in World War II
(Washington: Infantry Journal Press, 1949); and Richard W. Johnston,
Follow Me! The Story of the Second Marine Division in World War
II (New York: Random House, 1948).
The correspondence of General Vandegrift with General
Holcomb and other senior Marines, held at the Marine Corps Historical
Center, was helpful. Equally of value were conversations that the author
had had with General Vandegrift after his retirement. In the course of
his career as a Marine historian, the author has talked with other
Guadalcanal veterans of all ranks; hopefully, this has resulted in a
"feel" for the campaign, essential in writing such an overview.
The literature on the Guadalcanal operation is
extensive. In addition to the books cited above, there are several which
are personally recommended to the interested reader: Robert Leckie,
Helmet for My Pillow (New York: Random House, 1957); Herbert
Merillat, Guadalcanal Remembered (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1982);
John Miller, Jr., The United States Army in World War II: The War in
the Pacific; Guadalcanal, The First Offensive (Washington:
Historical Division, Department of the Army, 1949); T. Grady Gallant,
On Valor's Side (New York: Doubleday, 1963); Robert Sherrod,
History of Marine Corps Aviation in World War II (Washington:
Combat Forces Press, 1952); Maj John L. Zimmerman, The Guadalcanal
Campaign (Washington: Historical Division, Headquarters, U.S. Marine
Corps, 1949); RAdm Samuel E. Morison, The Struggle for
Guadalcanal: History of United States Naval Operations in World War
II, Vol V (Boston: Little, Brown, 1950); and a recent, comprehensive
account, Richard B. Frank, Guadalcanal (New York: Random House,
About the Author
Henry I. Shaw, Jr., former chief historian of the
History and Museums Division, was a Marine Corps historian from
1951-1990. He attended The Citadel, 1943-1944, and was graduated with a
bachelor of arts cum laude in history from Hope College, Holland,
Michigan. He received a master of arts degree from Columbia University.
Mr. Shaw served as a Marine in both World War II and the Korean War. He
is the co-author of four of the five volumes of the official history of
Marine Corps operations in World War II and was the senior editor of
most of the official histories of Marines in Vietnam. In addition, he
has written a number of brief Marine Corps histories. He has written
many articles on military history and has had more than 50 signed book
The author gratefully acknowledges the permission
granted by the Nautical and Aviation Publishing Company of America to
use the maps from BGen Samuel B. Griffith II's The Battle for
Guadalcanal and by Doubleday Books and Jack Coggins for use of the
sketches from his The Campaign for Guadalcanal. The author also
wishes to thank Richard J. Frank and Herbert C. Merillat for permission
to reproduce their photographs.

THIS PAMPHLET HISTORY, one in a series devoted
to U.S. Marines in the World War II era, is published for the education
and training of Marines by the History and Museums Division,
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, D.C., as a part of the U.S.
Department of Defense observance of the 50th anniversary of victory in
that war.
Editorial costs of preparing this pamphlet have been
defrayed in part by a bequest from the estate of Emilie H. Watts, in
memory of her late husband, Thomas M. Watts, who served as a Marine and
was the recipient of a Purple Heart.
Brigadier General Edwin H. Simmons, USMC (Ret)
Benis M. Frank
George C. MacGillivray
Robert E. Struder, Senior Editor; W. Stephen Hill, Visual
Information Specialist; Catherine A. Kerns, Composition Services
Technician, R.D. Payne, VolunteerWeb Edition, and Patrick Clancey,
FoundationWeb Edition.
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